- Jesse Jackson presidential campaign 1984
In 1984, Jackson became the second African American (after
Shirley Chisholm ) to mount a nationwide campaign forPresident of the United States , running as a Democrat.In the primaries, Jackson, who had been written off by pundits as a fringe candidate with little chance at winning the nomination, surprised many when he took third place behind Senator
Gary Hart and former Vice PresidentWalter Mondale , who eventually won the nomination. Jackson garnered 3,282,431 primary votes, or 18.2 percent of the total, in 1984, [ [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B0DE7DC113CF93AA15752C1A961948260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=6 Purnick, Joyce, and Michael Oreskes. "Jesse Jackson Aims for the Mainstream"] . "The New York Times ", November 29, 1987] and won five primaries and caucuses, including Louisiana, the District of Columbia, South Carolina, Virginia, and one of two separate contests in Mississippi. [ [http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/houpub/00068/hpub-00068.html "1984 Texas Jackson-for-President Campaign Collection: An Inventory of Records at the Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston Public Library"] ]As he had gained 21% of the popular vote but only 8% of delegates, he afterwards complained that he had been handicapped by party rules. While Mondale (in the words of his aides) was determined to establish a precedent with his vice presidential candidate by picking a woman or visible minority, Jackson criticized the screening process as a "p.r. parade of personalities". He also mocked Mondale, saying that
Hubert Humphrey was the "last significant politician out of the St. Paul–Minneapolis" area. [ [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,926644-2,00.html Thomas, Evan. "Trying to Win the Peace"] , "Time", July 2, 1984]Campaign platform
In both races, Jackson ran on what many considered to be a very liberal platform. Declaring that he wanted to create a "Rainbow Coalition" of various
minority groups, includingAfrican American s,Hispanic s,Arab-American s,Asian American s, Native Americans,family farm ers, thepoor andworking class , and homosexuals, as well as white progressives who fit into none of those categories, Jackson ran on a platform that included:*creating a
Works Progress Administration -style program to rebuild America'sinfrastructure and provide jobs to all Americans,
*reprioritizing theWar on Drugs to focus less on mandatory minimum sentences for drug users (which he views as racially biased) and more on harsher punishments formoney-laundering banker s and others who are part of the "supply" end of "supply and demand "
*reversingReaganomics -inspiredtax cuts for the richest ten percent of Americans and using the money to financesocial welfare programs
*cutting thebudget of the Department of Defense by as much as fifteen percent over the course of his administration
*declaringApartheid -eraSouth Africa to be a rogue nation
*instituting an immediatenuclear freeze and beginningdisarmament negotiations with theSoviet Union
*giving reparations to descendants of black slaves
*supporting family farmers by reviving many of Roosevelt'sNew Deal –era farm programs
*creating a single-payer system ofuniversal health care
*ratifying theEqual Rights Amendment
*increasing federal funding for lower-levelpublic education and providing freecommunity college to all
*applying stricter enforcement of theVoting Rights Act and
*supporting the formation of aPalestinian state .With the exception of a resolution to implement sanctions against South Africa for its apartheid policies, none of these positions made it into the party's platform in either 1984 or 1988.
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