- Philip O. Emafo
Philip O. Emafo, a Nigerian, is President of the
International Narcotics Control Board and a vocal critic of drug legalization. Prior to serving on the INCB, he was a pharmacist. Emafo was re-elected INCB President onMay 27 ,2003 .References
* [http://www.unis.unvienna.org/unis/pressrels/2004/unisnar844.html International Narcotics Control Board Elects Professor Hamid Ghodse of Iran as President] ,
May 18 2004 .
* [http://www.unis.unvienna.org/unis/pressrels/2003/nar799.html International Narcotics Control Board Re-elects Dr. Emafo of Nigeria as President] , UN Information Service,May 27 2003 .
* [http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/newsletter_2002-12-31_1_page004.html Interview with Dr. Philip O. Emafo] , The Update, Dec. 2002.
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