Maisha Bora

Maisha Bora

Maisha Bora is a village in central Kenya. It officially resides in the eastern province of the country and is a subset of the town Isiolo in this division.

There are 1500 inhabitants who speak the Turkana language and, predominantly, share a Somalian heritage and the Muslim Religion. The main form of employment is supplied through slaughterhouse work, and other forms of employment include rope making and bread baking.

There is currently a single roomed nursery hut within the community but no school. Children who do attend school are generally earning an income from a young age. Combined with the tiny average income of residents the poor access to education has led to the low levels of literacy and school completion rates today.

A local stream provides water for washing and drinking, though it is not piped, and electricity and formal sanitation systems are also not present in the community. The rates of HIV/AIDS have been affected by the high level of truck traffic passing through Isiolo which has fuelled a sex trade regionally.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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