- Nicholson-Bailey model
The Nicholson-Bailey model was developed in the 1930's to describe the population dynamics of a coupled host-parasite (or predator-prey) system. It is named after
Alexander John Nicholson andVictor Albert Bailey .The model uses difference equations to describe the population growth of host-parasite populations. The model assumes that parasites search for hosts at random, and that both parasites and hosts are assumed to be distributed in a non-contagious ("clumped") fashion in the environment.
In its original form, the model does not allow for stable host-parasite interactions. To add stability, the model has been extensively modified to add new elements of host and parasite biology. The model is closely related to the Lotka-Volterra model, which uses differential equations to describe stable host-parasite dynamics.
ee also
Lotka-Volterra inter-specific competition equations
*Population dynamics References
* J. L. Hopper, "Opportunities and Handicaps of Antipodean Scientists: A. J. Nicholson and V. A. Bailey on the Balance of Animal Populations," "Historical Records of Australian Science" 7(2), pp. 179 - 188, 1987. [http://www.publish.csiro.au/paper/HR9880720179.htm]
External Links
* [http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/research/biocontrol/theoriesmodels/nbmodel.html Nicholson-Bailey model]
* [http://www.tb.ethz.ch/education/model/nbmodel Spatial Nicholson-Bailey model]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.