- Unsafe abortion
According to the
World Health Organization (WHO), an unsafe abortion is the termination of an unintended pregnancy either by persons lacking the necessary skills or in an environment lacking the minimal medical standards, or both.Unsafe abortion is a significant cause of
maternal mortality andmorbidity in the world. Approximately 95% of unsafe abortions take place in developing countries [Stanley K. Henshaw, Susheela Singh and Taylor Haas, The Incidence of Abortion Worldwide, Family Planning Perspectives 1999 http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/journals/25s3099.html#fn3a Retrived 25 September 2008] .Overview
Every year, 100 million induced abortions occur globally (IPAS); and according to the 2000 estimates (WHO), 19 million unsafe abortions take place each year. According to WHO, approximately 68,000 women die annually as a result of complications of unsafe abortion; and between two million and seven million women each year survive unsafe abortion but sustain long-term damage or disease (incomplete abortion, infection (sepsis), haemorrhage, and injury to the internal organs, such as puncturing or tearing of the uterus).(IPAS) According to WHO statistics, the risk rate for unsafe abortion is 1/270; according to other sources, unsafe abortion is responsible for one in eight maternal deaths. [ Nour NM. "An Introduction to Maternal Mortality". Reviews in Ob Gyn (2008) 1:77-81.]
In order to limit the number of deaths caused by unsafe abortion, WHO recommendations are priority for prevention of unplanned pregnancies, followed by improving the quality of abortion services and post-abortion care (when safe abortion services are not available, services to treat the complications of unsafe abortion can consume up to 50% of hospital resources).
A 2007 study published in the "
The Lancet " found that, although the global rate of abortion declined from 45.6 million in 1995 to 41.6 million in 2003, unsafe procedures still accounted for 48% of all abortions performed in 2003. It also concluded that, while the overall incidence of abortion in both developed and developing countries is approximately equal, unsafe abortion occurs more often in less-developed nations. [Sedgh, G., Henshaw, S., Singh, S., Åhman, E., & Shah, I.H. (2007). [http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS014067360761575X/fulltext Induced abortion: estimated rates and trends worldwide] . "The Lancet, 370 (9595)", 1338-1345. Retrieved October 31, 2007.]Pro-life critics contend that the results of The Lancet study are flawed, as there are no accurate statistics about abortion from countries without socialized medicine, particularly those in the developing world. [Mosher, Steven. (October 12, 2007). " [http://www.lifenews.com/int472.html Worldwide Illegal Abortion Study Relies on Bogus and Biased Statistics] ." "LifeNews.com". Retrieved October 31, 2007.] [Lyons, Stephanie. (October 19, 2007). " [http://media.www.dailyvidette.com/media/storage/paper420/news/2007/10/19/News/Study.Shows.Abortions.Just.As.Likely.To.Happen.In.Countries.Where.It.Is.Illegal-3042808.shtml Study shows abortions just as likely to happen in countries where it is illegal] ." "The Daily Vidette Online." Retrieved October 31, 2007.] In a 2005 report, the WHO itself states, “More than a third of the 204 countries or areas examined did not report the number of deaths by sex even once for the period 1995 to 2003. About half did not report deaths by cause, sex and age at least once in the same period. Moreover, from 1975 to 2003 there has been limited progress in the reporting of deaths and their causes.” [ [http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/products/indwm/ww2005_pub/English/WW2005_text_complete_BW.pdf The World’s Women 2005: Progress in Statistics] ]
Unsafe abortion primarily occurs where abortion is illegal, or where abortion is legal, but there is insufficient provision of medical services.
Incidence by continent
Source: Unsafe Abortion: Mortality and Risk Estimates of Death data from WHO press, Geneva, 1997
10,000 women a year die from unsafe abortions in
Nigeria .Incidences in the U.S. after 1973
In 2005, the
Detroit News reported that a 16-year-old boy beat his pregnant, under-age girlfriend with a bat at her request to abort a fetus. The young couple live in Michigan where parental consent is needed to receive an abortion. [ [http://www.detnews.com/2005/metro/0501/05/A01-50709.htm Detroit News: Boy faces felony in baseball bat abortion] ] [ [http://archive.boulderweekly.com/011305/uncensored.html Baseball Bat Abortion] Boulder Weekly] [ [http://www.prochoiceamerica.org/choice-action-center/in_your_state/who-decides/state-profiles/michigan.html?templateName=lawdetails&issueID=6&ssumID=2652 NARAL - Michigan] ] In Indiana, where there are also parental consent laws, a young woman by the name ofBecky Bell died from a back-alley abortion rather than discuss her pregnancy and wish for an abortion with her parents. [ [http://www.pacifica.org/programs/dn/030123.html Pacifica Radio] ] [ [http://www.plannedparenthood.org/issues-action/abortion/mandatory-parental-involvement/articles/remembering-becky-bell-6153.htm Planned Parenthood] ]Method
Methods of unsafe abortion include:
*Trying to break theamniotic sac inside thewomb with a sharp stick or wire (for example aclothes hanger ). This method can result in infection, and injury to internal organs (for example pulling out theintestines ), resulting in death.
*Pumping toxic mixtures, such aschilli peppers and chemicals likealum , into the body of the woman.cite news|title=Saving Nigerians from risky abortions|author=Andrew Walker|publisher=BBC News|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/7328830.stm|date=2008-04-07] This method can cause the woman to go in totoxic shock and die.Back-alley abortion
A back-alley abortion (Back-Yard Abortion in the
United Kingdom andAustralia ) is the commonslang term for an illegalabortion in the English-speaking world.The wire coat hanger method was a popularly known back alley abortion procedure, although they were not the norm. In fact, Mary Calderone, former medical director of
Planned Parenthood , said, in a 1960 printing of the "American Journal of Public Health":"Abortion is no longer a dangerous procedure. This applies not just to therapeutic abortions as performed in hospitals but also to so-called illegal abortions as done by physician. In 1957 there were only 260 deaths in the whole country attributed to abortions of any kind, second, and even more important, the conference [on abortion sponsored by Planned Parenthood] estimated that 90 percent of all illegal abortions are presently being done by physicians. Whatever trouble arises usually arises from self-induced abortions, which comprise approximately 8 percent, or with the very small percentage that go to some kind of non-medical abortionist. Abortion, whether therapeutic or illegal, is in the main no longer dangerous, because it is being done well by physicians."
Herbal abortions (when done illegally) can also be described as back-alley abortions because they are not induced in a medical facility.
The back-alley abortion phenomenon received public attention leading up to the legal proceedings of
Roe v. Wade , the 1973 United States Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion in America. Since then, it has become a central argument on the part of some prominent legal abortion advocates. The publication inMs. magazine of a photo ofGerri Santoro , who died of blood loss following a back-alley abortion, was used extensively to illustrate the dangers of illegal abortions.Bernard Nathanson , a pro-life doctor who, by his account, formerly performed thousands of abortions, has denounced statistics of women who allegedly died from back-alley abortions in the United States. He has asserted on numerous occasions that he and several other colleagues, who later became instrumental in abortion's legalization, had fabricated and disseminated many statistics about back-alley abortions for the purpose of leading the public to adhere to their justification for abortion. [ [http://www.aboutabortions.com/Confess.html Confession of an Ex-Abortionist] by Dr. Bernard Nathanson]References
ee also
Abortion debate
*Reproductive rights
*Self-induced abortion External links
*" [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/09/magazine/09abortion.html?ex=1302235200&en=d855d80018cd6c56&ei=5088&partner=rssuserland Pro-Life Nation] " by Jack Hitt,"New York Times",
9 April ,2006 . An article exploring the current situation in El Salvador.
* [http://www.ms4c.org/update/598bell.htm Becky Bell:A Mother's Story]
* [http://www.beliefnet.com/story/159/story_15974_1.html My Back Alley Abortion]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.