List of Inhumans

List of Inhumans

The following is a list of known Inhumans, most residing on Attilan.


Royal Family

*Ahura ["Inhumans Graphic Novel"] ["Fantastic Four Unlimited" #2] - the son of Medusa and Black Bolt
*Black Bolt (Blackantor Boltagon) ["Fantastic Four" #45] - King of the Inhumans and husband to Medusa; he has recently been revealed to have been replaced by a Skrull.
*Crystal (Crystalia Amaquelin Maximoff) ["Fantastic Four" #45] - Medusa's sister and ex-wife of Quicksilver.
*Gorgon ["Fantastic Four" #44] - Cousin of Medusa and Black Bolt
*Karnak ["Fantastic Four" #45] - Cousin of Black Bolt; he is also a Priest and Philosopher and chose not to expose self to the Terrigen Mists
*Lockjaw ["Fantastic Four" #45] - Transporter for the Royal Family
*Luna Maximoff ["Fantastic Four" #240] - Daughter of Quicksilver and Crystal; born human but was later mutated by the Terrigen Crystal by her father.
*Medusa (Medusalith Amaquelin Boltagon) ["Fantastic Four" #36] - Married to Black Bolt, queen of the Inhumans; she is also a former member of the Fantastic Four and the Frightful Four and the mother of Ahura and older sister of Crystal.
*Triton ["Fantastic Four" #45] - Karnak's brother

Genetics Council

*Arcadius ["Fantastic Force" #5] - Inhuman chancellor who has the ability to animate statues.
*Cynas ["Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising" #1]
*Furgal ["Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising" #1]
*Kitang ["Inhumans" vol. 2 #1]
*Porcal ["Fantastic Force" #8]
*Sapphiras ["Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising" #1]
*Targon ["Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising" #1]
*Thernon ["Inhumans" vol. 2 #1]

Allies of Maximus

*Maximus (Maximus Boltagon) ["Fantastic Four" #47] - also known as Maximus the Mad; he is the brother of Black Bolt who was mutated further by exposure to the Terrigen Mist; he was thought to have been killed by the Enclave when he turned against them to defend the Inhumans but was revived by the Dream Crystal and banished to the Negative Zone by Ronan; currently King of the Inhumans after usurping the crown from Black Bolt and controlling all in Attilan after the Silent War.
*Aireo ["Fantastic Four" #47] - also known as Skybreaker ["New Warriors" #7] and a member of Force of Nature; current whereabouts unknown
*Falcona ["Incredible Hulk Annual" #1] - current whereabouts unknown
*Leonus ["Incredible Hulk Annual" #1] - current whereabouts unknown
*Nebulo ["Incredible Hulk Annual" #1] - also known as the Shadow Uncast; current whereabouts unknown
*Stallior ["Incredible Hulk Annual" #1] - current whereabouts unknown
*Timberius ["Incredible Hulk Annual" #1] - current whereabouts unknown

Crimson Cadre

The Crimson Cadre are the personal assault squad of General Ator.

*General Ator ["Fantastic Four" #398] - current status and whereabouts unknown
*Eelak the Agile ["Fantastic Four" #398] - current status and whereabouts unknown
*Glaboo ["Fantastic Four" #398] - current status and whereabouts unknown
*Margoyle ["Fantastic Four" #398] - current status and whereabouts unknown
*Pulssus ["Fantastic Four" #398] - current status and whereabouts unknown
*Rootar ["Fantastic Four" #398] - current status and whereabouts unknown

Dark Riders

Originally composed of Inhumans gathered by Apocalypse, they later drafted mutants in service of Genesis (Tyler Dayspring).

*Barrage ["X-Factor" #65] - founding member; current whereabouts unknown.
*Foxbat ["X-Factor" #65] - founding member; he was assassinated by team-mates ["Cable" vol. 2 #19]
*Gauntlet ["X-Factor" #65] - founding member; later becomes a mercenary for hire.
*Harddrive ["X-Factor" #65] - founding member; at some point he was turned into a cyborg; current whereabouts unknown.
*Mainframe ["X-Factor" #65] - founding member; current whereabouts unknown.
*Psynapse ["X-Factor" #65] - founding member; killed by the other members of the team ["X-Men" vol. 2 #21] but was revealed alive only to be incinerated by the energy released when he attempted to tap into powers of X-Man (Nate Grey) ["X-Man" #46]
*Tusk ["X-Factor" #65] - founding member; current whereabouts unknown
*Underlings ["X-Man" #46] - current whereabouts unknown
*Deadbolt ["Cable" vol. 2 #17] - member of the group that was led by Genesis; he was later killed by Wolverine ["Wolverine" vol. 2 #100]
*Hurricane ["Cable" vol. 2 #17] - member of the group that was led by Genesis; he was later killed by Wolverine ["Wolverine" vol. 2 #100]
*Lifeforce ["Cable" vol. 2 #17] - member of the group that was led by Genesis; she was later killed by Wolverine ["Wolverine" vol. 2 #100]
*Spyne ["Cable" vol. 2 #17] - member of the group that was led by Genesis; he was later killed by Wolverine ["Wolverine" vol. 2 #100]


Unless stated, it can be assumed that the listed citizens of Attilan are still residing in Attilan.

*Aeric ["Inhumans" vol. 2 #1] - last seen as a child
*Agon ["Thor" vol. 1 #148] - father of Black Bolt; son of Symak and husband of Rynda; he was elected head of the Inhumans Genetic Council circa 1870; he was killed when Black Bolt used his sonic powers to stop an escaping Kree ship which had crashed into the laboratory in which he was working ["Avengers" #95]
*Alaris ["Inhumans" vol. 5 #1] - was sent to Earth as part of a reconnaissance mission/student exchange program.
*Alecto ["Marvel Knights 4" #19] - daughter of Gorgon and the former lover of the Alpha Primitive, Reyno; she fled Attilan to be able to stay with Reyno and sought amnesty in the Baxter Building; she was later forced to return to Attilan and to deny her relationship with Reyno
*Andvari ["What If?" #30] - an engineer who designed the technology to relocate Attilan from the ocean to the Himalayan mountains
*Arvak ["Inhumans" vol. 4 #1]
*Asmodeus ["Fantastic Four" #117 ] - has green bat wings
*Aven ["Marvel Fanfare" #14] - former holder of the Royal Sceptre
*Avian ["Inhumans" vol. 2 #1] - last seen as a child
*Avion ["Inhumans" vol. 2 #1] - a child who was killed ["Inhumans" vol. 2 #1]
*Avius ["Fantastic Four" #129]
*Banth ["Dazzler" #32] - briefly romanced Dazzler while she was in Attilan
*Belial Toiven ["Inhumans" vol. 3 #7] - mother of Rexel Toiven; wife of Usurieus; she has telepathic powers
*Blaast ["Inhumans: Great Refuge"]
*Bochek ["Marvel Graphic Novel: Inhumans"]
*Budan ["Marvel Two-In-One" #71]
*Carthus ["Inhumans" vol. 3 #2] - a religious leader and spiritual advisor; he was blue with tentacles on his head
*Centaurius ["Amazing Adventures" vol. 2 #1]
*Chiron ["Fantastic Four" #129]
*Corporus ["Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising" #1]
*Cuidar ["Vision & Scarlet Witch" vol. 2 #10] - doctor
*Cyra ["Inhumans: The Untold Saga" #1]
*Devlor ["Fantastic Four" #391] - became a member of Fantastic Force; current whereabouts and status unknown
*Dewoz ["Inhumans" vol. 3 #2] (transformed into duplicate of Alpha Primitive by Terrigenesis)
*Dinu ["Inhumans" vol. 3 #2] (teen)
*Dominus ["Fantastic Four" vol. 1 #131]
*Dren ["Fantastic Four Annual" #18]
*Elejea ["Inhumans" vol. 3 #6]
*Entos ["Incredible Hulk" vol. 2 #175]
*Flaidermaus ["Fantastic Four" vol. 1 #129] (flying guardsman)
*Frag ["Marvel Graphic Novel: Inhumans"]
*Galen ["Avengers" vol. 1 #351]
*Gitel ["Fantastic Four Annual" #18]
*Glytra ["Fantastic Four" vol. 1 #59]
*Goran Malidicta
*Grimal ["Inhumans" vol. 3 #1]
*Ikarys ["Inhumans" vol. 4 #1]
*Iridia ["Inhumans" vol. 1 #1]
*Itar ["Marvel Graphic Novel: Inhumans"]
*Jolen ["Inhumans" vol. 5 #1 (seen); "Inhumans" vol. 5 #2 (named)] ; sent to Earth
*Kaliban ["Fantastic Four" vol. 1 #99] (possibly Yeti from First Line)
*Kalikya ["Inhumans" vol. 3 #2]
*Krush ["Inhumans" vol. 2 #1] (guard)
*Kylus ["Thor Annual" #12] (lived in 500BC)
*Magnar ["Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe" vol. 1 #2] (mentioned)
*Makoth ["Thor" vol. 1 #146]
*Marak ["Fantastic Four" #240]
*Marista ["Inhumans" vol. 3 #1] (maid of Medusa)
*Maya ["Fantastic Four" vol. 1 #306] (former nanny of Luna)
*Mendicus ["Inhumans" vol. 3 #5] (UN ambassador)
*Mikon ["Inhumans: The Untold Saga" #1]
*Minxi ["Marvel Graphic Novel: Inhumans"]
*Mojlor ["Marvel Graphic Novel: Inhumans"]
*Mullox ["Incredible Hulk" vol. 2 #175]
*Naanis ["Inhumans" vol. 3 #6]
*Nadar ["Marvel Two-In-One" #71] (scientist)
*Nahrees ["Inhumans" vol. 3 #2]
*Nallo ["Inhumans" vol. 5 #1]
*Neifi ["Inhumans" vol. 3 #2]
*Nestor ["Thor Annual" #12] (lived in 500BC; former ruler)
*Nollik ["Inhumans" vol. 2 #1] - mother of Aeric
*Ozel ["Marvel Fanfare" vol. 1 #14] (plotted to steal Royal Spectre)
*Payne ["Inhumans" vol. 2 #1] (guard)
*Phadros ["Alpha Flight/Inhumans Annual 1998"]
*Phaeder ["Marvel Two-In-One" #72]
*Pinyon ["Fantastic Four" #129]
*Piskas ["Fantastic Four" #131]
*Putor ["Marvel Graphic Novel: Inhumans"]
*Rajar ["Marvel Graphic Novel: Inhumans"]
*Ramus ["Fantastic Four Annual" #18]
*Randac ["Thor #147"] Former Ruler. Killed in "Thor" vol. 1 #147
*Rexel Toiven
*Rok ["Inhumans II#1]
*Romnar ["Incredible Hulk Annual #1]
*Rynda ["Thor" vol. 1 #148] Mother of Black Bolt, wife of Agon
*San ["Inhumans" vol. 5 #1]
*Seeker ["Fantastic Four" vol. 1 #46] Brother of other Inhuman Seeker. Killed in "Inhumans:Untold Stories" #6
*Seeker Successor ["Fantastic Four Unlimited" #2] Brother of original Seeker
*Sisko "A Female member of one of the species of the Inhumans called The hidden ones who were once kidnapped by nazis and have the ability to shapeshift
*Thraxton ["Fantastic Four Annual" #12]
*Usurieus Toiven

Guests and refugees

*Lucas Jackson ["Thing" #4] - a human mutant who was living with the Inhumans after his parents were killed; current status a mutant and whether he is still in Attilan is unknown.
*Midnight Sun (M'nai) ["Silver Surfer" vol. 3 #29 ] - an enhanced clone of Midnight; he was created by Kar-Sagg and lived in Attilan for some time; current whereabouts is unknown.
*Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff)issue - became a member of the Royal Family when he married Crystal; exiled from the Inhumans after he stole some of the Terrigan Crystals which led to the Silent War.
*Star Thief (Ditmil Privat) ["New Warriors" #5] - a human mutant who sought to stop Earth’s space program; he relocated to Attilan while it was on the moon; current status as a mutant and whether he still resides on Attilan is unknown.

Other versions

Mutant X

The Inhuman Royal Family appear in this universe similar to the mainstream Inhumans. Consisting of Black Bolt, Crystal, Gorgon, Karnak and Medusa, they sacrifice their lives in a failed attempt to stop the Beyonder/Goblin Queen ["Mutant X" #32]

Earth X

The Inhuman Royal Family appear in the Earth X alternate future having left Earth for 20 years after the collapse of Attilan and the death of Black Bolt. They return to oppose the Celestials and to integrate with the humans, Medusa marries Captain Britain. The only known members are Gorgon, Karnak, Luna Maximoff, the new Black Knight (Ahura) and Triton. ["Earth X: Sketchbook"]


In the alternate future of Earth 2099, Black Bolt, Crystal, Gorgon, Karnak, Lockjaw, Maximus, Medusa and Triton have left Earth to dwell in a spaceship after the Mutant Registration Act is enforced. Maximus kills most of the Royal Family in their sleep and then informs Black Bolt when he is finally revived causing Black Bolt to scream out, destroying the ship and killing everyone aboard [Inhumans 2099 #1]

Guardians of the Galaxy

Descendents of the Inhumans are seen in the Guardians of the Galaxy timeline. Known members are Talon, Composite, Imprint, Phobia, Stupor, Wormhole, Exemplar, Egressor and Anemone [Guardians of the Galaxy #34]

Age of Apocalypse

The Inhumans are briefly seen in the Age of Apocalypse with Attilan having been discovered and the Royal Family being tested and mutated by Death, Seen in Black Bolt, Crystal, Gorgon, Karnak, Lockjaw, Medusa and Triton ["Tales from the Age of Apocalypse"#1]


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