

The Archangel Jophiel (Heb. יופיאל "Beauty of God") is also known as Iophiel, Iofiel, Jofiel, Yofiel ("Divine Beauty"), Youfiel and Zophiel ("My Rock is God").


In Jewish and Cabalistic lore

Jophiel was said to be the Angel who cast Adam and Eve out of Paradise

Jophiel is said in Jewish lore to be a companion to the Angel Metatron (a Prince of Divine Presence),[1] and is one of the chiefs of the choir of Cherubim.

If he is a Cherub or a Throne then he is also a "prince of heaven" found in Jewish law and is a caretaker of the seven heavens and the angelic choirs. Iofiel is listed as a prince of the Torah (Divine Law) and equal to Yefefiah. [1]

Jophiel and Zadkiel both assist Michael in battle. He may also be "the angel prince of the Torah who is credited with having taught Moses the cabalistic mystery. In Aramaic incantations he is considered to be a great archangel." He is included as an Archangel in several listings including that of the early medieval theologian pseudo-Dionysus.[2]

Paracelsus has cited him as the intelligence of Jupiter and is described as "a regent of Jupiter in Pisces and Sagittarius and a great prince who commands fifty three legions of angels" (Yofiel). He is ruler of Saturn, alternating with Zaphkiel.[3]

In Numbers 3:35, "chief of the house of the father of the families of Merari." A regent of zodiacal Libra who cures stupidity in humans, the prince regent of the Principalities, and one of the childbed amulet angels. He is also an angel of September.

Yofiel is listed as the Angel who taught Shem and Prince of the Torah and is chief of the Mazzikin order, Kafzefoni answers to him. In the book 'Angels in Art' he is cited as "Jophiel is preceptor angel to the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham and Japhet". Milton says he is "of cherubim the swiftest wing" (Paradise Lost VI, 535).

The Zohar lists him as a Great Angel Chief and has 53 legions of lesser ranks serving him and superintended the reading of the Torah at the Sabbath. The Kabala says he is the spirit of Jupiter when it is in the sign of Pisces and Sagittarius. He is listed as "an angel who is invoked when creating amulets" so is an 'Amulet Angel' and is invoked using "To Yofiel the king of the mazzikin Kafzefoni must submit".

There is also a N'Zuriel YHVH, YHVH ( י (yod) ה (heh) ו (vav) ה (heh) ) being the Tetragrammaton. He is described as "one of the eight angel princes of the Merkabah who are superior to all angels including Metatron."

Another possible name for Jophiel is Dina of the seventh heaven who was a Cabalistic guardian of the Torah (and wisdom itself). She taught 70 languages to souls at the dawn of creation, a guiding, teaching, inspirer of the pursuit of wisdom. She is listed as possibly being Yefefiah or Iofiel and seems to share many comparisons with him.[4]

In Christian lore

In Christian lore Jophiel is not named in the scriptures but some sources believe it was he who drove Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, which would make him the first Angel to appear in the Bible. If this is the case he would also be the Angel guarding the Tree of Life with a flaming sword to prevent humanity's return.[5]

In literature

Angels of Love and Light describes him as "He is the Archangel of Paradise and the Patron of Artists and Illumination. He teaches the outer consciousness the Power of Light within oneself. He is also described as the Yellow Ray of Wisdom, Illumination, and Constancy." and lists his Archeia as Christine. It also says

He Stirs feelings through Radiation of Illumination and into aspiration for spiritual things. He helps in absorbing information, studying for and passing tests, dissolution of ignorance, pride, and narrow-mindedness, and exposure of wrongdoing in governments and corporations. Jophiel helps in fighting pollution, cleaning up our planet and brings to mankind the gift of Beauty. He also provides inspiration for artistic and intellectual thought providing help with artistic projects and to see the beautiful things around us.

Zophiel is the subject of a poem by Maria Gowen Brooks.


  1. ^ a b Davidson, Gustav (1967), A Dictionary of Angels, Including The Fallen Angels, Entry: Iofiel, p. 150, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 66-19757
  2. ^ Davidson, Gustav (1967), A Dictionary of Angels, Including The Fallen Angels, Appendix, p. 338, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 66-19757
  3. ^ Barrett, Francis (1801), The Magus, Book II: The Cabala; Or The Secret Mysteries Of Ceremonial Magic, at Chapter IV - "Of Divine Emanations, and Ten Sephiroths, and Ten Most Sacred Names of God Which Rule Them, and The Interpretation of Them," pp. 36-37, at
  4. ^ Gaster, Moses (1893), "Hebrew Visions of Hell and Paradise," in the Journal of The Royal Asiatic Society, p. 579, at
  5. ^ Lawrence, Robert M. (1898), The Magic of the Horse-Shoe, With Other Folk-Lore Notes, Chapter III: The Number Seven at

Further reading

  • Fischer, Lynn (1996), Angels of Love and Light [with original paintings of the Seven Beloved Archangels and Their Archeiai by Marius Michael-George], Transformational Media Publications, South Yarmouth, MA
  • "Jophiel," Pearls of Wisdom, Volume 7 Number 43, 1994, The Summit Lighthouse, Copyright © 1997 Church Universal and Triumphant
  • "Seven Beloved Archangels Speak," 1954, The Bridge to Freedom

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