- T.R. Reid
T.R. Reid is an American foreign correspondent for
The Washington Post and author of nine books, currently working on a tenth entitled, "We're Number 37!" Number 37 being in reference to theUnited States ' health care ranking. He is also a frequent guest onNPR 'sMorning Edition . He is married to attorney Margaret M. McMahon with whom he has three children. Reid, aClassics major atPrinceton University served as anaval officer , taught and held various positions before working for the Post. [http://www.cpbn.org/profile/t-r-reid Featured Profile] ]T.R. Reid is the author of five books in English and two in Japanese. Through his reporting for The Washington Post, his syndicated weekly column, and his light-hearted commentary from around the world for National Public Radio, he has become one of America’s best-known foreign correspondents. Reid lives in London.
His 2008 Frontline documentary, "Sick Around the World", under the premise that the US health care system is a failure,Mike Hale. April 15, 2008. New York Times. " [http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/15/arts/television/15sick.html?ref=television Lower Insurance Premiums and Better Care: Un-American Health Delivery] "] takes a look at the national health care systems of five wealthy countries around the world. The first two countries visited are the
U.K. andJapan , both places where Reid has lived while serving as the Washington Postbureau chief and has had doctors. [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/sickaroundtheworld/etc/notebook.html Q&A with corespondent T.R. Reid] ] They are followed byGermany ,Taiwan andSwitzerland .References
External links
On Demand Webcast of "Sick Around the World" [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/sickaroundtheworld/ (streaming)]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.