- 154 (number)
One hundred fifty-four is the
natural number following one hundred fifty-three and preceding one hundred fifty-five.In mathematics
154 is a
nonagonal number . Its factorization makes 154 asphenic number . There is no integer with exactly 154 coprimes below it, making 154 anoncototient , nor is there, in base 10, any integer that added up to its own digits yields 154, making 154 aself number . 154 is the sum of the first six factorials.With just 17 cuts, a pancake can be cut up into 154 pieces (
Lazy caterer's sequence ).The distinct prime factors of 154 add up to 20, and so do the ones of 153, hence the two form a
Ruth-Aaron pair .154! + 1 is a
factorial prime .In other fields
Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets.154 was an album by Wire (the number of gigs the band had performed at the time of making the album).
Prior to expansion in 1961,
Major League Baseball teams played 154 games a season.The Sun follows a 154 day periodicity on gamma-ray flares.
For the year, see
154 AD or154 BC .
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