Optimus Prime (other incarnations)

Optimus Prime (other incarnations)

As the Transformers franchise has grown, more continuities separate from the original series and its subsidiaries have come into existence, each featuring Optimus Primes of their own.

Transformers: Robots in Disguise

Transformers character
name = Optimus Prime

caption =
affiliation = Autobot
japanname = Fire Convoy
subgroup =
rank = 10
function = Autobot Leader
motto = "We will put out the fires of evil!"
alternatemodes = Fire Engine
series =

engvoice = Neil Kaplan
japanvoice = Satoshi Hashimoto

The ' version of Optimus Prime (Fire Convoy in the original Japanese version "Transformers: Car Robots'") is the fictional protagonist of this respective branch of the Transformers universe. Based on the character of the same name, Prime leads the Autobots in a secret campaign. His voice actor, Neil Kaplan, does his voice in a style reminiscent of Peter Cullen's voice of the original Optimus Prime.

Hidden in plain sight on Earth as common, everyday vehicles, the Autobots are forced to emerge when Megatron and his Predacons arrive and wreak havoc in their attempts to attain the power of Earth's varied energy sources.

Optimus Prime transforms into a fire engine. The front section of the vehicle detaches and becomes Prime himself, armed with his "Blaze Blaster" cannons (his lights, also known as the "Fire Flash" attack) and "Gyro-Strike" leg wheels, while the rest of the vehicle transforms into a mobile battle station/refuelling port/communications array, and can combine with Prime as additional weapons and armor, forming his super mode ("Super Fire Convoy"). The ladder/hose section houses Prime's "Power Stream" water cannon, capable of shooting freezing streams of water, also called his "Blizzard Storm", and also contains a quartet of rocket launchers. His super mode feet contain missile launchers than can mount to the shoulders of his regular robot mode. He can fire his super-mode fists for his "Flying Fist" attack. Prime is also holder of the sacred Matrix.

Animated series

Optimus Prime and his brother were created at the same time by Alpha Trion, but when Prime was chosen to carry the Matrix, Magnus felt passed over, and was left carrying a grudge against his brother.

Later, Optimus pursued Megatron to Earth to stop him from pillaging the planet's energy resources. Prime's loyal team of Autobots clashed with Megatron's Predacons on many occasions, stopping their schemes with the aid of Koji, a human whose father had been abducted by the Predacons. Prime and Koji went on to form a strong friendship, even though Prime saw it as his fault Koji's father had been abducted in the first place. Optimus proved his bravery on many occasions, battling and defeating Sky-Byte in an underwater duel, and personally rescuing Side Burn from a Predacon trap. Later, Prime would gain a clone of sorts in the evil Decepticon Scourge, who had been created when his protoform was given life by some of Megatron's Spark energy and scanned Prime's truck alternate mode. However, Prime's pleas to make Scourge remember his original Autobot loyalties fell on deaf ears.

Prime soon had other things to worry about, as Magnus arrived on Earth with the intention of taking what he believed was rightfully his - by force, if necessary. Severely injuring Prime, who refused to fight back, Magnus tracked him to a desert island, where he pretended to offer him the hand of friendship, only to attempt to absorb the Matrix for himself, forcing the brothers into the combined form of Omega Prime "(God Fire Convoy)". Through this link, Magnus was also able to channel the power of the Matrix, which he used to supercharge the Autobot Brothers into newly-coloured forms. Prime went on to battle the Decepticons on many other occasions. Although Magnus remained a free agent, refusing to take orders from his brother, his animosity dwindled and he frequently helped the Autobots by combining with Prime to battle the Predacons and Decepticons. During the final battle with Galvatron (Megatron's new form) the two brothers finally reconciled. Together they faced Galvatron together at the Earth's core and successfully defeated him once and for all.

In "Car Robots", the original Japanese version of "Robots in Disguise" there is not one singular Matrix, but multiple ones, each held by a high-ranking Autobot. God Magnus already possesses a Matrix, and simply seeks to steal the power of Fire Convoy's to increase his own (the overspill resulting in the supercharging of the Autobot Brothers).

Dreamwave Productions

Robots in Disguise's Optimus Prime made one appearance in Dreamwave' Summer Special issue before the company went under, as he and Magnus learned the value of teamwork to stop the Decepticons from stealing a nuclear reactor. There was a contest in the issue as to whether "Robots in Disguise" or "Beast Wars" would be the next Dreamwave comic series. "Beast Wars" won.

Prime would make one further surprise appearance in Dreamwave's Transformers: Armada series. With Optimus Prime having disappeared to an alternate dimension devastated by Unicron, the Autobots attempted to find their leader. As Jetfire attempted to locate him through Spacebridge links to other dimensions, one of these clearly shows RiD Optimus Prime and Prowl.

3H Enterprises

Alongside a repaint of Ultra Magnus, these characters had no tech specs until they appeared in Transformers Collectors Club comics, where it was revealed they were the same Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus from the "Robots in Disguise" continuity, who were taken to the "Transformers: Universe" reality.

According to the bio for this Optimus Prime printed in the Transformers Collectors Club magazine, Optimus Prime is a member of the Cybertron Dimensional Patrol and was abducted by Unicron. It is unknown if he repainted himself yellow before being abducted, or the recoloration was from the radiation emanating from Unicron, which has a tendency to recolor Cybertronians.

This incarnation of Optimus Prime first appeared in the "Transformers: Universe" comic series in issue #2 as part of Omega Prime, escaping with various other Transformers from Unicron. He appeared again at the end of issue #3, being brought in to Alpha Trion's lab to aid Optimus Primal. After this both Prime and Magnus became part of Optimus Primal's army of Autobots, battling against Unicron's Decepticons.

Although 3H Enterprises losing the licence would forestall the conclusion to the "Universe" storyline, an explanation of sorts would be found in issue 8 of the Transformers Collectors Club magazine "Cybertron/Robots in Disguise", where Prime told the tale of how Unicron's forces were defeated in one last battle by Optimus Primal's forces, as Unicron disappeared due to the black hole opened in . Combined as Omega Prime, they could not escape fast enough, and were sucked into another dimension.

Fun Publications

He would make an extremely surprising appearance in the "Cybertron" Club Comic in a story called "Balancing Act".

In the "Cybertron" universe, Cybertron was under attack by two of the Heralds of Unicron, Nemesis Prime and Ramjet. They had already damaged Alpha Trion, and while Ramjet engaged Vector Prime in a duel high above Cybertron, Nemesis Prime got past Sentinel Maximus and revealed his plan - he was going to use the Dead Matrix to drain Primus himself and use the energy to revive Unicron. Omega Prime, the combination of Optimus Prime and his brother Ultra Magnus, then appeared to challenge Nemesis Prime. The brothers recovered, only to receive Optimus Prime, bearing word of Vector Prime's death in battle. Prime and Magnus were subsequently seen planning the hunt for Unicron with Sentinel Maximus.


*Car Robots Super Fire Convoy (2000):A Leader class toy that transforms from fire truck to robot. The front end of the fire truck can form a robot resembling Generation 1 Prime, while the rear section can form a battle station or combine with him to form Super Fire Convoy. This battery-operated toy features siren sounds and voice samples of Fire Convoy. [http://www.bwtf.com/cr/toys/reviews/fireconvoy/] Fire Convoy can combine with God Magnus (sold separately) to form God Fire Convoy. [http://www.seibertron.com/toys/gallery.php?id=494&size=0&start=0]

*Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime (2001):The U.S. release of Super Fire Convoy had the Japanese voice replaced with an English voice, and Autobot insignias were added on the side panels. Much like the Japanese version, Optimus Prime's normal robot mode can combine with Ultra Magnus (sold separately) to form Omega Prime. [http://www.seibertron.com/toys/gallery.php?id=496&size=0&start=0]

*Spy Changer Optimus Prime:A Spy Changer version of Optimus Prime was also released. It converted from Fire Engine, to Super Robot mode.

*Universe Leader Optimus Prime:A yellow repaint Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime was released for the "" line. This toy was a Sam's Club store exclusive.

*Cybertron Costco Optimus Prime with Ultra Magnus (2005):"RiD" Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus were redecoed again and sold as a set exclusive to Costco stores in the "" line in 2005. He was now back in his original red coloration.

*Titanium Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime:A 6 inch tall Optimus Prime in "Robots in Disguise" style for the line was first displayed by Hasbro at the 2006 San Diego Comic Convention. This version of Optimus Prime seems to only have vehicle and super robot modes.

Transformers: Universe

Transformers character
name =Optimus Prime

caption ="Universe" Spy Changer Optimus Prime
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Spy Changers
rank =
function =Autobot Leader
partner =Prowl
motto =
alternatemodes =Fire Truck
weapons =
height =
series =
engvoice =
japanvoice =
A new version of Optimus Prime was created for the Transformers: Universe storyline. Optimus Prime comes from a universe populated solely by Spy Changers, where all Transformers are relatively small than those in other universes.

3H Enterprises

This character appeared in the 2004 BotCon voice actor play, and was seemingly yet another new Optimus Prime taken from a parallel dimension to that of the "Robots in Disguise" fiction.

The voice actor drama was written for OFTCC 2004 by Simon Furman, set after the events in the comics. Spy Changers Optimus Prime, Prowl, Ultra Magnus and Ironhide were among those taken from their world via teleportation beam by Unicron and his Decepticon minions. The Autobot forces opposing Unicron attempted to deflect the beam, which left them all trapped on an uninhabited ice-world. The Autobot forces teamed up to overcome the Decepticons lead by Reptilion. Presumably the Autobots were then returned to their own worlds.


*Universe Spy Changer Optimus Prime with Prowl (2004):The parallel-universe spanning "" line also featured a yellow repaint of the Spy Changer version of "Robots in Disguise" Prime. This package was a Walmart store exclusive.

Nemesis Prime

According to the "Transformers: Cybertron Comic" "Balancing Act, Part 2" published by Fun Publications, there in another Optimus Prime in another universe. He was killed by Megazarak, who left his remains to disintegrate on the edges of the Rust Sea. Unicron cloned this Prime, and twisted him into .

Transformers: Armada

In the comic "Transformers: Armada" issue # 14"Worlds Collide" published by Dreamwave Productions, there is an Optimus Prime from an alternate universe killed by Unicron and sent to the universe of Unicron Trilogy as a warning.

2007 Transformers film

Transformers character
name =Optimus Prime

caption =The live-action incarnation of Optimus Prime
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Deluxe Vehicles
Micro Vehicles
function =Autobot leader
partner =
motto ="Freedom is the right of all sentient beings"
alternatemodes =Peterbilt 379 model
weapons =Ion Blaster
Retractable sword
height =28 - 32 feet tall
series =Transformers movie toys
engvoice =Peter Cullen
japanvoice =Tesshō Genda
In the 2007 live action "Transformers" film, Optimus Prime was present as the leader of the Autobots. Prime now transforms into a conventional Peterbilt cab, rather than cab over design of his original Generation 1 body. Also straying from the G1 design, Prime's vehicle mode is now decorated with red flames painted onto a blue body (a la Rodimus Prime, his G1 successor), often incorrectly rumored to be inspired by NASCAR driver Jeff Gordon's current paint scheme. The reason for the change was due to Director Michael Bay's decree that no "mass displacement" occurs when they transform, thus requiring Optimus's vehicle form to have more mass to achieve the desired size in his robot form. Michael Bay stated Optimus stands 28 feet, but in an interview, ILM's Scott Farrar stated "The movie's Optimus Prime is 32 feet tall and made of 10,108 parts - and every single one had to be modeled and painted when they came within camera range.This puts him on the same height as the movie's Starscream and 2 to 4 feet smaller than Megatron as well in the film.

Although heavily redesigned like the other characters in the film, some classic design elements remain in his robot mode, including a predominantly red torso, primarily blue legs, the presence of windows in his chest, air filters on his shoulders, and a head design influenced by the original, featuring the iconic faceplate and ear finials. This faceplate is able to retract to reveal a mouth. His weapons include an energy rifle that he unveils from his back, and an "energy sword" that extends from his right forearm (an homage to Prime's energy axe in the original animated series).

It was publicly announced at San Diego ComicCon 06 that original Optimus Prime voice actor Peter Cullen would reprise his role for the film. Cullen has commented that Prime is basically the same, and retains the same basic personality.

However, he is slightly more informal when he speaks--possibly due to his information gathering on the World Wide Web--noted as saying lines such as "my bad" while the Autobots try (and nearly fail) at stealth in the Witwicky backyard, and "what is with you?" upon Ironhide's suggestion of killing Sam Witwicky's parents when they become inquisitive.

IDW Publishing

According to IDW Publishing's "" comic book, Optimus Prime and Megatron co-ruled Cybertron. Then Megatron began a war for control of the Allspark. To counter Megatron, Optimus formed the Autobots, a militia of civilian Transformers sworn to protect the Allspark. Optimus fought back as best he could, and was willing to even doom Cybertron itself to deny Megatron the Allspark. His reasoning was that a new homeworld could simply be rebuilt with the Allspark once Megatron was no longer a threat. He entrusted Bumblebee with the task of distracting Megatron at Tyger Pax, long enough for the Allspark to be sent into space.

Titan Magazines

In Titan Magazines' UK Transformers magazine, a comic strip on Prime (written by Simon Furman) would reveal where he was during the events of "Movie Prequel #1". Hesitating as he carried out his fateful plan to send the Allspark into space, the Autobot base was then attacked by one of Megatron's drones with specific orders to kill him. As it located the Allspark, Prime did the only thing possible to prevent it transmitting its location to Megatron - transforming to protoform mode and physically ramming through it. Recovering in time to see the Allspark blast off, Prime was granted a vision of their war on Earth.

Transformers: Ghosts of Yesterday

Prime also appeared in the prequel novel "", in which he and a group of Autobots traveled in the Ark with the sole purpose of locating the Allspark, battling Starscream's Decepticons along the way. While going through a worm hole the Autobots find themselves encountering a group of humans in a spacecraft reverse engineered from studying Megatron, Prime realized the significance of Earth, as both Megatron and the Allspark were there. Saving Bumblebee from a pit of rock-chewing cave worms, Prime then battled Starscream. He was about to be gunned down by Starscream and Bonecrusher, when he was saved by the human craft. In retaliation, Starscream obliterated it.

Movie plot

Optimus Prime arrives on Earth at the same time as Ironhide, Jazz and Ratchet, landing in a field. He scans the new alternate mode of a semi-truck and quickly joins up with Bumblebee and his human companions. The Autobots then go with Sam to retrieve his ancestor's glasses, on which a map to the Allspark is engraved. While waiting for Sam and Mikaela to find the glasses, Optimus and his comrades inadvertently destroy the backyard of Sam's parents. They recover the glasses, but a secret government organization, Sector 7, arrests Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes, and capture Bumblebee.

Before it is discovered Sector 7 also has Megatron hidden under the Hoover Dam, Ironhide questions Prime on why they should protect the humans, seeing them as primitive and violent. Prime replies that the Autobots themselves were not so different from them once, quoting "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" ("Note: Optimus is the only one to quote his motto, no one else does"). Before the final battle with Megatron, he says, "By the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall fall." This is a tribute to the 1986 animated film, in which Optimus Prime delivers the line, "One shall stand, one shall fall." before his final battle with Megatron.

While evacuating the Allspark from Hoover Dam, Optimus Prime attempts to thwart the Decepticon Bonecrusher's pursuit. After a short one-sided battle, Prime beheads Bonecrusher with his retractable energon blade.

Although Prime fights Megatron in a final battle, Sam was liable for Megatron's death when ramming the All Spark into Megatron's chest. Prime, who had planned to destroy the Allspark by placing it into his own chest, is immensely grateful to Sam for saving him. Afterwards, Optimus then takes the remaining fragment of the Allspark. Despite all that has happened, Prime deeply regrets Megatron's death, evidenced by his parting words: "You left me no choice, brother." ("Note: In the comic adaptation of the film Optimus and Megatron refer to each as "brother" several times, but in the movie, only once. What "brother" means to a Cybertronian is never explained, however, in one portion in the DS game (Autobot version) Optimus states that 'Megatron took the Spark of our father'. This most likely means that the Cybertonian meaning of the word is almost, if not the same meaning as the Earth meaning")

Like the other Autobots featured in the movie, he chooses to remain on Earth after the battle with the Decepticons. The film ends with Optimus sending out a deep-space signal, inviting other Autobots to join them on Earth.


Autobot campaign

Optimus Prime provides intelligence and missions to Bumblebee in his search for the Allspark. Eventually, the clues lead the Autobot to Sam Witwicky. After saving Sam from Barricade, Bumblebee finally completes preparations for the Autobots to arrive on Earth.

Once on Earth, and having informed the two teenagers of their mission, Prime and the Autobots are discovered by Sector 7. Optimus sends Jazz on a high-speed destruction distraction mission, then sends Ironhide to rescue Jazz from a double-threat posed by the government agents and various Decepticon scouts.

When Bumblebee is captured, Prime transforms and chases the chopper which from which the small Autobot is tied. After a lengthy chase, Prime manages to catch the net, only to be thrown off by another Cybertronian meteor. As Bumblebee is carried away, Optimus promises he will not fail him again. Jazz informs him that the meteor is not an Autobot. Prime confronts the new threat, who turns out to be the Decepticon triplechanger Shockwave. The two battle it out across Tranquility before Optimus finally destroys him. But not without overhearing Starscream's transmission revealing the location of the Allspark.

Optimus then returned to an intel role as he guided Bumblebee in his mission to retrieve the Allspark from Hoover dam. Unfortunately, the Decepticons manage to free Megatron, leading to the final battle in Mission City.

As the Autobots battle it out with the Decepticons to protect Sam and the Allspark, things seem to take a turn for the worst as Megatron finally arrives. But before he can claim the Cube, Optimus attacks him.

Optimus and Megatron fight a final battle. Optimus defeats Megatron and leaves him on the ground, seemingly devoid of life. However, just as Sam is giving the Allspark to Optimus, Megatron awakens, leaping at Optimus with his chain-flail out, and making one last attempt at defeating his adversary. Optimus grabs the chain, pulling Megatron in closer, and with the Allspark clutched in his fist, delivers a punch through Megatron's spark, killing him. Optimus reflects on the losses and rewards of this battle, as the Autobots have a new home. The story ends with Optimus and the Autobots choosing to remain in Earth, proclaiming it as their new home.

Decepticon campaign

Optimus Prime appears near the end of the story. Sam and Mikaela inform Optimus that all the Autobots were killed by the Decepticons. Optimus proclaims that they sacrificed their lives to protect the Allspark, and their sacrifice will not be in vain. Leaving Sam and Mikaela in a safe place, Optimus faces Megatron, but is defeated. Weakened and damaged, Optimus crawls to reach the Allspark. However, Megatron attacks Optimus with his chain-flail, killing him. Megatron then uses the Allspark to conquer Earth.


Arriving late on Earth, Optimus Prime meets up with the other Autobots to give further commands to his troops. Create-A-Bot, the new rookie, is eager to help in the cause, but Optimus tells him to sit back while the other Autobots fight the Decepticons. Create-A-Bot finally defies orders and completes a mission against Optimus's council. After nearly getting himself and the other Autobots killed, Create-A-Bot apologizes to Optimus personally. Taking pity on the newcomer, Optimus lets him off with a stern warning, and they move out together to face Megatron, who has absorbed the power of the Allspark. Optimus fights Megatron, but Megatron gains the upper-hand. Optimus is on the verge of defeat until Create-A-Bot takes the Allspark and drives to Megatron's chest, weakening Megatron but mortally wounding himself in the process. Optimus fights Megatron again, defeats him. Just as Megatron is on the ground, he tells Optimus that if he kills Megatron, the Allspark will be destroyed, and Cybertron will never be restored. Optimus says to Megatron that he will do what he must do, then he raises his sword and kills Megatron, destroying the Allspark in the process. Create-A-Bot dies but not before telling Optimus his last wish: make Earth the new home of the Autobots and to protect the humans. The game ends with Optimus sending a message to all surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars.


Optimus Prime lands on Earth along with the other Autobots to stop the Decepticons. Optimus doesn't actually appear on the game until Megatron is released and Starscream escapes with the All Spark. Optimus fights Megatron but is defeated and is killed while Megatron gives chase to his traitorous second-in-command.


Optimus Prime is confirmed to appear in the sequel to the film, with Peter Cullen still doing the voice.

Movie toys

*Movie Preview Protoform Optimus Prime (2007):A Deluxe class toy of Prime in his Protoform stage. One of the first released movie figures, Prime's Entry Mode resembles a huge metallic asteroid. With this figure standing 5.5 inches tall and Optimus being 28 feet (336 inches) tall, the toy is about 1/61 scale. This rock-like alternate mode has led some fans to sarcastically refer to the movie protoform toys as Rock Lords.

*Movie Preview Protoform Fusion Cluster Optimus Prime (2007):This Japanese exclusive version of Protoform Prime is molded in transparent cyan, while his chest is painted yellow-orange. In Entry mode, he appears to be glowing from entering Earth's atmosphere. [ [http://tfkenkon.com/collection/act475/index.php Remy's Transformers ~My Collection~ ] ]

*Movie Legends Optimus Prime (2007):A Micro class toy. With this figure standing 3 inches tall and Optimus being 28 feet (336 inches) tall, the toy is about 1/112 scale.:Chinese made knockoffs of this toy have surfaced in larger sizes and with reversed colors (blue and red swapped).

*Movie Jollibee Optimus Prime (2007):A kids meal toy promotional item available at Jollibee restaurants from June to July of 2007. This toy was a slightly enlarged and simplified version of the Movie Legends mold. [ [http://www.cybph.com/archives/318 Cybertron Philippines » Blog Archive » Jollibee The Transformers Movie Kiddie Meal Toys ] ]

*Movie Cyber Slammers Optimus Prime (2007):A Scout class toy aimed at younger children. Features a very simple transformation and a pull back motor. Upper portion of the vehicle springs up into robot mode when it hits an object.

*Movie Fast Action Battlers Power Hook Optimus Prime (2007):A Deluxe class toy aimed at younger children. Features a power hook and some rope. Chinese made knockoffs of this toy have surfaced with the Autobot logo removed. :A set called "Optimus Prime: Leader for the Ages" was released as a Wal-Mart exclusive, featuring the Fast Action Battlers Prime figure and the Deluxe Prime figure previously released in the "Optimus Prime vs. Megatron: The Ultimate Battle" 2-pack. [ [http://www.hasbro.com/transformers/default.cfm?page=Products/Detail&product_id=20203 transformers-fr_FR - default ] ] :A Target exclusive version was bundled with Optimus Prime Battle Rig Blaster, a truck that transforms into a foam dart gun.

*Movie Fast Action Battlers Fire Blast Optimus Prime (2008):A red repaint of Fast Action Battlers Prime. [http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/attachment.php?attachmentid=2519&d=1195054325]

*Movie Voyager Class Optimus Prime (2007):A medium-sized version of Prime, featuring Automorph technology and an intermediate level of transformation. With this figure standing 7.5 inches tall and Optimus being 28 feet (336 inches) tall, the toy is about 1/45 scale.

*Robo-Vision Optimus Prime (2007):A Target exclusive. A repaint of the Voyager Class toy, with the gray components painted a more metallic color, and packaging featuring a hidden "Robo-Vision" code used to unlock a hidden feature on Target's Transformers movie/toy website. [ [http://www.hasbro.com/transformers/default.cfm?page=Products/Detail&product_id=20116 transformers-fr_FR - default ] ]

*Movie Leader Class Optimus Prime (2007):A larger version of Prime, with Advanced Automorph technology and a more complex transformation procedure. Has two sets of electronic sounds and lights that activate when the head pops up or when you press a button on the roof (in truck mode), and a single projectile weapon that can swing over the toy's right hand. Unlike Megatron (whose head is fixed) and Brawl (whose head is connected with a ball joint), Prime's head is limited to side movement due to the circuitry on his LED eyes. This figure has a folding cannon and a firing missile. With this figure standing 9 inches tall and Optimus being 28 feet (336 inches) tall, the toy is about 1/37 scale.:"Movie Leader Class Optimus Prime Extra Value Pack" was a Costco exclusive package, bundled with Legends Class Bumblebee and Autobot Jazz figures. [ [http://www.hasbro.com/transformers/default.cfm?page=Products/Detail&product_id=20404 transformers-fr_FR - default ] ]

*Movie Spy-Changer Optimus Prime (2007):A redeco of Robots in Disguise Spy Changer Scourge in the colors of movie Optimus Prime. This toy was a Takara exclusive release and came packaged with the movie DVD in Japan as a bonus item. [ [http://tformers.com/Spychanger-Movie-Optimus-Prime-Upclose/8565/news.html Spychanger Movie Optimus Prime Upclose - Transformers Toys News Reviews - TFormers.com ] ]

*Movie Voyager Class First Strike Optimus Prime (2008):Similar to the Voyager Class toy, but repainted with Generation 1 Prime colors instead of the flame paint scheme. This supposedly represents Optimus Prime after his body absorbs all the power of the Allspark after the movie. [http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o139/Morgans-pics/Z28%20Autobot/con18.jpg]

*Movie Voyager Battle Damage Optimus Prime (2008):A special bonus package contains Voyager class Starscream together with battle damaged editions of Voyager class Optimus Prime and Deluxe class Arcee. [ [http://www.seibertron.com/news/view.php?id=11877 Auction for TF Movie 3-Pack (Starscream & Battle-Damaged Prime and Arcee) ] ]

*Movie Leader Class Nightwatch Optimus Prime (2008):A blue and black repaint of the Leader Class Prime. According to the biography from Hasbro for this toy it represents Optimus Prime enhanced by the power of the Allspark with enhanced stealth capabilities. [ [http://www.hasbro.com/transformers/default.cfm?page=News/Item&newsid=8B644CDF-D56F-E112-4F818C64FEFEB3C2 transformers-fr_FR - default ] ]

*Micro IR Optimus Prime (2007):A RadioShack exclusive. This micro Radio-controlled car moves forward and back, and features simple transformation to robot mode. The gun-shaped controller doubles as a ball-point pen. [ [http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2737919&cp=&sr=1&origkw=transformer-sku-list&kw=transformer-sku-list&parentPage=search RadioShack.com - Toys & Games: Radio-controlled: Air, land & sea vehicles: Micro IR Transformers Car ] ]

*Legends Nightwatch Optimus Prime (2008):A redeco of Legends Optimus Prime with blue paint. Comes in a 2-pack with Stealth Starscream. [ [http://www.hasbrotoyshop.com/ProductsByBrand.htm?BR=496&SBR=526&ST=SO&ID=21121&PG=1 TRANSFORMERS AllSpark Battles: NIGHTWATCH OPTIMUS PRIME vs. STEALTH STARSCREAM - Product Detail ] ]

*Movie Premium Leader Class Optimus Prime (2008):A redeco of the Movie Leader Class Prime with metallic paint and a new weapon: a blade on his right hand (where the gun was). He also has a remolded head and the mechanical sounds are replaced with the traditional transformation sound effect. [http://www.allspark.com/news/new-transformers-premium-series-info--pictures-20071202.html]

Non-transforming merchandise

*Movie Cyber Stompin' Optimus Prime (2007):A large, non-transforming toy than can create sound effects and say a few quotes. Two versions were released: The first one featured Gary Chalk's voice. A second version, released shortly after the film hit theaters, featured Peter Cullen's voice and was labeled, "Featuring the Real Movie Voice."

*Movie Robot Replicas Optimus Prime (2007):A poseable, non-transforming action figure. [ [http://www.hasbro.com/transformers/default.cfm?page=Products/Detail&product_id=19876 transformers-fr_FR - default ] ]

*Movie Robot Replicas Optimus Prime vs. Megatron (2007):A Wal-Mart exclusive gift pack of Robot Replicas Prime and Megatron. [ [http://www.hasbro.com/transformers/default.cfm?page=Products/Detail&product_id=20384 transformers-fr_FR - default ] ]

*Movie Unleashed Turnarounds Optimus Prime (2007):A non-poseable, non-transforming sculpture featuring Prime's robot mode on one side and his truck mode on the other. [ [http://www.hasbro.com/transformers/default.cfm?page=Products/Detail&product_id=20241 transformers-fr_FR - default ] ]

*Attacktix Movie Prime (2007):An Attacktix version of Prime from the live action movie appears in a Tournament Pack.

*Optimus Prime Voice Changer Helmet (2007):A plastic helmet that resembles Prime's head and fits head sizes from age 5 to adult. Buttons play transformation sounds and movie quotes, and also changes the users voice. Initial releases featured Gary Chalk's voice. A second release, labeled, "Featuring the Real Movie Voice!", used Peter Cullen's voice. [ [http://www.hasbro.com/transformers/default.cfm?page=Products/Detail&product_id=19455 transformers-fr_FR - default ] ] :A Wal-Mart exclusive version was bundled with "T.E.C.H." Digital Dagger, a non-working cellular phone that transforms into a dagger. [ [http://www.hasbro.com/transformers/default.cfm?page=Products/Detail&product_id=20573 transformers-fr_FR - default ] ]

*2-in-1 Beamers Optimus Prime (2007):A fully detailed sculpt of Prime's head that doubles as an LED flashlight and night light. Also emits sound effects at the push of a button.

*ZipZaps Micro RC Optimus Prime (2007):A RadioShack exclusive. Part of the ZipZaps line, this is a micro Radio-controlled car that runs on a rechargeable battery (the controller doubles as the charger).This is notable as the first and thus far only Three Axle Zip-Zap made. [ [http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2742045&cp=&sr=1&origkw=transformer-sku-list&kw=transformer-sku-list&parentPage=search RadioShack.com - Toys & Games: Radio-controlled: ZipZaps micro RC: ZipZaps® Micro RC Starter Kit Transformers® Optimus Prime] ]

Transformers Animated

Transformers character
name =Optimus Prime

caption =
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Activators, Bumper Battlers, Deluxe Vehicles, Micro Vehicles, Voyagers, Supreme Vehicles
rank =
function =Autobot Leader
partner =
motto ="As a team, we can accomplish anything." (Deluxe Figure)
"While I function, Earth is under my protection." (Voyager Figure)
"Bring it on, Decepticons!" (Bumper Battlers)
alternatemodes =Cybertronian Cab-Over Truck
futuristic Fire Truck
series =

engvoice =David Kaye
japanvoice =
Optimus Prime appears in the Transformers Animated series in 2008 as a red truck cab, able to be fitted with many "trailer" attachments, most notably one that effectively makes him a fire truck. Unlike the other Optimus Primes, this one is much younger. [ [http://www.hasbro.com/transformers/animated/default.cfm?page=Bio&character=optimus Character bios for Transformers Animated characters ] ]

This Optimus Prime (also called "Bossbot" by Bulkhead and "Big Bot" by BumblebeePossibly a reference to Beast Wars) features a retractable mouth plate, similar to those previously seen on Beast Wars Optimus Primal, Cybertron Optimus Prime and Transformers Movie Optimus Prime.

Optimus has the ability to change any part of his robotic body into a tool or gadget. He has swing lines in his wrists. His wrists can also fire capture bolos. His arsenal includes a grappler and fire extinguisher and a negative friction spray. His trailer turns into a "rocket-assisted ion axe".

Animated Optimus Prime, in an Earth-based fire truck mode, appears as a hidden character in the Transformers Netjet video game by Hasbro.

Instead of being leader of the Autobots, Prime was actually a washout from the Elite Guard. Despite no longer a member, he maintains his military ranking of "Prime".

Animated series

Optimus Prime is commander of an Autobot repair crew. His crew include Ratchet, Bumblebee, Prowl and Bulkhead, as well as their ship's computer Teletraan-1. Optimus and his crew are sent to clear rubble from a space bridge passage when the Autobots stumble on the Allspark, a great source of power lost ages ago during the great war with the Decepticons. They are immediately set upon by Megatron's battle cruiser, the Nemesis. Through treachery by Megatron's second in command Starscream, Megatron and the Autobots crash on Earth in the early 21st century. Being left in stasis under Lake Erie for 50 years the Autobots awake in Detroit of the near future, where they immediately discover humans in need and become heroes of the city. When Starscream steals the Allspark, Optimus almost goes offline geting it back. Only Sari's Allspark-infused key saves him.

In the episode "Home is Where the Spark is", Optimus captured the Angry Archer while the villain was robbing an armored car. [ [http://www.transformersanimated.com/reviews/275/episode-4-home-is-where-the-spark-is Transformers Animated - TransformersAnimated.com ] ]

In the episode "Thrill of the Hunt", Optimus was captured by the Decepticon bounty hunter Lockdown, discovering he has become the top enemy of the Decepticons for "destroying" Megatron, when they do not know Starscream had planted a bomb on his leader. He was freed by Ratchet. [ [http://www.transformersanimated.com/reviews/281/episode-7-thrill-of-the-hunt Transformers Animated - TransformersAnimated.com ] ]

In the episode "Along Came A Spider" Optimus, after encountering some large fake spiders during Halloween, flashes back to when he lost his friend, Elita One, on a planet dominated by giant spider-like aliens. He blames himself for leaving her behind, supposedly to her death in the explosion of a wrecked Decepticon warship. Sentinel Prime never forgave him for losing her. He doesn't realize that Elita survived and was transformed into the techno-organic Transformer Blackarachnia and that she joined the Decepticons, belonging to Megatron's personal troops. When he meets her later in the episode and realizes who she is, he offers to try and help her but is turned down violently as Blackarachnia has still not forgiven him. However, when she nearly dies trying to use the Allspark key to purge her organic half, Optimus saves her and repeats his offer to help her. She stings him and says she still doesn't trust him. In the end, Optimus still regrets not saving Blackarachnia.

In the two-part episode "Megatron Rising" Optimus has practically snapped after so many Decepticon attacks, He yelled after being told that the Dinobots were "stolen" and taken to an island. Then he officially went off the deep end after taking away Sari's key away and argued with Bumblebee who tried to come to Sari's defense. After that, he went to Dinobot Island with Prowl and Bulkhead to persuade the Dinobots to help against the invasion. Unfortunately, Prime just ticked them off, mostly Grimlock who deemed him "bad". Prowl mangaged to kind of calm them down, then Optimus ticked them off again and made sure they couldn't help. When the restored Megatron attempted to take the Allspark, Optimus tried his best to stop him, but failed. Megatron, having absorbed the Allspark's power attempted to destroy Optimus. Sari threw her Allspark key to Optimus, who used it to overload the Allspark, defeating Megatron.

In the episode "The Elite Guard", the Cybertron Elite Guard, comprised of Ultra Magnus, Jazz and Sentinel Prime comes to earth to reclaim the Allspark, Optimus' story about the decepticons is disbelieved, with Sentinel Prime wishing to have him court-marshalled. When a fragment of the Allspark causes a production line to go haywire, Optimus finally stands up to Sentinel, and retrieves the fragment, earning praise from Ultra Magnus.

In the episode "Return of The Headmaster", Sentinel's body is hijacked by the Headmaster. Optimus, amused at his rival's predicament, reluctantly regained Sentinel body for him, which prompted Sentinel to actually thank him.

In the episode "Mission Accomplished", Optimus is pressured by Sentinel into telling Ultra Magnus that his story about the Decepticons was untrue, which he refuses to do. Optimus is proven right when Starscream falls from the sky, and manages to lead the group to victory against the Decepticon.

In "Black Friday", Optimus is blackmailled by Blackarachnia into helping Grimlock steal Meltdown's genetic modifier, so that he could use it to remove her organic half. However, Meltdown doublecrosses her, and Optimus and Grimlock work together to save her.

Fun Publications

Optimus appeared in the 2008 BotCon voice actor play "Bee in the City", voiced by David Kaye. In this story Professor Sumdac attempted to create a teleportation system to get the Autobots to Cybertron, but an interaction with Sari's key ended up transporting Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Sari to Transtech Cybertron, where they met Flamewar and were detained by Shockwave. Bumblebee teamed up with "Beast Wars" Megatron to free his comrades, but then had to stop Megatron from taking the key for himself. Afterwards the Autobots and Sari returned to their own dimension.

IDW Publishing

Set shortly after the events of "Total Meltdown" was the "Transformers: Animated" comic issue #2 by IDW Publishing. In it Bumblebee and Prowl apprehended the Angry Archer as the villain attempted to steal money from a used car salesman. In doing so they revealed the holographic trickery of the Detroit super hero known as The Wraith. With the secret of his power revealed The Wraith lost much of the respect he used to command in Detroit. The Wraith attempted to stop Cyrus "The Colossus" Rhodes from escaping prison, but was unable to fool the villain now that the secret was public, forcing the Autobots to stop the Rhodes and making The Wraith look foolish. The Wraith then attempted to discredit Bumblebee at a college football game by trapping the Autobot with a car boot and using his holograms to make a fake Bumblebee attack the stadium. Bumblebee eventually escaped and the other Autobots helped capture The Wraith and he was placed in a mental institution.


*Animated McDonalds Happy Meal Optimus Prime (2008):A small, simple transforming Optimus Prime toy packaged as a prize with McDonalds Happy Meals. [ [http://www.seibertron.com/news/view.php?id=12601 First Look at Transformers Animated Happy Meal Toys ] ]

*Animated Bumper Battler Optimus Prime (2008)

*Animated Bumper Battler Nightwatch Optimus Prime (2008/not released yet)

*Universe Animated Legends Optimus Prime (2008/unreleased):A Micro class toy released in the Universe Legends line. [ [http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo.asp?number=HT83791C Transformers Universe Legends Wave 3 - HASBRO - Transformers - Transformers at Entertainment Earth ] ]

*Animated Activators Optimus Prime (2008/In Production):A simple scout-class version of the character with a push-button transformation. [ [http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/tfa-activators-wave-2-up-for-preorder-bbts/13262/ TFA Activators Wave 2 Up For Pre-Order @ BBTS ] ]

*Animated Deluxe Cybertron Mode Optimus Prime (2008):The Deluxe class toy for "Animated" Optimus Prime was first displayed by Hasbro at SDCC 2007. The first carded Cybertron Mode Optimus Prime leaked out on ebay in December of 2007. [ [http://seibertron.com/news/view.php?id=12084 Carded Transformers Animated Cybertron Mode Optimus Prime on eBay ] ]

*Animated Optimus Prime with Battle Damage (2008):A remold of the Cybertron Mode Optimus Prime with battle damage. Has a gigantic axe and appears to be based on G1 Optimus Prime.

*Animated Optimus Prime Earth Mode (2008):A Voyager class figure which features a small trailer that transforms into a jetpack /or axe and his face plate moves up and down, plus the watergun of the vehicle becomes a gun in robot.

*Animated Roll Out Command Optimus Prime (2008):A Supreme sized version of Optimus Prime was announced at the UK Toyfair in 2008. [ [http://www.allspark.com/index.php/200802072427/Transformers-News/UK-Toyfair-Report-3-Bulkheads-Leader-Megatron-and-Marvel-Transformers.html The Allspark: Transformers News, Transformers The Movie News, Beast Wars, G1 - UK Toyfair Report: 3 Bulkheads, Animated Leader Megatron and Marvel Transformers! ] ] When pushed forward, the upper torso spins and transforms. Also features sound effects and pre-recorded dialogue.

Transformers: Timelines

Transformers character
name =Optimus Prime

caption =Timelines Optimus Prime
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Voyagers
rank =10
function =Emperor of Destruction
partner =
motto = "All sentient beings are free to follow me. Refusal means destruction!"
alternatemodes =Semi-Truck
series =
engvoice =
japanvoice =
A new Optimus Prime character appeared as the centerpiece for the 2008 BotCon exclusive toy set. This Optimus Prime leads the Autobots in a mirror universe where the Autobots are evil and the Decepticons are good.

According to his tech specs during Cybertron's Golden Age of peace, Optimus Prime served among the guardians of Cybertron's accumulated knowledge. He hungered for power and through his studies, he determined that military might was the only way to achieve his goals. [http://www.tfw2005.com/resources/convention-exclusives-246/optimus-prime-1616/]

According to the Tech Specs Grimlock was created as an experiment in artificial intelligence by the Decepticons which became too violent and Megatron shut him down. Optimus Prime then liberated Grimlock and let him work for the Autobots.

Fun Publications

Optimus Prime appeared as leader of the Autobot forces in the "Shattered Glass" story. When Cliffjumper was seemingly discovered alive Optimus welcomed his old friend back to the Autobot fold until he learned the Clffjumper wasn't the evil Autobot he remembered. He shot Cliffjumper and left him to fend for himself in the Rad Zone. Optimus planned to launch his new warship, the Ark, to conquor other worlds, but Cliffjumper aided Megatron's Decepticon forces in a successful an attack on the Ark's launch platform.


*Timelines Optimus Prime (2008):This Optimus Prime is a redeco of the Voyager class Transformers: Classics Optimus Prime figure, done in purple and black with painted in "battle damage". The toy has purple Autobot logos and the phrase "Till all are gone." on the side of the vehicle mode. [http://botcon.com/08figures.cfm]


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