


He was the son of Gadareiks and the fifth generation since Berig settled with his people in Gothiscandza. When the Gothic nation had multiplied Filimer decided to move his people to Scythia where they defeated the Sarmatians. They then named their new territory "Oium", meaning "in the waterlands". This migration would have taken place c. 2030 years before Jordanes wrote his "Origin of the Goths". [citation|author=Jordanes|url= |title=Getica 313 |editor-last=Mierow]

The archaeological record shows that the population of the Gothic Wielbark culture (Poland) had indeed moved and settled in the Ukraine and mixed with the previous populations of the Zarubintsy culture, where they formed the Chernyakhov culture. This cultural movement is identified as the migration of the Goths from Gothiscandza to Oium, but not all scholars find the evidence compelling. [citation |author=Michael Kulikowski |title=Rome's Gothic Wars |pages=63,64 |id=ISBN 0521846331 |year=2007]

Jordanes (XXIV:121) also relates that Filimer expelled the völvas, who were called Aliorumnas (probably "Halju-runnos", meaning "hell-runners" or "runners to the realm of the dead", which refers to their shamanistic experiences during trance). These völvas were condemned to seek refuge far away and procreated the Huns.

The Danish scholar Christensen has suggested that the name Filimer was made up by Cassiodorus, [citation |author=Arne Søby Christensen|title= [ Cassiodorus, Jordanes, and the History of the Goths. Studies in a Migration Myth] |year=2002|id=ISBN 978-87-7289-710-3] a suggestion that was favourably received among historians. [citation |author=Alexander Callander Murray |title=Review of "Cassiodorus, Jordanes..."| journal=The International History Review |year=2004 |pages=805 |volume=XXV]


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