SOKOL is a combat aircraft manufacturing facility that is also known as "Aviation plant 21", It is an aviation plant named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze.

List of production aircraft

*Polikarpov I-5 (1932..1934), I-16, (since 1934, 22 modifications)
*Lavochkin LaGG-3, La-5, La-7, La-15 (1948..1949)
*Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 (1949..1952), MiG-17 (1952..1954), MiG-19 (1955..1957), MiG-21 (since 1959), MiG-25 (1969..1985), MiG-31 (since 1979), MiG-29UB (since 1984), MiG-21-93, MiG-29UBT, MiG-31BM
*Yakovlev Yak-130 (development 1996, production 2004)
*Myasishchev M-101T Gzhel/Sokol
*"Akkord-201" amphibian aircraft
*"Sokol" sea cutter
*"Volga-2" WIG aircraft

External links

* [ SOKOL Aircraft Building Plant]

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