La Opinión

La Opinión

name = La Opinión

caption =
type = Daily newspaper
format = Broadsheet
foundation = September 16, 1926
owners = ImpreMedia
publisher = Mónica Lozano
editor =
language = Spanish
circulation = 121,026 Daily
58,985 Sunday [cite web | title=2007 Top 100 Daily Newspapers in the U.S. by Circulation |publisher=Burrelles"Luce" |url= |format=PDF |accessdate=2007-06-01 |date=2007-03-31]
headquarters = 700 South Flower Street
Suite 3000
Los Angeles, California 90017
website = [ La Opinión Digital]

"La Opinión" is a Spanish-language daily newspaper published in Los Angeles, California and distributed throughout the six counties of Southern California. It is the largest Spanish-language newspaper in the United States and second-most read newspaper in Los Angeles (after "The Los Angeles Times").


The paper was first founded and published on September 16, 1926 by Ignacio E. Lozano. The Lozano family emigrated from Mexico to San Antonio, Texas in 1908 where Lozano first founded a Spanish language daily newspaper known as "La Prensa" in 1913.

With the increase in the Mexican population Los Angeles experienced during the 1920s, Lozano believed he had a strong based for a Spanish newspaper in the growing city and founded "La Opinión" on September 16th to coincide with Mexico's Independence Day.The Lozano family retained control over both "La Prensa" and "La Opinion" until 1959 when "La Prensa" was sold.

In its early existence "La Opinión" consisted primarily of news from Mexico to accommodate the reading preferences of its audience, made up in large part by recently emigrated Mexicans. "La Opinión" one of the few newspapers to provide comprehensive coverage of the deportations and repatriations of Mexicans during the 1930s as well as the Zoot Suit Riots of the 1940s.

The Lozano's continued to be involved in the operations of the newspaper. Leticia Lozano, the eldest child of Ignacio Lozano's son, worked at "La Opinión" from 1976 to 1984. Her younger brother, José Ignacio Lozano, was named Assistant Publisher in 1977 and Publisher in 1986. In 2004, "La Opinión" merged with New York City-based "El Diario La Prensa", the oldest Spanish-language newspaper in the United States, to form ImpreMedia. José became Vice chairman of the new parent company, and his sister, Monica Lozano, also serves as Sr. Vice President of Impremedia LLC. In 2004, Mónica Lozano, was named Publisher and CEO of "La Opinión".


"La Opinion" has vastly diversified its coverage from purely Mexican to include the Central American, South American, Cuban, and Puerto Rican populations that have grown in Los Angeles over the last quarter century. It now includes reporting on issues relevant to a wide variety of Hispanics. In the words of former Publisher Ignacio E. Lozano Jr.: "Our mission was no longer to be a Mexican newspaper published in Los Angeles, but an American newspaper that happens to be published in Spanish".

Since 1986, "La Opinión's" editorial staff has doubled in size and the paper has grown to include bureaus in Sacramento, California Washington, DC and Mexico City. In 1999 and 2000, "La Opinión" was recognized by the National Association of Hispanic Journalists as the "Outstanding Spanish Language Daily Newspaper of the Year".

In 2006, "La Opinión" received the highest-ranking recognition in Spanish-language journalism, the José Ortega y Gasset Award from Spains distinguished "El País" newspaper. "El País" honored "La Opinión" for its pioneering trajectory over eighty years creating and maintaining an unprecedented media outlet for the growing Hispanic population in the United States.

In November 2007, "La Opinión" ranked #1 in net daily paid circulation growth among the 200 largest newspapers in America for the six-month period ending September 2007, based on the latest FAS-FAX Report from the Audit Bureau of Circulation. The daily average is based on Monday-Friday.


External links

* [ La Opinión Digital]

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