Ultra Magnus (other incarnations)

Ultra Magnus (other incarnations)

As the Transformers franchise has grown, more continuities separate from the original series and its subsidiaries have come into existence, with some continuities featuring a unique version of the Autobot Ultra Magnus.

Transformers: Robots in Disguise

Transformers character
name =Ultra Magnus
japanname =God Magnus

caption =
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =
rank =9
function =
partner =Optimus Prime
motto ="Let's hit the road Autobots: We have a planet to save!"
alternatemodes =Car carrier
series =

voiceby =Kim Strauss (English)
Takashi Matsuyama (Japanese)
The first new character to bear the name of Ultra Magnus since the Generation 1 original was known as God Magnus in the Japanese 2000 line, "Transformers: Car Robots". God Magnus owed his name and alternate mode to Ultra Magnus (and also to Godbomber, an earlier character who disassembled to form armor for his Prime-styled partner), so when the series was translated for release in the West in 2001 as "", the name change was obvious, and Ultra Magnus returned to TV screens for the first time since the G1 series. Later, a smaller "Spy Changer" figure of Magnus, unique to "Robots in Disguise," was released

Ultra Magnus transforms into a car carrier capable of transporting other Autobots such as the Autobot Brothers. In addition to his remarkable strength and fighting ability, he is armed with the "Blue Bolts" - a variable-configuration weapon of immense destructive power. His weapon can either fire as a rapid fire gun or as a high powered laser. His back-mounted jetpack allows for periods of short flight.

Animated series

As a nod to their origins in Generation 1, Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime ("Fire Convoy" in Japan) were created at the same time by their father, Alpha Trion, but when Prime was chosen to carry the Matrix, Magnus felt passed over, and was left carrying a grudge against his brother. That grudge eventually exploded into violence when he arrived on Earth with the intention of taking what he believed was rightfully his - by force, if necessary. Before meeting up with Optimus, Magnus fought and easily defeated the Decepticons on his own (not even Runination could beat him). When he met Optimus, he offered Magnus a chance to join him, but Magnus outright refused and attacked him. Severely injuring Prime, who refused to fight back, Magnus tracked him to a desert island, where he pretended to offer him the hand of friendship, only to attempt to absorb the Matrix for himself, forcing the brothers into the combined form of Omega Prime "(God Fire Convoy)". Through this link, Magnus was also able to channel the power of the Matrix, which he used to supercharge the Autobot Brothers into newly-coloured forms. Although Magnus remained a free agent, refusing to take orders from his brother, his animosity dwindled and he frequently helped the Autobots by combining with Prime to battle the Predacons and Decepticons. As Omega Prime, they faced Galvatron together at the Earth's core and successfully defeated him once and for all.

Note that in "Car Robots", there is not one singular Matrix, but multiple ones, each held by a high-ranking Autobot. Magnus already possesses a Matrix, and simply seeks to steal the power of Prime's to increase his own (the overspill resulting in the supercharging of the Autobot Brothers).

Dreamwave Productions

The character of also made one appearance in Dreamwave Productions' Summer Special in a story presented as being in continuity with the animated series, which pitted him against Scourge, as both denied and debated their Autobot heritage and relation to Optimus Prime. No further "RiD" stories were published by Dreamwave before their closure, as "Beast Wars" claimed victory over "RiD" in a poll to choose the next mini-series.

Transformers: Universe

Although the "Robots in Disguise" incarnation of Ultra Magnus did not return to TV screens, his toy was re-released on the shelves of Sam's Club in 2003's parallel-universe-spanning "" line, slightly redecoed with bluish-black parts in place of his dark blue ones. Featured in the pages of the "Transformers: Universe" comic book exclusive to the Official Transformers Collectors Convention, this character was established to the "RiD" Magnus, who, along with Optimus Prime, was plucked from his home universe at a point after the conclusion of "Robots in Disguise" to become part of a battle between armies gathered from across space and time by Unicron and Primus. Led by Optimus Primal into the final battle, the combatants found their conflict halted when Unicron began to crumble beneath them. Primal's team gathered together to escape through a portal, but when Magnus and Prime passed through, they did not find themselves where they expected...

Transformers: Cybertron

Prime and Magnus's toys were released once more in 2005's "" - exclusively to Costco, with Magnus's toy remaining unchanged from his "Universe" redeco - with bios which once again presented them to be the same characters from "RiD" and "Universe". It was within the pages of the "Cybertron" comic available through the Official Transformers Collectors Club that the story was continued, as the portal through which Magnus and Prime had vanished in "Universe" transported them into the "Cybertron" universe; there, a black hole left in the wake of Unicron's destruction in that universe had caused multiversal ripples which had resulted in the collapse of Unicron in the "Universe" timeline the brothers had just departed, and materialized on Cybertron...

In the "Cybertron" universe, Cybertron was under attack by two of the Heralds of Unicron, Nemesis Prime and Ramjet. They had already damaged Alpha Trion, and while Ramjet engaged Vector Prime in a duel high above Cybertron, Nemesis Prime got past Sentinel Maximus and revealed his plan - he was going to use the Dead Matrix, a corrupted version of the Matrix of Leadership, to drain the lifeforce of Primus and use it to revive Unicron (destroyed in a black hole at the conclusion of ). But he was confronted by the most unexpected foe of all - Omega Prime. Omega then split into Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus, and while Prime attended to Primus, Magnus defeated Nemesis Prime. Informing Sentinel Maximus of what went on, they then stored the Dead Matrix away forever, unaware they were being observed by Soundwave.

Soundwave subsequently stole the Dead Matrix and threw it into the black hole, reviving Unicron, who took a nearby planet as his new body. Unicron attacked Cybertron again in the midst of a Mini-Con civil war, duelling with Sentinel Maximus and Omega Prime. The battle was inconclusive, but Unicron was driven away by Primus himself. The brothers recovered - only to receive Optimus Prime, bearing word of Vector Prime's death in battle. Prime and Magnus were subsequently seen planning the hunt for Unicron.


*Car Robots God Magnus (2000):A Leader Class toy that transforms from car carrier to robot. In car carrier mode, he can hold up to three Deluxe-sized cars. This battery-operated toy features truck horn sounds, weapons sound effects and voice samples of God Magnus. [http://www.seibertron.com/toys/gallery.php?id=495&size=0&start=0] Combines with Fire Convoy (sold separately) to form God Fire Convoy.

*Robots in Disguise Ultra Magnus (2001): Similar to the Japanese release, only with the Japanese voice replaced with the English voice. Autobot emblems have been placed on the side panels in this version. Much like God Magnus, Ultra Magnus combines with Optimus Prime's normal robot mode to form Omega Prime.

*Spy Changer Ultra Magnus:The Spy Changer of Ultra Magnus was repainted as the Dairycon 2002 exclusive figure Campaign Car. [ [http://www.geocities.com/futuristgroup/DTFdairycon2002fig.html Dairycon Vs Set (VSD) ] ]

Transformers: Energon

Transformers character
name = Ultra Magnus

caption =
affiliation = Autobot
subgroup = Headmasters
Mega Vehicles
rank =
function =
partner = Astroscope
motto =
alternatemodes = Car Carrier
series =
engvoice =
japanvoice =
It was in the second installment of the trilogy, "", that the Overload toy was repainted into Ultra Magnus's blue, white and red colors and released in the west under the name "Ultra Magnus" in a limited production run. [ [http://www.hasbro.com/common/instruct/Transformers_Energon_Ultra_Magnus.pdf Untitled-1 ] ]

The Energon version of Ultra Magnus, like all the recolorations of Armada toys featured in the early stages of the toyline, never appeared in the TV show, or the Dreamwave comic.

Although "Transformers: Cybertron", the third installment of the "Unicron Trilogy" timeline, saw "Robots in Disguise" Magnus enter its timeline, it was not without its own characters bearing the name. The "" toyline was the first to re-use Magnus's name, although not in the west - in Japan, where the character known as Overload in English was named Ultra Magnus. It was not an ill-fitting name, as the first, unpainted pictures of the toy had caused speculation that it was intended to "be" a new version of Magnus, bearing as it does his stylistic shoulder design.

Fun Publications

Ultra Magnus appeared in the text story from Fun Publications called "Force of Habit." This story explained where he was during the events of the "Cybertron" story. Ultra Magnus was the commander of various Autobot ships sent to other planets in search for the Cyber Planet Keys. He also served as captain of the Iron Hope and crewed by Prowl and Ironhide.


*Energon Ultra Magnus (2004):This toy is a redeco of "Armada" Overload. It was later remolded into "Transformers: Universe" Sentinel Maximus.

Transformers: Universe (Spy Changer)

Transformers character
name = Ultra Magnus

caption =
affiliation = Autobot
subgroup = Spy Changers
rank =
function =
partner = Ironhide
motto =
alternatemodes = Car Carrier
weapons =
height =
series =
engvoice =
japanvoice =
A new version of Ultra Magnus was created for the Transformers: Universe storyline.

3H Enterprises

This character appeared in the 2004 BotCon voice actor play, and was seemingly yet another new Ultra Magnus taken from a parallel dimension to that of the "Robots in Disguise" fiction.

The Voice Actor Drama was written for OFTCC 2004 by Simon Furman, set after the events in the comics. Spy Changers Optimus Prime, Prowl, Ultra Magnus and Ironhide were among those taken from their world via teleportation beam by Unicron and his Decepticon minions. The Autobot forces opposing Unicron attempted to deflect the beam, which left them all trapped on an uninhabited ice-world. The Autobot forces teamed up to overcome the Decepticons lead by Reptilion. Presumably the Autobots were then returned to their own worlds.


*Transformers: Universe Ultra Magnus with Ironhide (2004):The parallel-universe spanning "" line also featured a black repaint of the Spy Changer version of "Robots in Disguise" Ultra Magnus. This package was a Walmart store exclusive.

Transformers: Universe (Deluxe)

Transformers character
name = Ultra Magnus

caption =
affiliation = Autobot
subgroup = Deluxe Vehicles
rank =
function =
partner = Over-Run
motto =
alternatemodes = Semi-Truck
weapons =
height =
series =
engvoice =
japanvoice =
In addition to the slightly repainted incarnation of "Robots in Disguise" Magnus, the multiple-reality-spanning "" toyline featured several other Ultra Magnus characters from other universes.

The Deluxe version of Ultra Magnus has yet to make any appearance in fiction. The only information known about him is that he is a rival of "Universe" Treadshot.


*Transformers: Universe Ultra Magnus with Over-Run:A repaint of the deluxe-sized "Armada" Optimus Prime in white, with Mini-Con Over-Run, packaged with Universe Treadshot and his Mini-Con Nightbeat. This Ultra Magnus has not appeared in any Universe storyline, but the box made mention of an old rivalry with Treadshot. There was an error in the assembly of this version of Ultra Magnus where the lower parts of his arms were swapped with each other, meaning he could not bend his arms up at the elbows fully, but many fans have taken to fixing this error themselves.

Transformers: Animated

Transformers character
name = Ultra Magnus

caption = Ultra Magnus in Animated
affiliation = Autobot
subgroup = Leaders
rank =
function =
partner =
motto = "Stand your ground, Autobots!"
alternatemodes = M983 Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck
height =
series =
engvoice = Jeff Bennett
japanvoice =
In the Cartoon Network series , Ultra Magnus serves as the Autobot commander on Cybertron and Optimus Prime's superior and he sees Optimus as a born leader. His head resembles that of the Generation 1 character's super robot mode. He wields a large warhammer, which can discharge massive amounts of electricity and command lightning bolts. He turns into an 8 wheeled truck [ [http://seibertron.com/energonpub/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=33852 Seibertron.com - The Ultimate Transformers Resource ] ]

Animated series

In the pilot of "Transformers: Animated" Ultra Magnus learned that Optimus Prime's crew had discovered the All Spark and ordered them to stay put until it could be retrieved. He also told Prime not to try and be a hero, unfortunately Optimus disobeyed and had the Ark take off anyway, stating that "Ultra Magnus" wasn't carrying the Allspark".

He comes to Earth personally in the episode "The Elite Guard" with his fellow Cybertron Elite Guard members Sentinel Prime, and Jazz. He took on an Earth-vehicle mode. After the battle against some out-of-control police droids and a fragment of the Allspark was retrieved, Ultra Magnus began to respect Optimus Prime as a commander and told Sentinel Prime that he can learn a thing or two from him.

Ultra Magnus later took Sentinel Prime and Jazz back to Cybertron to fight a Decepticon uprising.

He would later inform the earthbound Autobots of the escape of the traitor Wasp, telling them to keep an optic sensor out for him.


*Leader Class Ultra Magnus (2008/not released yet):A highly detailed figure with battle guns and three phrases. [http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/press-releases-28/hasbro-rolls-out-line-of-toys-based-on-cartoon-networks-new-animated-transformers-series-164235/]

*"'Animated Leader Class Roadbuster Ultra Magnus (2008/not released yet):A redeco of the first Leader Class toy. His confirmed color scheme is a green, black, and orange theme. Much like G1 Roadbuster. The rumor is that Roadbuster will be a different character than Magnus. [ [http://www.allspark.com/content/view/3163/20/ The Allspark: Transformers News, Transformers The Movie News, Beast Wars, G1 - Walmart.Com Lists New TF Toys! ] ]


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