
Origin Belgium
Genres New Beat
Years active 19881991
Labels USA Import Music
Past members
Peter Renkens

Confettis was a Belgian New Beat band from the 1980s. Producers were Serge Ramaekers and Dominique Sas, sometimes credited as The Maxx (not the same as Maxx, a shorter-lived German project from mid-90s). On stage Confettis was fronted by singer Peter Renkens and female dancers Marleen, Tania, Hilde and Daniëlla. The band became one of the first to break through into mainstream music as a New Beat act. Their most successful period was 19881989 with international hits like "The Sound Of C" and "C In China". Other releases were "Keep Smiling", "C Countdown", "C Day Live" and "Circling Stars". One year after releasing their last single "PutM Up" in 1990, the Confettis withdrew from the spotlight.


"The Sound Of C"

The C in their first release "The Sound Of C" stands for the Belgian club Confettis in Brasschaat, near Antwerp. Serge Ramaekers and Dominique Sas were working on a marketing campaign to gain more publicity for the club. One of the barmen at Confettis (Peter Renkens) became the face of the marketing campaign, which included the single "The Sound Of C". To shoot a music video the band was dropped at the main shopping street in Antwerp De Meir and performed "The Sound Of C" in front of hundred citizens passing by. Due to the success of the first single, a live act was put together and Confettis traveled the world to promote their New Beat music. On stage singer Peter was always wearing a captain uniform. The dress code for New Beat was black & white clothes combined with childish accessories. In 1989 they released their only album "92Our First Album"

Trackling list "92Our First Album"

  1. C in China
  2. No
  3. C Countdown
  4. 92
  5. C Day Live
  6. The House of C
  7. Keep Smiling
  8. Basic Theme
  9. The sound of C (single version)
  10. C Sample Mix
  11. C in China (acid)
  12. Medley Mix


The Sound Of C
C In China
C Day
Keep Smiling
Circling Star
Put 'm Up (Your Hands)


  • After the split singer Peter Renkens became actor/dancer Mister X in Club X (Wuustwezel). After a while he had to deal with mental problems. Nothing was heard from him since.
  • Dutch DJ Tiesto placed "The Sound Of C" at #1 on his list of all-time favorites during an interview with Radio 538
  • MTV Europes VJ Steve Blame was a great fan of New Beat. The Sound Of C was on heavy rotation on his show Party Zone.
  • Club Confettis no longer exists, it is replaced by a bowling alley.
  • Producer Serge Ramaekers was asked by Belgian singer Rocco Granata to remix his 1959 hit single "Marina". The song was 'dressed up' in the same outfit as Confettis and topped for the second time the charts hit in Belgium. In Italy and Germany "Marina" topped the charts as well. 2 millions singles were sold of the remix, while over the years the original version sold more than 100 million copies.

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