National landmark

National landmark

A National landmark is a site identified by a national authority as one possessing nationallysignificant natural, historic, or scientific resources. Typically, it identifies an isolated site and not a landscape or complex of sites better suited to management as a national park or historic site.


In Canada, a National Landmarks program was foreseen in the 1970s and 1980s, but not established. They were to protect specific natural features considered "outstanding, exceptional, unique, or rare to this country. These natural features would typically be isolated entities and of scientific interest."[1]

To date, only one has been establishedPingo National Landmarkin the Northwest Territories. Another was proposed at the same time in 1984Nelson Head National Landmarkon the southern tip of Banks Island, also in the NWT. It was to include some 70 square miles (180 km2), 25 miles (40 km) of coastline, and protect the sea cliffs at Nelson Head and Cape Lambton. Durham Heights were to be included, which reach an elevation of 2,450 feet (750 m). The legislation providing for the Landmark required a formal request from the Minister of the Environment within 10 years (until 1994).[2] None was ever made.

United States

In the United States, the term national landmark takes on a legal definition, and may refer to one of two programs of the federal government:[citation needed]


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