- Ursula Kemp
Ursula Kemp (alias Grey) of
St Osyth was an English woman who in 1582 was tried forwitchcraft and hanged.Citation
title = St Osyth: Which witch is which?
newspaper = Echo
date = 2007-05-09
url =http://archive.echo-news.co.uk/2007/5/9/250064.html
accessdate=2008-04-12 ] Kemp was accused of (and apparently confessed to) using familiars to kill and bring sickness to her neighbours.Biography
Kemp was an
Essex cunning woman who was frequently called upon by her neighbours to heal various ailments and sicknesses. She was later blamed for intentionally causing illness and death, eventually being tried for witchcraft atChelmsford in February 1582. At her trial, several of her neighbours testified against her, making statements to Justice Brian Darcy.cite book
last = Rosen
first = Barbara
title = Witchcraft in England, 1558-1618
publisher =University of Massachusetts Press
date = 1991
pages = 107-120
url = http://books.google.com/books?id=1Ij_8vgoKPgC
isbn =0870237535 ] Along with her friend,Alice Newman , she was accused of causing the deaths of Edna Stratton, and two children, Joan Thurlow and Elizabeth Letherdale. [cite book
last = Ewen
first = C. L'Estrange
title = Witchcraft and Demonism
publisher = Kessinger Publishing
date = 2003
pages = 156
url = http://books.google.com/books?id=AlnYtMyNms0C
isbn =0766128962 ]Neighbour and former friend Grace Thurlow testified that when her son Davy was sick, she asked for Kemp's help.cite book
last = Wilby
first = Emma
title = Cunning Folk and Familiar Spirits
publisher =Sussex Academic Press
date = 205
pages = 116
url = http://books.google.com/books?id=M_UTw2mtU_EC
isbn =1845190785 ] Davy temporarily recovered from his illness and Thurlow believed that Kemp had cured him. Some time later, Thurlow and Kemp argued over the care of Thurlow's baby daughter Joan. At a few months old, Joan fell from hercradle and died of a broken neck. When Thurlow became , she again asked for Kemp's help. Kemp agreed to heal her for 12 pence. Thurlow got better but then refused to pay Kemp her fee, saying she could not afford it. The two women argued again and Kemp threatened to get even with Thurlow, who became lame again. Thurlow testified that since that quarrel, either she or her son had suffered. She blamed Kemp for her son's illness, her own lameness, and the death of her baby.Alice Letherdale testified that Kemp had asked her for some scouring sand (an abrasive cleaner) and that she had refused her, knowing Kemp to be a "naughty beast". Letherdale's daughter Elizabeth later saw Kemp, who "murmured" at her. When Elizabeth fell ill and died, Letherdale blamed Kemp for bewitching the girl to death. Kemp's eight year-old son Thomas testified that his mother kept four spirits, or familiars. He described them as a grey
cat called Tyffin, a white lamb called Tyttey, a blacktoad called Pygine and a black cat called Jacke.cite book
last = Turner
first = Dennis C.
coauthors = Patrick Bateson
title = The Domestic Cat: The Biology of Its Behaviour
publisher =Cambridge University Press
date = 2000
pages = 187
url = http://books.google.com/books?id=zBYi4NgVwCUC
isbn =0521636485 ] He said that he had seen his mother give her familiarsbeer and cake, and let them suck blood from her body. Thomas said that he had been present when Alice Newman had visited his mother. He said that his mother had given Newman anearthenware pot, which he believed to contain the familiars. Days later, he saw Newman return telling Kemp that she had sent spirits to kill a local man and his wife.Justice Brian Darcy said that Kemp made a full confession to him in private. Kemp told him that approximately ten years previously, she had experienced a "lameness in her bones". She had gone to a local cunning woman who had told Kemp that she had been bewitched and that she should "unwitch" herself. She recommended a
ritual to Kemp using hog's dung, charnell, [Barbara Rosen suggests that in this context, charnell could meanchervil instead of referring to graves. cite book
last = Rosen
first = Barbara
title = Witchcraft in England, 1558-1618
publisher =University of Massachusetts Press
date = 1991
pages = 114
url = http://books.google.com/books?id=1Ij_8vgoKPgC
isbn =0870237535 ] sage andSt John's wort . Kemp performed the ritual and recovered. Two women that she knew requested her help for lameness. She helped them in the same way that she had helped herself, and they apparently recovered. Since then she had performed healing services for her neighbours. She admitted to the four familiars her son had mentioned. She said that they were two male spirits, that killed people, and two female spirits, that brought sickness to people, and destroyedcattle . Kemp went on to confess to sending her familiars to make Grace Thurlow lame and to kill Joan Thurlow, Elizabeth Letherdale and Kemp's sister-in-law.Ursula Kemp was hanged in Chelmsford in 1582. In 1921, the skeleton of a woman found in a St Osyth garden was believed to be that of Kemp. In 2007, historian
Alison Rowlands said that according to her research, the skeleton could belong to any of ten women that died in the 16th and 17th centuries.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.