DOCLE (Doctor Command Language), is a non-numeric health coding and medical classification system. The Docle system is used in Health Communication Network's electronic medical record and patient management software package, Medical Director. Medical Director is the most widely used electronic medical record system by Australian primary health care providers.

DOCLE has been modelled on the linnean biological classification system since 1995. Docle generates clinical codes from ubiquitous health language using an algorithm, hence it is a human readable clinical coding system.



According to Dr Y Kuang Oon, developer behind Docle, Docle can be explained simply by the following design principles:

  • Docle design principle No. 1

Clinical codes are wordful meanings and are intention revealing.

  • Docle design principle No. 2

Clinical codes are derived from ubiquitous health language in this manner: if the health concept is one word then the first four characters of the word else if it is two words then the first four characters of the first word plus the first character of the second word else the first characters of each word for the case of three or more words.

  • Docle design principle No. 3

Clinical codes grow with evolving order with both speciation and large scale structures in a linnean manner.

  • Docle design principle No. 4

Clinical codes are designed to be snapped on together to form clinical statements (docle closures) using joiner codes. Analogous to the clinical concept codes being the neurons and the joiner codes being the glia.

See also


External links

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