- L-759,633
IUPAC_name = (6aR,10aR)-1-methoxy-6,6,9-trimethyl-3-(2-methyloctan-2-yl)-6a,7,10,10a-tetrahydrobenzo [c] chromene
width= 240
PubChem= 5311215
C=26 | H=40 | O=2
molecular_weight = 384.593 g/mol
smiles = CC=3CC1c2c(cc(cc2OC)C(C)(C)CCCCCC)OC(C)(C)C1CC=3
metabolism =
excretion =
pregnancy_category =
legal_status =
routes_of_administration=L-759,633 is an
analgesic drug which is acannabinoid agonist . It is a fairly selective agonist for the CB2 receptor, with selectivity of 163x for CB2 over CB1. [Ross RA, Brockie HC, Stevenson LA, Murphy VL, Templeton F, Makriyannis A, Pertwee RG. Agonist-inverse agonist characterization at CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors of L759633, L759656, and AM630. "British Journal of Pharmacology". 1999 Feb;126(3):665-72. PMID 10188977]It produces some similar effects to other cannabinoid agonists such as
analgesia , but with little or nosedative orpsychoactive effects due to its weak CB1 activity, and a relatively strongantiinflammatory effect due to its strong activity at CB2. [Huffman JW. The search for selective ligands for the CB2 receptor. "Current Pharmaceutical Design". 2000 Sep;6(13):1323-37. PMID 10903395] [Huffman JW. CB2 receptor ligands. "Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry". 2005 Jul;5(7):641-9. PMID 16026310]References
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