Emanuele Severino

Emanuele Severino

Emanuele Severino (February 26, 1929 in Brescia, Italy) is one of the most important contemporary Italian philosophers.

Severino studied at the University of Pavia under Gustavo Bontadini, though he broke publicly from Bontadini in 1970 while both were on the faculty of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. Severino spent a number of years on the faculty of the University of Venice as well. [cite book | editor = Silvia Benso & Brian Schroeder | title = Contemporary Italian Philosophy | publisher = SUNY Press | year = 2007 | id = ISBN 0791471357 | pages = pp. 194–195]

Because of his philosophical original position, so called "neoparmenidism", Severino has been claimed to be "a giant" and "the only philosopher who in the 20th century can be compared to Heidegger".fact|date=March 2008

Severino has received from the President of the Italian Republic the "Golden medal of the Republic for culture merits" ("Medaglia d’oro della Repubblica per i Benemeriti della Cultura"). He is also a member of Accademia dei Lincei, the official Italian scientific academy. He has won several prizes and writes sometimes on the "Corriere della Sera" newspaper.

Severino puts in full light that everything is eternal.


External links

* [Donato Sperduto: "Vedere senza vedere ovvero Il crepuscolo della morte / Sehen ohne zu sehen oder Der Untergang des Todes", Schena ed., Fasano. 2007: a tragi-comedy on E. Severino. - www.filosofia.it/pagine/pdf/recensioni/Sperduto%20Vedere_Severino.pdf]
* [http://www.filosofico.net/severinoenglish.htm Biography on filosofico.net]

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