- Hamid Ghodse
Hamid Ghodse (born 1938) has been President of the
International Narcotics Control Board in 1993, 1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005 and 2008 and a member of the board since 1992. [ [http://www.incb.org/incb/members_ghodse.html] ] He is Professor of Psychiatry and International Drug Policy at the St. George's Medical School,University of London , and the Director of the International Centre for Drug Policy at St George's, University of London [http://www.sgul.ac.uk/index.cfm?CE196219-F9F9-42C7-455B-99937EB8750DCAB35E63-88E4-4358-889C-043A012DF815] . During his tenure at the INCB, Ghodse has made many statements indicating his support for continuedcannabis prohibition, unless and untilWorld Health Organization research vindicates it as a legitimate medicine [ [http://www.incb.org/incb/press_release_2005-06-08_1.html] ] .References
* [http://www.incb.org/incb/press_release_2005-06-08_1.html INCB: US Supreme Court Decision on Cannabis Upholds International Law] , International Narcotics Control Board, June 8, 2005.
* [http://www.unis.unvienna.org/unis/pressrels/2004/unisnar844.html International Narcotics Control Board Elects Professor Hamid Ghodse of Iran as President] , May 18, 2004.
* [http://www.incb.org/incb/members_ghodse.html INCB biography of Hamid Ghodse]
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