- Bortezomib
IUPAC_name = [(1"R")-3-methyl-1-[ (2"S")-1-oxo-3-phenyl-2-
[(pyrazinylcarbonyl)amino] propyl] amino] butyl]boronic acid
CAS_number = 179324-69-7
ATC_prefix = L01
ATC_suffix = XX32
PubChem = 93860
DrugBank = APRD00828
C=19 | H=25 | B=1 | N=4 | O=4
molecular_weight = 384.24 g/mol
bioavailability= n/a
protein_bound = 83%
metabolism = Hepatic, CYP extensively involved
elimination_half-life= 9 to 15 hours
excretion = ?
licence_EU = Velcade
licence_US = Bortezomib
pregnancy_US = D
legal_status = Rx-only
routes_of_administration= IntravenousBortezomib (originally PS-341 and marketed as Velcade by
Millennium Pharmaceuticals ) is the first therapeuticproteasome inhibitor to be tested in humans. It is approved in the U.S. for treating relapsedmultiple myeloma andmantle cell lymphoma . In multiple myeloma, complete clinical responses have been obtained in patients with otherwise refractory or rapidly advancing disease.History
Bortezomib was originally synthesized in 1995 (MG-341) at a company called Myogenics, which soon changed its name to ProScript. After promising preclinical results, the drug (PS-341) was used in a small Phase I clinical trial in patients with multiple myeloma cancer. ProScript ran out of money and was bought by Leukosite in May 1999. Leukosite itself was bought by Millennium Pharmaceuticals in October 1999. At this stage, the project had a low priority amongst the other projects at the company. This changed significantly when one of the first patients to be treated in the clinical trial achieved a [http://www.myelomaonline.org.uk/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?&pid=439&srcid=437 complete response] and was still alive 4 years later. At the time this was a remarkable result. Later clinical trials showed that a complete response would be expected for 15% of patients in a similar condition, when treated with bortezomib. In May 2003, seven years after the initial synthesis, bortezomib (Velcade) was approved by the
FDA for use in multiple myeloma, based on the results from the SUMMIT Phase II trial.Pharmacology
boron atom in bortezomib binds the catalytic site of the 26S proteasomecite journal |author=Bonvini P, Zorzi E, Basso G, Rosolen A |title=Bortezomib-mediated 26S proteasome inhibition causes cell-cycle arrest and induces apoptosis in CD-30+ anaplastic large cell lymphoma |journal=Leukemia |volume=21 |issue=4 |pages=838–42 |year=2007 |pmid=17268529 |doi=10.1038/sj.leu.2404528] with high affinity and specificity. In normal cells, the proteasome regulates protein expression and function by degradation of ubiquitinylated proteins, and also cleanses the cell of abnormal or misfolded proteins. Clinical and preclinical data support a role in maintaining the immortal phenotype of myeloma cells, and cell-culture and xenograft data support a similar function in solid tumor cancers. While multiple mechanisms are likely to be involved, proteasome inhibition may prevent degradation of pro-apoptotic factors, permitting activation of programmed cell death in neoplastic cells dependent upon suppression of pro-apoptotic pathways.Bortezomib is rapidly cleared following intravenous administration. [cite journal |author=Voorhees PM, Dees EC, O'Neil B, Orlowski RZ |title=The proteasome as a target for cancer therapy |journal=Clin. Cancer Res. |volume=9 |issue=17 |pages=6316–25 |year=2003 |pmid=14695130 |doi=] Peak concentrations are reached at about 30 minutes. Drug levels can no longer be measured after an hour. Pharmacodynamics are measured by measuring proteasome inhibition in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The much greater sensitivity of myeloma cell lines and mantle cell lines to proteasome inhibition compared with normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells and most other cancer cell lines is poorly understood.
The drug is a tripeptide and can be written as Pyz-Phe-boroLeu, which stands for pyrazinoic acid, phenylalanine and Leucine with boric acid instead of a carboxylic acid. Peptides are written N-terminus to C-terminus, but as
peptide synthesis proceeds C-terminus to N-terminus, peptide drugs are illustrated C to N, as in this case.ide effects
Bortezomib is associated with
peripheral neuropathy in 30% of patients; occasionally, it can be painful. This can be worse in patients with pre-existing neuropathy. In addition,myelosuppression asneutropenia andthrombocytopenia can also occur and be dose limiting. However, relative to other treatment options for patients with advanced disease (eg, bone marrow transplantation), these side effects are mild. Bortezomib is associated with a high rate of shingles (reactivation of the chickenpox virus in a nerve distribution, also referred to as zoster).cite journal | author=Oakervee HE, Popat R, Curry N, "et al" | title=PAD combination therapy (PS-341/bortezomib, doxorubicin and dexamethasone) for previously untreated patients with multiple myeloma | journal=Br. J. Haematol. | volume=129 | issue=6 | pages=755–62 | year=2005 | pmid=15953001 | doi=10.1111/j.1365-2141.2005.05519.x | accessdate=]GI effects and asthenia are the most common adverse events. [ [http://www.velcade.com/full_prescrib_velcade.pdf Highlights Of Prescribing Information ] ]
Further improvement of anticancer potency
Laboratory studies and
clinical trial s are investigating whether it might be possible to further increase the anticancer potency of bortezomib by combining it with novel types of otherpharmacologic agents. For example, clinical trials have indicated that the addition ofthalidomide ,lenalidomide , inhibitors ofvascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF ), orarsenic trioxide might be beneficial. [cite journal | author=Anargyrou K. "et al" | title=Novel anti-myeloma agents and angiogenesis.| journal=Leuk. Lymphoma | volume=49| issue=4| pages=677–689| year=2008 | pmid=18398734 | doi=10.1080/10428190701861686] [cite journal | author=Richardson P.G. "et al" | title=Novel biological therapies for the treatment of multiple myeloma.| journal=Best Pract. Res. Clin. Haematol. | volume=18| issue=4| pages=619–634| year=2005 | pmid=16026741 | doi=10.1016/j.beha.2005.01.010] In laboratory studies, it was found that bortezomib killedmultiple myeloma cells more efficiently when combined, for example, withhistone deacetylase inhibitor s, [cite journal | author=Nawrocki S.T. "et al" | title=Aggresome disruption: a novel strategy to enhance bortezomib-induced apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells.| journal=Cancer Res. | volume=66| issue=7| pages=3773–3781| year=2006 | pmid=16585204 | doi=10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-05-2961]thapsigargin , [cite journal | author=Nawrocki S.T. "et al" | title=Bortezomib sensitizes pancreatic cancer cells to endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis.| journal=Cancer Res. | volume=65| issue=24| pages=11658–11666| year=2005 | pmid=16357177 | doi=10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-05-2370] orcelecoxib . [cite journal | author=Kardosh A. "et al" | title=Aggravated endoplasmic reticulum stress as a basis for enhanced glioblastoma cell killing by bortezomib in combination with celecoxib or its non-coxib analogue, 2,5-dimethyl-celecoxib.| journal=Cancer Res. | volume=68| issue=3| pages=843–851| year=2008 | pmid=18245486 | doi=10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-07-5555] However, the therapeutic efficacy of any of these latter combinations has not yet been confirmed in cancer patients.References
External links
* [http://www.velcadethree.co.uk/ Myeloma patients compaigning for access to a life prolonging cancer drug]
* [http://www.velcade.com/ Millennium Pharmaceuticals website on Velcade]
* [http://www.multiplemyeloma.org/treatments/3.05.html Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation article on Velcade]
* [http://www.myeloma.org/main.jsp?type=article&id=1218 International Myeloma Foundation article on Velcade]
* [http://www.fda.gov/cder/drug/infopage/velcade/default.htm U.S. Food and Drugs Administration on Velcade]
* [http://www.velcade.info Dedicated website for European audience]
* [http://www.asco.org/portal/site/ASCO/menuitem.34d60f5624ba07fd506fe310ee37a01d/?vgnextoid=76f8201eb61a7010VgnVCM100000ed730ad1RCRD&vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=40&abstractID=31445 Presentation at 2006 ASCO of the PINNACLE Study] on MCL by Dr. Goy, with video/slides
* [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18579431?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum disulfiram: new approach to proteasome inhibition]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.