- BAY 38-7271
IUPAC_name = (-)-(R)-3-(2-Hydroxymethylindanyl-4-oxy)phenyl-4,4,4-trifluorobutyl-1-sulfonate
width= 220
CAS_number= 212188-60-8
C=20 | H=21 | F=3 | O=5 | S=1
molecular_weight = 430.437 g/mol
metabolism =
excretion =
pregnancy_category =
legal_status = Legal
routes_of_administration=BAY 38-7271 is a drug which is a
cannabinoid receptor agonist developed by Bayer AG. It hasanalgesic and neuroprotective effects and is used in scientific research, with proposed uses in the treatment of traumatic brain injury. [Mauler F, Horváth E, De Vry J, Jäger R, Schwarz T, Sandmann S, Weinz C, Heinig R, Böttcher M. BAY 38-7271: a novel highly selective and highly potent cannabinoid receptor agonist for the treatment of traumatic brain injury. "CNS Drug Reviews". 2003 Winter;9(4):343-58. PMID 14647528] [Mauler F, Hinz V, Augstein KH, Fassbender M, Horváth E. Neuroprotective and brain edema-reducing efficacy of the novel cannabinoid receptor agonist BAY 38-7271. "Brain Research". 2003 Oct 31;989(1):99-111. PMID 14519516] It is a full agonist with around the same potency asCP 55,940 in animal studies, and has fairly high affinity for both CB1 and CB2 receptors, with Ki values of 2.91nM at CB1 and 4.24nM at CB2. [Mauler F, Mittendorf J, Horváth E, De Vry J. Characterization of the diarylether sulfonylester (-)-(R)-3-(2-hydroxymethylindanyl-4-oxy)phenyl-4,4,4-trifluoro-1-sulfonate (BAY 38-7271) as a potent cannabinoid receptor agonist with neuroprotective properties. "Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics". 2002 Jul;302(1):359-68. PMID 12065738] [De Vry J, Rüdiger Jentzsch K. Discriminative stimulus effects of BAY 38-7271, a novel cannabinoid receptor agonist. "European Journal of Pharmacology". 2002 Dec 20;457(2-3):147-52. PMID 12464360]References
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