The Fair at Sorochyntsi

The Fair at Sorochyntsi

The Fair at Sorochyntsi ( _ru. Сорочинская ярмарка, "Sorochinskaya yarmarka", "Sorochyntsi Fair") is a comic opera in three acts by Modest Mussorgsky, composed between 1874 and 1880 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The composer wrote the libretto, which is based on Nikolay Gogol's short story of the same name, from his early (1832) collection of Ukrainian stories "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka". The opera remained unfinished and unperformed upon Mussorgsky's death in 1881.

Composition history

Mussorgsky worked on the opera between 1874 and 1880, in competition with his work on "Khovanshchina" (1872–1880); both were incomplete at the time of his death in 1881. He reused some music that he had written previously (such as the "Market Scene" from Act II of the ill-fated "Mlada" of 1872, used for the opening scene of "Fair"). Incorporation of the music of "Night on Bald Mountain" as a dream sequence involving the hero was a late addition to the scenario in the course of composition, despite the fact that such an episode is not suggested by the original story. Although Mussorgsky managed to complete some numbers and even some of the orchestration, significant portions of the scenario were left without any music at all or only in bare sketches.

Several subsequent composers and editors (cited below) played partial or maximal roles in bringing the work into a performable state. The first staged performance, with spoken sections, occurred in 1913; beginning in 1917, the first of several fully sung versions reached the stage.

Performance history

Completed versions

Roles and setting

Source: [ 100 Опер] , Издательство «Музыка», Ленинград


"Note": Roles marked with an asterisk (*) are supernatural characters appearing only in the Shebalin Edition, which incorporates the "Dream Vision of the Peasant Lad" ("Сонное видение паробка") [see Mussorgsky's "A Night on the Bare Mountain"] .


*"Time": Beginning of the 19th century.
*"Place": The village of Velikiye Sorochyntsі, near Poltava.


"Note":Those scenes not completed by Mussorgsky are given in italic type. The composer originally intended the "Dream Vision of the Peasant Lad" to end Act 1, [Calvocoressi, Abraham (1946: pp. 157-158)] and it is designated "Act 1, Scene 2" in his manuscript. ["Catalog of autographs of M. P. Mussorgsky...", (No. 4)] In the Shebalin edition, this intermezzo is relocated to Act 3.

Act I

At the fair, merchants are peddling their wares to the crowd of visitors arriving from all around. The Gypsy makes reference to a red jacket that the devil is looking for, while the lad Gritsko woos Parasya. Her father, Cherevik, at first is indignant at this forwardness, but, after realizing that Gritsko is the son of a close friend, he agrees to let Gritsko marry his daughter. The two men go into the tavern to celebrate, as evening settles and the people disperse.

Cherevik and his buddy, Kum, comes out of the tavern in a drunken state. After they wander around in the dark, "Khrivya, Cherevik's wife, comes out of their house, and he announces Parasya's engagement. But Khivrya objects, and, while Gritsko overhears, drunken Cherevik concedes that the wedding will not happen." Gritsko, alone, bemoans his sadness. "The Gypsy enters, and the two make a pact: Gritsko will give the Gypsy his oxen for fifteen rubles if the latter can make Cherevik change his mind."

Intermezzo: "Dream Vision of the Peasant Lad": Alone, Gritsko falls asleep and has a dream involving witches and devils. They are dispelled by church bells.

Act II

Inside Kum's house, where they are lodging, Khivrya quarrels with Cherevik, getting him to leave, so that she may keep her secret rendezvous with Afanasy Ivanovich, the son of the village priest. When the latter arrives, she offers him her culinary delicacies, which he devours. In the midst of their amorous encounter a knock is heard at the door. Afanasy hides on a shelf, and in walk Cherevik and Kum, with friends, alarmed by a rumor that someone has seen the red jacket and the devil. Kum begins to give more of the legend, "concluding with the remark that the devil appears every year at the fair with a pig's face, looking for the red jacket. Suddenly a pig's snout is seen in the window, and everyone runs about in confusion."

"Scene 1"
"On a street, as a result of the superstitious confusion of the previous scene, Cherevik and Kum are being chased by the Gypsy and some lads. The latter accuse the two older men of stealing a mare, and tie them up. Gritsko enters, extracting a promise from Cherevik to have the wedding to Parasya the next day, and the two older men are released."

"Scene 2"
On a street in front of Kum's house, Parasya at first is sad about Gritsko, but then cheers herself up with a little hopak, in which Cherevik joins without her noticing. "Kum and Gritsko enter, and Cherevik blesses the two lovers, only to be met by Khivrya's rage, which prompts the Gypsy to call on the lads to restrain her." The people celebrate the wedding with a gopak.

Principal arias and numbers

:Introduction: "A Hot Day in Little Russia", «Жаркий день в Малороссии» (Orchestra)Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
:Aria: Parasya's Dumka, Думка Параси «Ты не грусти» (Parasya):Finale: Gopak, Гопак (Chorus)

Versions by other hands

In 1881 Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov suggested that Anatoly Lyadov finish the composition of the work, the libretto to be completed by Mussorgsky's old friend A.A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov. However, Lyadov orchestrated only five numbers (published in 1904) and did not finish the opera. Vyacheslav Karatygin later edited some fragments of Mussorgsky's manuscripts, which were orchestrated by Lyadov and performed in 1911. The next year Vladimir Senilov published his orchestration of Parasya's dumka from Act III. Yury Sakhnovsky edited and orchestrated some fragments which, together with material edited by Lyadov, Karatygin, and Rimsky-Korsakov (i.e., the "Night on Bald Mountain" music) constituted a staged "premiere" of sorts, performed at the Moscow Free Theatre on 8 October 1913 (Old Style), with spoken dialogue inserted for scenes without music by Mussorgsky.

In commemoration of his late comrade from The Five, César Cui became the first to create a complete version of "The Fair at Sorochyntsi" during 1914-1916. This fully sung versionbut without the "Night on Bald Mountain" sequencewas staged on 13 October 1917 (Old Style) at the Theatre of Musical Drama in Petrograd. The foreword to Cui's edition, dated October 1916, explains the state of affairs at the time, and translates thus:

The comic opera "Sorochyntsi Fair" was begun by Mussorgsky in 1875 " [sic] ", was composed slowly and in fragments, and after the composer's death in 1881 remained unfinished. Originally only five excerpts were published: the Introduction to the opera (adapted according to the preliminary draft by A.K. Lyadov), the Lad's Dumka (ed. by Lyadov), the Gopak, the Scene of Khivrya expecting Afanasiy Ivanovich, and Parasya's Dumka (the orchestral edition of all five numbers belongs to Lyadov). Mussorgsky's manuscripts nevertheless still afforded a substantial quantity of musical material, namely, the "scene of the fair" which begins the opera and the first half of the second act. This material was adapted by V.G. Karatygin, supplemented and orchestrated by C.A. Cui. Nevertheless the remainder, in particular the scene of Cherevik and Khivrya and the scene of the Lad and the Gypsy in Act 1, 2nd half, and all of the third [act] , with the exception of Parasya's Dumka and the Gopak, is added and orchestrated by C.A. Cui, and consequently Mussorgsky's posthumous labor is completed.

However, Cui's version failed to find a permanent place in the repertory, and the opera was completed and orchestrated again by Nikolai Tcherepnin in 1923 and by Vissarion Shebalin in 1930. Shebalin's version became the standard since then. This also includes the Night on bald mountain as a prelude to the third act, instead of an interlude in act one (Right after Gritsko's Dumka), as Mussorgsky originally planned.

Repertory status

"The Fair at Sorochyntsi" is not a part of the standard operatic repertoire in the West. The best-known numbers from "Fair" are the orchestral Introduction and the closing Gopak, both of which were composed by Mussorgsky, who also arranged the Gopak and the market scene for piano solo.

Rachmaninov made an arrangement of his own of the Gopak for piano.

Rimsky-Korvsakov's version of Night on bald mountain is based mainly on the version included in this opera.

Two of the Ukrainian folk tunes that Mussorgsky incorporated into this opera (Act I) were used also by Rimsky-Korsakov in his own "Christmas Eve", which was likewise based on a story by Gogol.


*Hubad, Lubjana Opera, 1956, Philips
*Aranovich, Moscow Radio Orchestra and Chorus, 1969, Melodiya Angel
*Esipov, Chorus and Orchestra of the Stanislavsky Theater, 1983, Le Chant du Monde

Shebalin's version:
*Yevgeny Brazhnik, soloists, chorus and orchestra of Yekaterinburg State Academic Opera Theatre of Russia, 1996, URAL



*"100 опер: история создания, сюжет, музыка." ["100 Operas: History of Creation, Subject, Music."] Ленинград: Издательство "Музыка," 1968, pp. 318-322.
*Abraham, Gerald. "The Fair of Sorochintsy" and Cherepnin's Completion of It," his "On Russian Music". London: W. Reeves, 1939; rpt. New York: Books for Libraries, 1980.
*_______. "Modest Musorgsky," "The New Grove Russian Masters 1". New York: W.W. Norton, 1986, p. 129.
*Bernandt, G.B. "Словарь опер впервые поставленных или изданных в дореволюционной России и в СССР, 1736-1959" ["Dictionary of Operas First Performed or Published in Pre-Revolutionary Russia and in the USSR, 1836-1959"] . Москва: Советский композитор, 1962, pp. 279-280.
*Calvocoressi, M.D., Abraham, G., "Mussorgsky, 'Master Musicians' Series", London: J.M.Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1946
*"Catalog of autographs of M. P. Mussorgsky in the manuscript department of the St. Petersburg Conservatory" [in Russian] (Accessed October 30, 2007),
*"Double Bill Given by the New Opera," "New York Times", 4 November 1942.
*Gusin, I.L. Editorial commentary in Cui, "Избранные письма" ["Selected Letters"] . Ленинград: Гос. муз. изд-во, 1955, p. 694.
*Mussorgsky, Modest. "Сорочинская ярмарка" (по Гоголю): опера в 3-х действиях. Издание посмертное, закончено в 1916 г. Ц. Кюи. Вновь исправленное издание. ["Sorochintzy Fair" (after Gogol). Posthumous edition, finished in 1916 by C. Cui. Newly corrected edition.] Москва: Гос. изд-во, музыкальный сектор.
*_______. "Сорочинская ярмарка": опера в трех действиях по Гоголю, недостающие сцены досочинил В. Шебалин. Клавираусцуг. ["The Fair at Sorochintsy": opera in three acts after Gogol, missing scenes composed by V. Shebalin. Piano-vocal score] (Soviet ed., rpt. New York: E. F. Kalmus, [n.d.] ). "(With editorial notes by P. Lamm.)"
*Taruskin, Richard. "Fair at Sorochintsï, The", "Grove Music Online" (Accessed 17 December 2005), (subscription required)

External links

* [ Russian libretto in zip file for Word]

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