SCA may refer to:

US Government
* Stored Communications Act
* Electronic Communications Privacy Act

Retail Stores:
*Super Cheap Auto

*Scottish Canoe Association
*Secular Coalition for America
*Sexual Compulsives Anonymous
*Société en commandite par actions - a type of corporation, in France
*Society for Creative Anachronism
*Student Conservation Association - a Non-Profit Conservation Service Organisation
*Student Catholic Action - a religious student organization in the Philippines
*Suez Canal Authority - a state-owned authority which own and maintain the Suez Canal.
*Supreme Council of Antiquities - the Egyptian anquities service
*Sydney College of the Arts

*Soviet Central Asia

In biology and health:
*Sickle cell anaemia
*Spinocerebellar ataxia - a neurological condition
*Statistical coupling analysis - a method to identify covarying pairs of amino acids in protein multiple sequence alignments.
*Sudden Cardiac Arrest - see: Cardiac Arrest, Sudden Cardiac Death.
*Superior cerebellar artery - a major blood supply to the Cerebellum

*Subsidiary Communications Authority - the FCC's name for subcarrier channels transmitted on a broadcast FM station
*Shuttle Carrier Aircraft
*Single Connector Attachment (Single Connection Attach) - an 80-pin SCSI storage interface used in some computer servers, which provides a single connector for power, data and SCSI ID configuration
*Service component architecture
*Software Communications Architecture
*Southern Control Area - a Canadian airspace designation
*Spectrum Continuation Analysis
*Sustainable competitive advantage - in business: advantage that is preserved over long term
*Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget - Swedish pulp and paper manufacturer
*Swiss Cracking Association, SCA Amiga virus
*Supplemental coolant additive
*Subordinate certification authority
*Static code analysis

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