Norrlands nation

Norrlands nation

Norrland's Nation

Norrlands nation3.jpg

Latin name Natio Norlandica
Acronym N/A
Formation 1646
Inspektor Tore Frängsmyr
Members approx 7500
Address Västra Ågatan 14
753 11 Uppsala



Student Nations of
Uppsala University


  Stockholms |  Uplands |  Gästrike-Hälsinge |  Östgöta |  Västgöta |  Södermanlands-Nerikes |  Västmanlands-Dala |  Smålands |  Göteborgs |  Kalmar |  Värmlands |  Norrlands |  Gotlands

Norrlands nation is a student society and the largest of thirteen nations at Uppsala University. It mainly recruits its members from the province of Norrland, which is the northern-most part of Sweden. As of 2008, the nation has about 7,000 members.

The nation is religiously and politically unaffiliated and offers its members access to libraries, housing, scholarships and opportunities to participate in a wide range of sporting, cultural and entertainment activities.

Norrlands nation was formed in 1827 through a merger of some smaller nations with roots dating back to the mid 17th century.

The nation owns a building complex of 5,500 sqm by the Fyris River in central Uppsala, with the older part from 1889, the facade being designed by Swedish architect Isak Gustaf Clason.


External links

Inspektors of the Ångermanländska nation at Uppsala university
Ångermanländska nationens sigill.jpg
Johan Buskagrius 16671676 · Mattias Steuchius 16761683 · Petrus Holm 16831688 · Nils Wolf Stiernberg 16891694 · Johan Salenius 16951697 · Hemming Forelius 16971708 · Fabian Törner 17091731 · Anders Boberg 17321756 · Johan Gottschalk Wallerius 17561767 · Eric Hesselgren 17671779 · Per Niklas Christiernin 17791799 · Daniel Boëthius 17991800
Inspektors of the Västerbottniska nation at Uppsala university
Västerbottniska nationens sigill.jpg
Erik Benzelius d.ä. 16671687 · Hemming Forelius 16881708 · Fabian Törner 17081731 · Matthias Asp 17311763 · Johan Floderus 17631789 · Daniel Boëthius 17891800
Inspektors of the Bottniska nation at Uppsala university
Bottniska nationens sigill.jpg
Daniel Boëthius 18001811 · Nils Fredrik Biberg 18111827
Inspektors at the Medelpado-Jämtländska nation at Uppsala university
Medelpado- Jämtländska nationens sigill.jpg
Petrus Holm 16861688 · Andreas Giöding 16891704 · Johan Upmark 17051717 · Johannes Steuchius 17171723 · Eric Alstrin 17241732 · Georg Wallin 17331737 · Anders Celsius 17381744 · Petrus Ullén 17451747 · Daniel Solander 17481785 · Eric Michael Fant 17851816 · Johan Bredman 18161827
Inspektors of Norrlands nation at Uppsala university
Norrlands nations sigill 1830.jpg
Johan Bredman 18271840 · Jonas Sellén 18411851 · Carl Olof Delldén 18511854 · Christopher Jacob Boström 18541863 · Olof Glas 18631877 · Frans Wilhelm Häggström 18781887 · Einar Löfstedt 18871889 · Robert Sundelin 18891896 · Harald Hjärne 18961899 · Arvid Högbom 18991909 · Nils Edén 19091920 · Thore Engströmer 19211943 · Gunnar Blix 19431961 · Carl Martin Edsman 19611967 · Torgny Segerstedt 19671978 · Stig Strömholm 19782003 · Tore Frängsmyr 2003

Coordinates: 59°5126.11N 17°3815.83E / 59.8572528°N 17.6377306°E / 59.8572528; 17.6377306

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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