Friendly Hostility

Friendly Hostility

Infobox comic strip
title= Friendly Hostility

author= K. Sandra Fuhr
status= MWF
first= January 8 2004
preceded by= Boy Meets Boy
followed by= none

"Friendly Hostility" is a webcomic by K. Sandra Fuhr. As with her previous work, "Boy Meets Boy", which was loosely based on characters from the artist's "This Is Home", so too is "Friendly Hostility". The comic currently appears in a three-times weekly format, released on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Begun in the final days of "Boy Meets Boy", "Friendly Hostility" debuted on January 8 2004 with an in-depth view of the family history of Kailen (Fox) Maharassa, introducing Fox's mother, father, sister and his "Uncle" Rafi, a con artist and weekend Satanic priest.

Main Characters

Kailen "Fox" Maharassa


Collin Sri'vastra

. He hates flan, but loves baby seals.


. She recently took a job at the sandwich shop below the apartment she's renting.

The Demon

, it is revealed that he has taken a job as a male nurse. He had a crush on Fox's sister, Fatima, who does not return his affections. In recent months, he has begun to date Fox's boss's daughter, Charlotte. Though he is quite clearly a demon, it is almost never pointed out by other characters, Fuhr states this is because they're too polite.

Fatima Maharassa

Fatima is Fox's older sister who has been nicknamed "The Evil Ice Princess From Hell." She is a field biologist who has a strained relationship with her mother. Fatima refuses to conform to traditional standards of femininity, as seen when she began entering (and starting) fights and by her refusal to tweeze her eyebrows. She currently lives in Alaska with her dog, Nukka.

Arath Velasquez

Arath, AKA "Ignacio", "Nacho" or "Nachito," is Collin's classmate and friend. He is also a concert violinist. At one point, he claimed to have had his emotions surgically removed at the age of twelve. He is Mexican, as evidenced by his trip with Collin to visit friends and relatives during the "Neapolitan Summer" comics of 2006. Has issues with homosexuals and doesn't think much of Fox, though his friend Maru believes the latter is because he's in love with Collin. This is not helped by the fact that random people think Collin is his boyfriend. He enjoys caramel cappucino.

upporting Characters

These characters have lesser roles in the web-comic. They aren't seen as frequently as the main characters, but still are part of the overall plot.

Nefertari Maharassa

to get him to sleep when he's stressed. Nefertari attracted the permanent enmity of Mr. and Mrs. Sri'vastra by biting the latter. When fifty per cent of her hair turned gray, she began considering using Satanic rituals to steal youth, but instead allowed Rafi to dye her hair silver.

Padma Maharassa

Padma, Fox's father, is the inventor of many odd contraptions, many of which involve machines that are part-toaster (the Toaster-Mac and toast-ejecting warheads for the CIA among them). He also has an interest in certain arcane practices, such as resurrecting the dead to power a nuclear reactor. His hat is considered by the rest of the family to be pure evil. In an arc from June 3, 2005 to July 1, 2005, Fox and Fatima burn the hat, then flush and bury its ashes, only to have it appear in the closet at home. Like his son, Padma has fangs. Due to his many crazed projects, he has NASA on speed dial.


, Satanic Priest, and sufferer of an overwhelming nurse-porn fetish. He oftens gets into trouble, such as when he bet and lost the infant Fatima to a group of cannibals. As such, both Padma and Nefertari have threatened to rip out his spleen on several occasions. His relationship with Padma and Nefertari is ambiguous. He has a grudge against Fox's boss, Mr. Rudd. He also has a tendency to have just the right resources to help out when Fox and Collin find themselves at loose ends (like an empty apartment when they need it, or his Satanmobile when Fox's Zorromobile is stolen.)

Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos

"N", short for Nyarlathotep, also known as the Lord of Chaos and Nightmares is a friend of Fox's and the manifestation of the consciousness of pure chaos. He convinced Fox to stop using his name-sake, "The Crawling Chaos", and has appeared in a few strips since. After his presence in an arc from November 2, 2005 to November 24 causes a convert|100|lb|abbr=on. safe to fall on Collin, he makes up for it by releasing Fox's former associates at East Telenetcomm. N has been removed from the strip as a whole recently, as stated by the author. Fact|date=February 2007


her. She was launched into orbit after Padma tried to impregnate her with Fatima's child. Fuhr has stated that she will not re-appear in the strip.

Mr. Rudd

Leslie Ariel Rudd is Fox's boss at the Daily Warning. He and Rafi have a longtime grudge: the Satanist church which Rafi preaches at is located in front of Rudd's apartment building. It keeps him up at night with its swing dances and cat sacrifices. Rudd eventually took action by hanging Rafi up a flagpole by his underwear. However, Mr. Rudd and Padma hit it off right away, possibly because they both have feminine first names. His sister's nickname for him is "Hammer". Derringer believes he's a vampire slayer, while Fox says he has proof he's a vampire. Despite Mr. Rudd's initial dislike of Derringer, strong hints indicate they have formed a romantic attachment. []

Derringer Douglas

. Derringer has a unique perspective on Mr. Rudd, seeing an underlying affection in his gruff demeanor. There are strong hints that he and Mr. Rudd have developed a romantic attachment. [] He has recently displayed a strong friendship with Fox, and a strong dislike of Arath. He is also skilled in numerous homemaking arts such as cooking and sewing. He can mysteriously produce placards, and bedding [] .

Charlotte Rudd

films, though she dropped it after the '07 Summer Storyline. She disapproves of her dad's drinking, so at one point she swapped his beer for a baby triffid. She tests her experiments on Derringer, since nobody else will take the risk. Although she is not very good at softball, she excels at hitting people with bats. At the end of the Big Summer Storyline '07, she goes on a date with the Demon.

Minor Characters

*Washington is Mr. Rudd's sister. She was sent by BioXao, the company Mr. Rudd sent Fox and Derringer to investigate, to make them stop; she subsequently met Fox and Chuy in a dark alley in Vegas. She has been nicknamed "Axe".

*Paulín is an enigmatic woman who is out to get Mr. Rudd. Nothing else is known about her.

*Maru, Chuy, and Fer, the Mexicans. Chuy is a rather Fox-like fellow, down to the sticking of peanuts in the nose; in spring 2007, he and Fox took off to Las Vegas. He and Fer have been best friends since they were young and finally started dating after the Vegas trip. Maru knows Arath better than he would like.

*Mr. and Mrs. Sri'vastra are Collin's ultra-fundamentalist parents. When Collin's mother found out about Collin's relationship with Fox, she tearfully said goodbye to her son, and neither of his parents have spoken to him in years. A recent story line has reunited Collin with his mother, though it is unclear at this time how long this will last.

*Cici is the coffee shop girl at Beluga Brews. She thinks Arath and Collin are cute together. Cici is currently in a same-sex relationship with her manager.

*Sofia is Leslie Rudd's ex-wife and Charlotte's mother. She thinks Charlotte should get a weave.

*Paolo is an artist and Sofia's much younger boyfriend.

*Kitty is a young woman whom Mr. Rudd picks up in a coffee shop in an effort to convince Sofia that he has a girlfriend.


*"Relationships must be carefully tended, like a garden, or a nuclear reactor of some sort." -Padma
*"My dad said exploding ducks are a good omen." -Fox
*"You deny it, Dad denies it, but it's in our blood. We're Maharassas.There are three sorts of people for us. Family to protect. Bitches to sex up. And PREY." -Fatima
*"You know the part of your brain that uses logic? What is it telling you to do, Fox?":"It says I should shave.":"Okay then.":"(Fox pulls fully clothed Collin into bath)":"See, I ignore that part of my brain. I try to drown it out with loud music and video games. If that doesn't work, I stick my finger up my nose and poke it."
*"If all goes well? Nuclear winter!" -Nyarlathotep


*Fans of the webcomic are called "hostiles".
*Several anonymous fans have stepped the realm of "Friendly Hostility" up, creating LiveJournals that are purportedly run by Fox, Collin and Bootsie. Fuhr has stated that these have her approval, and are mostly canon.Fact|date=September 2007

Extra Information

Collin and Fox also appear in the [ first airing] of "Queen of Wands", and [ with commentary] .

The first seven months (roughly) of this comic is actually a prequel to the comic called "Problematic". It is devoted to fleshing out the supporting cast, which is entirely Fox's family. In her LiveJournal, Fuhr has hinted at this timeline being developed into its own strip.

External links

* [ "Friendly Hostility"]
* [ "Boy Meets Boy"]
* [ Friendly Hostility Livejournal Updates]

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