- Lehigh Valley AVA
Infobox Wine Region
name = Lehigh Valley AVA
caption =
official name =
other name =
type =American Viticultural Area
year = 2008 [http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr;sid=1bff23721f73118153a4957b609abb1f;rgn=div5;view=text;node=27%3A1.;idno=27;cc=ecfr#27: Code of Federal Regulations. "§ 9.120 Lehigh Valley."] Title 27: Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms; Part 9 — American Viticultural Areas; Subpart C — Approved American Viticultural Areas. Retrieved May 16, 2008.]
wine years =
country =USA
part of = Pennsylvania
similar =
sub regions =
season =
climate region =
heat units =
precipitation =
soil =
total size =
planted = convert|230|acre|ha|0Lauer-Williams, Kathy (2008). [http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08108/873927-34.stm "Lehigh Valley wineries earn recognition"] . "Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ". Apr. 17, 2008.]
vineyards =
grapes =
varietals =Cabernet Sauvignon ,Chambourcin ,Chardonnay ,Pinot Noir ,Riesling ,Vidal Blanc
wineries = 9Lehigh Valley Wine Trail (2008). [http://www.lehighvalleywinetrail.com/ "Pennsylvania's Fastest Growing Wine Region"] . Retrieved May 16, 2008.]
wine produced =
designation =
comments =The Lehigh Valley AVA is an
American Viticultural Area located in theLehigh Valley ofPennsylvania . The AVA includes portions of Lehigh, Northampton, Berks, Schuylkill, Carbon, and Monroe counties. The area includes the towns from Jim Thorpe to Easton, portions of the Schuylkill Valley and theBrodhead Creek watershed.The wine region includes convert|230|acre|ha|0 of
vineyard s, planted to several "Vitis vinifera " and French-American hybridgrape varieties. The climate of Lehigh Valley has been compared to the cooler climates of central or northern Europe, favoring the production of French-American hybrid grapes, especiallyChambourcin . 15 to 20 percent of the wine produced in Pennsylvania is made from grapes grown in the Lehigh Valley AVA.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.