Beta Upsilon Chi

Beta Upsilon Chi

Infobox Fraternity
letters = ΒΥΧ
name = Beta Upsilon Chi
motto = "Behold how good and how pleasing it is when brothers dwell together in unity! -- [ Psalm 133:1] "
crest =
founded = Spring 1985
type = Social
emphasis = Christian
scope = National
address = 741 Kentucky Derby Lane | city = Fort Worth
state = Texas
country = USA
chapters = 22 in the United States
colors = Purple and White
free_label = Purpose
free = To establish brotherhood and unity among college men based on the common bond of Jesus Christ.
homepage =
birthplace = University of Texas

Beta Upsilon Chi, or ΒΥΧ (pronounced "Bucks"), is the largest Christian social fraternity in the United States. [" [ In constitutional clash with university, Christian fraternity wins big] ." "" Retrieved on April 6, 2007.] Since its founding at the University of Texas in 1985, ΒΥΧ has spread to twenty-two campuses in nine states." [ Chapters] ." "Brothers Under Christ (website)." Retrieved on April 2, 2007.] Its purpose is "to establish brotherhood and unity among college men based on the common bond of Jesus Christ" and its founding scripture is, "Behold how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity." - Psalm 133:1." [ About BYX] ." "Brothers Under Christ (website)." Retrieved on April 2, 2007.] BYX seeks to set itself apart from other fraternities in its incorporation of cell groups where, separate from weekly fraternity meetings, small groups of men gather weekly to edify college men through Bible study, worship, accountability, prayer, and fellowship to promote brotherhood among its members.


Founding Fathers

ΒΥΧ was founded at the University of Texas in 1985 by the national founding fathers, and led by Wendel Weaver as the first president , and today sits on the National Board of Directors. This group of men saw the lasting bonds of deep friendship that Greek life fostered and felt that such an order, dedicated to Christ and the edification of one another, could lead to a powerful social witness on their campus. Thus, as an alternative to what was seen as the "normal" fraternity scene, the Founding Fathers of Beta Upsilon Chi established their Fraternity as Brothers Under Christ, and took the Greek letters Beta, Upsilon, and Chi to identify themselves. They chose to make public their true name, Brothers Under Christ, so that they might always wear the name of Christ and demonstrate that one could remain true to one's faith and yet enjoy life in fellowship with others. To announce the founding of their Fraternity, the Founding Fathers organized the first Island Party on the campus of the University of Texas. Chapters around the country now hold their own Island Party annually as an evangelical outreach to the chapters' respective campuses and communities.

Going national

The process of growing from one chapter in Austin, Texas to a national organization across the country was slow at first. Initially, the alpha chapter rejected requests from Christian men at other schools to be initiated into the Fraternity or to start new chapters. Eventually, the leadership in Austin decided that this success of Beta Upsilon Chi should be shared with other campuses, and the Founding Fathers of Beta Chapter were initiated at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas. The fraternity then quickly expanded its presence across Texas starting the Gamma and Delta chapters at Texas A&M University and Stephen F. Austin State University.

Today, the national fraternity is headquartered in Fort Worth, and an expansion program oversees the establishment of new chapters." [ Contact] ." "Brothers Under Christ (website)." Retrieved on April 2, 2007.]

Inspiration for new fraternities

The influence of Beta Upsilon Chi, Brothers Under Christ, on the Christian fraternity movement has been significant. What has been characterized as the Texas movement was associated with the rise of the Evangelical Christian movement and the founding of Beta Upsilon Chi in 1985.

In 1988, only three years after BYX's founding, women from Texas established Sigma Phi Lambda, or Sisters for the Lord." [ All About Sigma Phi Lambda] ." " [ Sigma Phi Lambda] ." Retrieved on [pril 2, 2007.] Sigma Phi Lambda was influenced by BYX in their development, with Phi Lamb's establishment designed to be a "female version of BYX."Peck, Kevin. "History of Beta Upsilon Chi, 1985-2000." Fort Worth, Texas: Beta Upsilon Chi Fraternity, 2000.] This women's Christian sorority is considered by many to be BYX's sister sorority. Their official name, Sisters for the Lord, and their system of "cable groups" closely mirrors BYX.

Additionally, after initially looking at Beta Upsilon Chi, Alpha Gamma Omega, Alpha Nu Omega, and Chi Alpha Omega, four men founded Keeping Under Christ, Kappa Upsilon Chi, in 1993. The group was founded by men who led Christian ministries and were members of the Phi Gamma Delta social fraternity. Like other Christian fraternities, KYX sought to be a social alternative for Christian men, an option that was only available to women at Texas Tech at that time. [ Kappa Upsilon Chi National History - Available Upon Request from ]

Continued growth and new chapters

With twenty-two chapters across the country, BYX is the largest Christian social fraternity in the United States. BYX chapters continue to do well despite declines in other areas of Greek life: at Vanderbilt University, Nu Chapter led all fraternities in pledges for the second year in Spring 2006."Fraternity recruitment decreases slightly." "The Vanderbilt Hustler," Vol. 123, May 7, 2006, p. 1, col. 1.]

University of Georgia

In late 2006, the Pi Chapter of Beta Upsilon Chi at the University of Georgia was prevented from registering as a student organization by University officials "because the group requires its members and officers to share the groups Christian beliefs." [Staff Writer. " [ University of Georgia: No religious fraternities] ." "Alliance Defense Fund." December 5, 2006. Retrieved on April 2, 2007.]

After months of negotiation between University officials, student officers of the local chapter, and officials at the Fraternity's national headquarters in Texas, attorneys with the Christian Legal Society and Alliance Defense Fund filed a civil rights suit on December 5, 2006 in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Georgia against the University on behalf of the Fraternity. [" [ "Beta Upsilon Chi v. Michael F. Adams"] ." United States District Court for the Middle District of Georgia. December 5, 2006.]

Five days later, on December 10, published reports by the Associated Press indicated that the University (would) "remove the religion clause from the (University's anti-discrimination) policy for the Christian fraternity to settle this particular situation and is discussing an exception to religious discrimination (that) could be put into place much like an exception to gender discrimination is in place for same-sex social fraternities and sororities.' [The Associated Press. " [ Univ. of Ga. to recognize Christian fraternity] ." "First Amendment Center." December 10, 2006. Retrieved on April 4, 2007.]

University of Florida

On March 16, 2007, the Upsilon Chapter at the University of Florida was officially recognized by the BYX national board. [ University of Florida Chapter. " [ Upsilon Chapter] " Retrieved on November 4, 2007.] The University of Florida however, refused to recognize BYX. [ The Alligator. " [ Christian fraternity suing UF, seeking official recognition.] " Retrieved on June 24, 2008.] The university had refused to recognize the chapter as a "Registered Student Organization" because the fraternity only accepts men, and would not recognize the chapter as a "Social Fraternity" because the fraternity only accepts Christians. [ The Gainsville Sun. " [ All-male Christian fraternity sues UF.] " Retrieved on November 4, 2007.] On July 10, 2007, the Alliance Defense Fund Center for Academic Freedom and the Christian Legal Society filed suit on behalf of BYX against various officials from the University of Florida for various constitutional violations. [ Alliance Defense Fund. " [ Beta Upsilon Chi, Upsilon Chapter at the University of Florida v. Machen, et al.] ." "Alliance Defense Fund." July 10, 2007. Retrieved on November 4, 2007. ] After just under 13 months of legal battles, the 11th Circuit Court ruled that the university must recognize the chapter even though the fraternity only accepts Christian men. [ The Alligator. " [ Court orders UF to recognize Christian fraternity.] " Retrieved on July 31, 2008.]


Board of Directors

At the national level, ΒΥΧ is headed by a Board of Directors. This board is the ultimate authority and is responsible for the guidance of the fraternity.

The Board comprises the governing body of the Beta Upsilon Chi corporation, a 501(c)(3) organization, which controls the assets of the fraternity. They appoint the National Executive Director to run the daily business of the Fraternity. In conjunction with this Executive Director, they approve any charter changes.

All members of the Board must be alumni of the Fraternity. The current members of the National Board of Directors are Wendel Weaver (Chairman), Chuck "The Hammer" James, Jon Sherman and Brett Williams.

Executive Director

The BYX Executive Director is the national administrator of the Fraternity. Through his staff, he coordinates the activities of the Fraternity from its headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. The Executive Director's staff is equally responsible for the day-to-day operation of the national fraternity, and staff from National Headquarters frequently visit the chapters. The National Executive Director is an "ex officio" member of the Board of Directors; he has a voice in decisions, but no vote.

The following men have served as Executive Director of Beta Upsilon Chi: [Hoyt, Jason. "Executive Director's Report." "Beta Upsilon Chi National Newsletter." July 2005.]
* Kyle Hoover, 1999–2001
* Kevin Peck, 2001–2004
* Jason Hoyt, 2004–Present" [ Executive Director: Jason Hoyt] ." "Brothers Under Christ (website)." Retrieved on April 2, 2007.]

Chapter governance

Chapters are authorized by a Charter from the National Board of Directors and denominated by a letter of the Greek alphabet that corresponds with their order of admission into the Fraternity (for example, the University of Texas is Alpha Chapter).

The Charter authorizes each chapter to work under a Chapter Constitution that provides for the election of chapter officers: typically a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, chaplain, and a pledge trainer, sometimes called a New Member Captain. [" [ Contact Us] ." "Baylor Chapter (website)." Retrieved on April 6, 2007.] [" [ Officers] ." "Texas Christian Chapter (website)." Retrieved on April 6, 2007.] [" [ Officers] ." "Texas Chapter (website)." Retrieved on April 6, 2007.] These s are responsible for the administration of the Chapter for a calendar year, conducting ritual, overseeing meetings, organizing trips, implementing the pledging program, organizing parties, etc. The officers serve one year terms, and may only be re-elected once to a different office.

National meetings

Once each year, the chapter officers gather together for a National Leadership Conference, which consists of all the officers of the Fraternity and the national staff. This meeting is in the fall, and shortly follows the election of the local chapter leaders." [ Next Leaders Conference] ." "Brothers Under Christ (website)." Retrieved on April 2, 2007.]

In the early spring of each year, the entire Fraternity is called together for National Summit, typically held outside of Dallas, Texas. The event is the primary unifying experience of BYX members outside of their common commitment to Christ and their shared experience in ritual and ceremony of the Fraternity. Its Bible studies, worship, fellowship, athletic competitions, and seminars on Fraternity issues attract the largest gatherings of Brothers Under Christ in any given year. It is also at Summit where the annual Delegate Convention of the Fraternity takes place." [ National Summit Conference] ." "Brothers Under Christ." Retrieved on April 2, 2007.]

Affiliating with local universities

Since its inception in 1985, chapters of Beta Upsilon Chi have chosen not to affiliate with the Interfraternity Council (IFC) at the school where they are established. This has proven controversial on some campuses, because it means that BYX does not pay IFC dues. On the other hand, IFC membership sometimes involves sanctioning rules and regulations which would be contrary to the purpose of BYX. Because of the potential for conflict inherent in such affiliations, the National Board of Directors continues to uphold a policy prohibiting local chapters from affiliating with host university IFCs." [ General Information] ." "Beta Upsilon Chi." Retrieved on April 2, 2007.] As a result, depending on the university, each chapter is either registered as a social fraternity unassociated with the IFC, or as a student organization.


members. Each local chapter is composed of its active members and pledges.

Active members form the backbone of the Fraternity, participating in ritual, leading worship, Bible study, and other chapter activities. Active members have voting rights within the chapter and become alumni members upon their graduation. Pledges become members by finishing the pledging process, a process that differs from chapter to chapter, but typically lasts a semester.

Cell groups

The attribute of BYX chapters that most clearly delineates it from other Christian fraternities -- and certainly from non-Christian social fraternities -- is that all BYX members are a part of "cell groups." Cell groups were an original innovation of the Founding Fathers when they established the Fraternity at the University of Texas. These weekly meetings bring four to six brothers (and pledges, when there are pledges) together into a group for close fellowship, Christian accountability, and Bible study. Many times, brothers in Beta Upsilon Chi find that those with whom they share their cell group become their closest friends within the chapter and within their college.

The overall strength of the Fraternity's national and local unity is firmly rooted in this cell group structure, and their foundational place within Beta Upsilon Chi has led to its continued growth and longevity. Indeed, cell groups are one of the primary means by which the Fraternity's Christian character is maintained.Hoyt, Jason. "Executive Director's Report." "Beta Upsilon Chi National Newsletter." July 2005.]

Traditions and symbols

As with any Greek letter organization, Beta Upsilon Chi is a ritualistic organization whose pledge induction, initiation, and other ceremonies are esoteric and not open to the general public. Instead, these traditions serve to bind the brothers together such that any Brother Under Christ from across the country can feel welcome and among his brothers.

In addition to the usual Greek practices of grips, words, and memory work, Beta Upsilon Chi also utilizes several symbols whose meaning is open to anyone:

*Purpose. To establish brotherhood and unity among college men based on the common bond of Jesus Christ.

* Founding Scripture. "Behold, how good and how pleasing it is when Brothers to dwell together in Unity!" -- [ Psalm 133:1]

* Colors. Purple and white.

* Signature event. Island Party


Beta Upsilon Chi does not actively recruit men to start chapters. Brothers Under Christ grows through word of mouth from various sources, such as brothers serving at summer camps or talking to friends from high school. Beta Upsilon Chi feels it is important to let God lead them to the campuses they should exist at rather than being proactive in chapter establishment.Fact|date=July 2007

Current chapters

The Fraternity is currently composed of 22 chapters in 9 states.

Prospective chapters

Several universities presently have an active BYX Expansion Process underway. The process, in which those who aspire to bring a chapter of Beta Upsilon Chi to their campus must complete three phases to be considered for a chapter, is administered through the Fraternity's official website." [ Prospective Chapters] ." "Beta Upsilon Chi." Retrieved on April 2, 2007.]

Current Prospective schools:Colorado State, Georgia Tech, Kansas State, LSU, Wake Forest, Auburn


External links

* [ Beta Upsilon Chi national website]

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