- Gloriosam Reginam
Gloriosam Reginam (December 8, 1955) is an
Apostolic Letter ofPope Pius XII to the Polishepiscopate , toprotest against thepersecution of the Church in Poland, and, to commemorate the 300th anniversary ofJasna Góra , the Polish sanctuary of theVirgin Mary . The invincibleMother of God , who watches over the freedom for Poland, will most certainly assist. [AAS 1956, 73] Gloriosam Reginam begins with a review of the historic attachment of the Polish faithful to the Virgin Mary. She in turn was pleased to always assist the Polish people. The larger the difficulties and dangers, the more obvious was her help. Three hundred years ago, Protestant invadors easily tookWarsow andKraków , leaving Jasna Góra as the last symbol of Polish freedom. But theAbbot of the monastery did not loose courage, and, appealing to the Mother of God, inspired Polish defenders to extreme resistance. The tide turned and Poland regained its freedom. Consequently, King Kasimir named the Virgin Mary patron and Queen of Poland.Pope Pius XI created a special Polish feast day to the Virgin as Queen of Poland, to be celebrated May 3 of every year. [Gloriosam Reginam 2] This proves, so Pope Pius, that the virgin can be trusted to save the Polish people at any time. The Catholic faith is the most valuable treasure of the Polish people, a true source of strength in difficult times. Poles, over the centuries stood loyal to the HolyApostolic See . Poles withstand the subtle and not so subtle advances of atheist propaganda.
** Poles are not afraid in heavy storms. They maintain their calmness, firmness and dignity, trusting in the Most High and Eternal God, to whom nothing is impossible. He subdues in short time and with modest means, everything and everybody powerful and arrogant. [Gloriosam Reginam 3]Persecution
All events, including the bad ones experienced at present, are subject to the hidden plans of God. To endure the present calamities, it is necessary to be strong in hope and faith, and, to live publicly and privately, like a reflection of
Gospel teachings. Pope Pius suggests to his readers, to look up to the powerful virgin, in case they are afraid. The most blessed Mother will never abandon her faithful and beloved Polish people. [Gloriosam Reginam 5] The Pope reminds his readers, that he castigated anti-Christian religious persecutions many times before. The persecution got worse, not only in Poland but in other countries too. Priests and Bishops are incarcerated under most awful circumstances, or they are under house arrest, unable to be pastorally active. Religious were forced to leave their houses, Catholic organizations were dissolved, all Catholic media closed, Catholic schools closed or robbed of their rights.
** We paternally hug all these brothers and sons of ours, so dear to us, because they suffer innocently for truth and justice, and once again we recommend them and all their intentions most ardently to our Lord God, the most generous source of consolation and eternal rewards. [Gloriosam Reginam 5]In the following part, Pope Pius XII critiques some unnamed Polish
clergy , for meddling in affairs, which are none of their business, and for giving sermons and press releases, which are misleading, as they are based on wrong principles and false teachings. He reminds his readers, that he led world-wide protests against the incarceration of CardinalStefan Wyszyński two years earlier. Many countries living in freedom joined in his protest. But Polish bishops are still incarcerated or kept from their offices. The invincible Mother of God who watches over the freedom for Poland, will most certainly assist. The Pope concludes, it is most justified, to memorize her and thank her for the liberation from the most terrible occupation. Pope Pius XII concludes his letter with his best wishes to Poles all over the world, and hisApostolic Blessing . [Gloriosam Reginam 7]References
* Gloriosam Reginam, Acta Apostolicae Sedis, AAS 1956, 73
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