

HeroClix is a collectible miniatures game that uses the Clix system. Originally designed and produced by WizKids, it is now owned and marketed by NECA. Players construct teams of comic book heroes, villains, and other characters from popular video games such as Street Fighter, Gears of War, and Halo. Build your team to your liking and play out a battle between the teams turn-by-turn on a grid map.

HeroClix logo



Example of a Clix figure

HeroClix utilizes the combat dial system created for Mage Knight, which keeps track of a figure's game statistics via a rotating dial in the base. As the figure suffers damage, the dial is turned to reveal new stats and special abilities. HeroClix was designed to appeal to comic book fans, players of wargames, and collectors. The base set, Marvel's Infinity Challenge was released in 2002. The original HeroClix figures were all from comic books printed by Marvel Comics, but later expanded to include sets from DC Comics and from various independent publishers such as Image Comics and Dark Horse Comics. Later expansions also added new card-based mechanics such as Feats and Battlefield Conditions, expanding the game beyond the addition of new characters. As of March 2009, there are approximately 3,300 different HeroClix figures, maps, and game play items (as listed on the BattlePlanner web site).[citation needed]

The expansions won three awards at the 2002 Origins Awards including Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Game Board Game for Marvel HeroClix: Infinity Challenge.[1]

WizKids had a prize support system for organized tournaments at comic book and hobby shops, as well as regionally and nationally, consisting of special limited edition variant figures given to winners. It is expected that full scale organized play and prize support will resume, now that WizKids has been purchased by NECA. (The new NECA subsidiary will be known as "WizKids".)[2]

List of HeroClix game designers
Person Time
Monte Cook 2002
Jeff Quick 2002
Mike Mulvihill 2002
Jon Leitheusser 20022003
Jeff Grubb part of 2003
Jon Leitheusser 20032005
Seth Johnson 2005present
Kelly Bonilla part of 2008

Sale of WizKids

WizKids was acquired by The Topps Company in 2003. Topps later announced that as of November 10, 2008, Wizkids was ceasing production of all its product lines, including HeroClix.[3] Scott Silverstein, CEO of Topps, saidThis was an extremely difficult decision. While the company will still actively pursue gaming initiatives, we feel it is necessary to align our efforts more closely with Topps' current sports and entertainment offerings which are being developed within our New York office.” The property was expected to be sold to a 3rd party in May 2009, but the deal failed to close in April 2009.[4][5] Topps was believed to be considering producing the next HeroClix expansion ("Hammer of Thor") under its own banner, (possibly for release at the US GenCon convention) prior to any future sale of the franchise to a third party. While a Marvel license "to manufacture figures and card games" had been acquired by Upper Deck, this license did not specifically relate to HeroClix. Topps still owned all the rights and licenses for all versions of HeroClix, and Justin Ziran of Topps said that the Upper Deck deal would not prejudice the manufacture of further HeroClix product.

There were three companies known to be interested in acquiring the WizKids properties: Catalyst Game Labs, which works primarily on print role playing games; Piñata Games, formed by HeroClix enthusiasts and former Wizkids employees with the primary purpose of buying and continuing the HeroClix line; and a newly-formed third company. However, after Catalyst apparently withdrew, the third company failed to get funding, and Justin Ziran of Piñata joined Topps, NECA announced that it had purchased the majority of the Wizkids properties, including HeroClix, on September 15, 2009.[6][7] As of July 28, 2009, NECA were selling the "Thor's Mighty Chariot" big figure at a convention in America. As this had not been released by Wizkids (although pictures had been seen) prior to Topps closing WizKids down, it came as no surprise that NECA were the purchasers of the brand. The relaunch of HeroClix occurred with the release of "Hammer of Thor" in November 2009.


Each HeroClix figurine is modeled in roughly O scale and has various statistics associated with it:

  • Attack Value
  • Defense Value
  • Speed
  • Damage
  • Range
  • Point Value
  • Rarity

These statistics are all printed on a dial that serves as the base for the miniature. When a piece takes "damage", its base is turned a number of "clicks" clockwise, revealing altered stats to correspond to the damage it has taken. Most damage weakens characters, although some actually get stronger when wounded, to represent a transformation or rage.

Pieces have point values representing how powerful they are. Opposing teams are restricted to a predetermined total point value, which is usually a multiple of 100.

Near the Number of damage dealt is the range and how many times they can attack, which is shown with a number with one to three lightning bolts next to it.

Battles are played out on maps, overlaid with a grid of 35 mm x 35 mm squares. These maps come in two different sizes 3 ft by 3 ft (36" by 36") or 2 ft by 3 ft (36" by 24") (with the exception of the Marvel Universe Starter Map which was 13 by 13 squares). The maps used are of different locations found in a typical comic book story. The older maps were generic places but recently the maps have taken on more comic-book-specific places, such as the Justice Society Museum.

Rare and chase figures

The rarest figures released for the game include:

  • Some of the early Limited Edition ("LE") figures (also called "bronze-ring") that were given away as tournament prizes, are rare and highly sought after, commanding high prices among collectors and on eBay. These include Bruce Banner (Hulk), Victor Creed (Sabretooth), and Irene Adler (Destiny), among others.
  • The "Judges Exclusive" LE figures that were given to judges for the Marvel "Coming of Galactus" and DC "Starro" tournaments are considered rare. These included Sentinel of the Starways, Pyreus Kril, Oliver Queen, Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, and Arthur Curry.
  • 24 characters (eight REV sets) in the first Indy Clix set were characters published by 2000AD and were not released in the US and Canada. Similarly, 24 characters from the North American release (the "uncommon" figures numbers 37-60) were not released in the rest of the world.
  • Four super-rare Marvel chase figures, with a rarity of 1 per hundred boosters in the Supernova set. All figures are zombies from the "Marvel Zombies" series including: Hulk, Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Colonel America. Each figure comes with a HorrorClix card and is compatible in HeroClix or HorrorClix.
  • Four super-rare DC chase figures; rarity approximately one figure in every eighty Origin boosters: Lois Lane, Alfred Pennyworth, Queen Hippolyta, and the Wizard Shazam.
  • Two further super-rare DC chase figures, the Superman from Earth 2 (Kal-L), and the Superman from the Kingdom Come story line. The two figures are the same sculpt, but with different costumes and game statistics / dials. These are found in the DC Crisis boosters, with approximately 1 per eighty boosters.
  • World's Finest. (Part of the DC Crisis expansion set) This is a single (large based) figure of Superman and Batman. It has a game value of 500 points. This figure was released in March 2008 as a mail away promotional piece, in a limited and numbered edition of 5,000.
  • Two further super-rare Marvel chase figures, The Skrull Queen / Jessica Drew version of Spider Woman; and the Skrull Lyja Lazerfist, impersonating Susan Richards, the Invisible Woman. These are seemingly as rare as the two Superman figures mentioned above, i.e. approximately 1 per 80 boosters of the Secret Invasion set.
  • The "Illuminati" Skrull. This is a representation of the Skrull who had the powers of Namor, Mr Fantasic, Prof Xavier, Iron Man, and Black Bolt, as seen in the Secret Invasion story line. It is a standard sized figure. This figure was released in September 2008 as a mail away promotional piece, in a limited edition of 5,000. (However, it was anticipated that there would be a second "print run" of this figure. In the event, Topps moved to sell the game before a second print run could occur.)
  • The Joker (escape from Arkham). This is a 2 x 2 based figure, showing the Joker escaping over the wall of Arkham Asylum. It is a mail away promo for the Arkham Asylum set. This figure employs a 'prison break' mechanic, in the comic book flavor of villains being knocked out and taken to jail. Each time the figure is KO'ed, the controlling player places it in his starting area, randomly selecting one of 3 dials that the figure possesses. Despite the closing of WizKids, orders for this product were filled on a time-sensitive basis. Those orders received by Friday, November 14, 2008 were honored.
  • Two further Super-Rare DC chase figures, Batman with the Sinestro Corps ring, and a modern continuity Batman, (known by collectors and players as the "Lamppost Batman") were released in the Arkham Asylum expansion, with similar rarity to those above. These are the two highest-point-value versions of their respective representations (modern continuity and alternate/limited appearance) edging out the Veteran from Legacy and the Kingdom Come version from Unleashed, respectively.
  • There are two Super-Rare Marvel Chase Figures in the Hammer of Thor expansion, namely Thor, Frog of Thunder (Thor having been turned into a frog by Loki), and the "Thorbuster" version of Iron Man. These are thought to be approximately one per 80 boosters.
  • There are four Super-Rare DC chase figures in the Brave and the Bold expansion, namely Nekron; Black Hand; the Kal-L Black Lantern; and the J'onn J'onnz / Martian Manhunter Black Lantern. These are thought to be approximately one per 60 boosters, making them somewhat more common than previous chase pieces.
  • There are ten Super-Rare chase figures in the DC75th expansion, White Lantern Ice; White Lantern Green Arrow; White Lantern Bart Allen; White Lantern Donna Troy; White Lantern Hal Jordan; White Lantern Animal Man; White Lantern Superman; White Lantern Flash; White Lantern Wonder Woman; and White Lantern Superboy. These are thought to be approximately one per brick (or 10 boosters) making them more common then previous chase pieces.
  • There are 4 Super-Rare Chase figures in the Giant Sized X-Men expansion all of which are double (peanut) base Duo figures: Cable/Deadpool #055; Colossus/Wolverine #056; Cyclops/Phoenix #057; Gambit/Rogue #058. These are thought to be approximately one per brick (or 10 boosters) making them more common then previous chase pieces.
  • There are 5 Super-Rare Chase figures (Bronze Rarity) in the Captain America 70th Anniversary expansion: Weapon X #059, Captain America #060 (in Ice), Capwolf #061, The Captain #062, & Rojhaz #063. These are somewhat more common than earlier chase figures, yet rarer than some of the more recent sets as they are not guaranteed to be one per brick.

By the Brick figures

  • Marvel: Sinister - Venom #218
  • DC: Collateral Damage - Krypto #217
  • Marvel: Supernova - Doom #218
  • DC: Origins - DR. FATE #212
  • Marvel: Avengers - Mandarin #061
  • DC: Justice League - Phantom Stranger #061
  • Marvel: Mutations and Monsters - Dark Beast #061
  • DC: Crisis - World's Finest #061
  • Marvel: Secret Invasion - Super-Skrull: Illuminati #061
  • DC: Arkham Asylum - Clown Prince of Crime # 061 (the last Buy it By the Brick figure released prior to the 2009 Wizkids Closure: Vouchers for this figure were honored on a time sensitive basis.)
  • Marvel: Hammer of Thor - Ragnarok Surtur #201
  • DC: The Brave and the Bold - Batman & Catwoman #100
  • Marvel: Web of Spider-man - Spider-man #100
  • DC: 75th Anniversary - White Lantern Sinestro #100
  • Marvel: Giant Size X-Men - Jamie Madrox #100
  • Marvel: Captain America 70th Anniversary - Nick Fury LMD #100

Released sets

All the newest sets have also included "Key Words" for each character, which allow comic-specific teams to be constructed, and give such teams a slight advantage versus non "themed teams". These have now been extended to all previously released sets, giving a list of "keywords" for all existing characters, via an Adobe document available from the Wizkids site.


  • Hypertime (released September 2002-retired July 2006)
  • Cosmic Justice (released June 2003-retired July 2006)
  • Unleashed (released March 2004-retired July 2006)
  • Legacy (released March 2005-retired)
  • Icons (released September 2005-retired)
  • Collateral Damage (released February 2006 - retired)
  • Giants (released 2006 - retired)
  • Green Lantern Corps (retired 2010)
  • Origin (released February 2007 - retired 2010)
  • Legion of Superheroes (retired 2010)
  • Justice League (released September 2007)
  • Spectre
  • Starro (released 2008)
  • Crisis (originally Teen Titans) (released February 2008)
  • Batman : Alpha (released June 2008) Batman Alpha is a separate game from standard Heroclix, but the figures are legal in normal HeroClix play. The colors on the dials take precedence over the card descriptions, with only the theme team names and point values on the cards being used in standard Heroclix.
  • Arkham Asylum (released October 2008)
  • Brave and the Bold (released April 14, 2010)
  • The Blackest Night Starter Set (released by NECA June 9, 2010.)
  • Jonah Hex Battle Pack (released July 2010)
  • The Watchmen Collecter's Set (released August 25, 2010)
  • The Brightest Day Action Pack (released October 27, 2010)
  • DC 75th Anniversary Set Features the best of the DC characters and special tie-ins to the Brightest Day event. (released December, 15, 2010).
  • Green Lantern Set (Companion to Green Lantern Fast Forces set, May 2011)
  • Superman featuring Flashpoint. (September 2011)


  • Indy (released October 2003-retired September 2005)
  • City of Heroes (limited edition figures)
  • City of Villains (limited edition figures)
  • Invincible (boxed set)
  • The BPRD and Hellboy (boxed set)


  • Infinity Challenge (released May 2002-retired June 2004)
  • Clobberin' Time (released November 2002-retired December 2004)
  • Xplosion (released March 2003-retired December 2004)
  • Critical Mass (released December 2003-retired September 2005)
  • Universe (released May 2004-retired July 2006)
  • Ultimates (released June 2004-retired July 2006)
  • Mutant Mayhem (released November 2004-retired)
  • Fantastic Forces (released July 2005-retired)
  • Armor Wars (released November 2005)
  • Danger Room (released June 2006)
  • Sinister (released June 2006)
  • Supernova (released November 2006)
  • Days of Future Past (released November 2006)
  • 2099 (released December 2006)
  • Avengers (released June 2007)
  • Mutations and Monsters (released November 2007)
  • Secret Invasion (released July 2008)
    • Fantastic Four (Starter Set, released as part of the 'Secret Invasion' series)
  • Hammer of Thor (Initial piece - Thor's Mighty Chariot - released at San Diego Comicon August 2009; full release by NECA November 18, 2009)
  • Web of Spider-Man (released September 2010)
  • Giant-Size X-Men (released March 2011)
  • Captain America (releases July 13, 2011)
  • Captain America(Gravity Feed, June 2011)
  • Galactus (2 versions)
  • Fin Fang Foom (3 versions)
  • Hammer of Thor Warriors of Asgard (Fast Forces, released July 2011)
  • X-Men (Fast Forces, November 2011)
  • Hulk Set (Full set, Micro set, and Fast Forces, December 2011)
  • Galactic Guardian (March 2012)
  • Mighty Avengers (June 2012)

Other universes

  • "Street Fighter" (releases August 10, 2011)[8]
  • Supposed "Iron Maiden" release [9]
  • "Lord of the Rings" (releases November 15th, 2011)[10]
  • "Gears of War 3" ("releases August 17th 2011)
  • "Halo" ("releases September 2011")
  • "Star Trek" it had been assumed that the figures in the Wizkids / NECA Star Trek game would be Heroclix compatible, but players should note that they are not.

Street Fighter, Gears of War, and Halo all count as their own Universes, for the purposes of tournaments. Lord of the Rings is expected to be utilized the same. All figures from all sets are mutually compatible, except Star Trek, and can be played in the same game in the Golden Age rules. While none of them, along with sets under the Indy brand, can be played in a Modern Age tournaments as the rules excludes anything not under the DC and Marvel brand.


Marvel teams

DC teams

Indy teams

Convention exclusive figures

The following figures were generally only available at comic book or gaming conventions, but in January 2007, WizKids announced that a selection of these figures would be available through general retail.

  • Galactus (Can be played at 600, 1200 or 1800 pts.) - released during the 2004 convention season
  • Silver Surfer (Plays at 200 pnts.) - released during the 2004 convention season
  • Dark Phoenix (Can be played at 600, 800 or 1000 pts.) - released during the 2005 convention season
  • Nova (Plays at 200 pnts.) - released during the 2005 convention season
  • Spectre (Can be played at 600, 1200 or 1800 pts.) - released for the 2006 convention season
  • Parallax (Plays at 270 pts.) - released for the 2006 convention season
  • The Dark Knight - free with $50 purchase during 2007 convention season (see Announcement)
  • Mighty Thor (Plays at 286 pts.) - free with $100 purchase during 2007 convention season (see Announcement)
  • Fin Fang Foom (Can be played at 600, 900 or 1200 pts.) - released for the 2007 convention season

There are currently three different versions of Foom - the standard Green version, the much rarer Orange Limited Edition (Only at San Diego Comic Con and Essen Spiel'07), and the "Purple Pants" Foom (Only available at Venues participating in the 2008 Wizkids Convention Weekend).

A repainted version of the Galactus figure was released alongside the Avengers set (again, as a Tournament exclusive), as were new versions of Terrax, Firelord, and Silver Surfer, as well as Stardust who had not had a figure previously. Players should note that there are several printing errors on the Firelord dial (He is missing three clicks of Toughness, followed by three clicks of Energy Shield/Deflection).

  • The repaint Galactus has the same combat dial as the original, but the timer dial and scenario have changed.

Starro the Conqueror was released in October 2007 (Tournament exclusive, linked to the Justice League release), as well as Starro-controlled versions of Aquaman, Green Arrow, Green Lantern and Flash.

  • Anti-Monitor - Guardian of Fear (Can be played at 400, 600, or 800 points). This figure was available at selected conventions in 2008. It represents the restored Anti Monitor, as part of the Sinestro Corps story line.
  • Batman: Knightfall This figure is referred to among players as the Azbat LE. (Plays at 90 pts.) - free with $50 purchase during 2008 convention season.

(see Announcement)

Thor's Mighty Chariot was released in July 2009 via the NECA Company at ComicCon in the USA. It came in Wizkids packaging, although it had not been released at the time of Wizkids closure. A release date of August 15, 2009 was given for its general market release, and it was generally available from September 2009 onwards.

The 18" tall "Big" version of Dr Manhattan from Watchmen will be released as a convention exclusive figure at a Convention (San Diego ?) in the Summer of 2010.

Other large figures

These large figures were available for purchaseall are on a 2x2 round base

Collector sets

  • Indy HeroClix: City of Villains (Figures obtained by buying the City of Villains computer game or through tournaments. The City Of Villains Deluxe Edition contained all 7 figures) - Figures included: Statesman, Manticore, Positron, Black Scorpion, Captain Mako, Ghost Widow (absent from many sets due to an error) and Lord Recluse.
  • DC HeroClix: Giants - Figures included: Alloy, Atom Smasher, Chemo, Colossal Boy, Giganta, Rita Farr, and Validus. (Released April 2006)
  • Indy HeroClix: Invincible - Figures included: Invincible, Omni-Man, Allen the Alien, Atom Eve, Robot, Angstrom Levy, and Titan (Released August 2006)
  • DC HeroClix: Green Lantern Corps. - Figures included: G'nort, Abin Sur, Ch'p, Tomar Re, Arisia, Katma Tui and Ganthet. (Released September 2006)
  • Marvel Heroclix: 2099. - Figures included: Doctor Doom, Junkpile, Ravage, The Hulk, The Punisher, Meanstreak and Ghost Rider. (Released December 2006)
  • either DC or Indy Heroclix (it is not clear which, as of 14 Feb 2010):[dated info] Watchmen Heroclix Boxed Set - Figures included: Rorschach, Dr Manhattan, The Comedian, Silk Spectre, Night Owl, Ozymandias and 19 other unique sculpts, including the Night Owl / Comedian duo, and Moloch the Mystic. These will compliment the 18 inch tall Dr Manhattan big figure, released separately.
  • DC HeroClix: Brightest Day - Figures included: Martian Manhunter (split costume - Martian / Black Lantern), Aquaman (Modern costume, atop Giant octopus tentacle...), Deadman (Without his mask, wearing trenchcoat and white lantern ring), Hawkgirl II, Captain Boomerang (George "Digger" Harkness, peak physical condition), Firestorm (Jason Rusch and Ronnie Raymond merged) and Osiris.

Starter sets

The Infinity Challenge, Hypertime and Indy starter sets contained random characters from the full set. The Premiere sets contained specific figures. Starting with Universe, Starter sets contained collectible figures not found in boosters.

  • Marvel Heroclix: Infinity Challenge Premiere Edition - Includes Spider-Man, Wolverine, Elektra, Wolfsbane, Wasp, Hobgoblin, Sabretooth, Boomerang, Scarlet Witch, and Kingpin, 2 double sided maps 3 ft by 3 ft, rulebook, dice and a powers and abilities card.
  • DC Heroclix: Hypertime Premiere Edition - Includes Batman, Robin, Aquaman, Hawkman, Huntress, The Joker, Bane, Man-bat, Clayface III, and Harley Quinn, 2 double sided maps 3 ft by 3 ft, rulebook, dice and a powers and abilities card.
  • Universe - Includes Spider-Man, Wolverine, Wasp, Sabertooth, Elektra, and Hobgoblin, a smaller 24x24 map, and a rulebook.
  • X-Men Danger Room - Includes Jean Grey, Cyclops, Beast, Angel, Colossus, Storm, and two 3D objects (Broken Drone & Generator), along with a full-size two-sided map and updated rules.
  • Legion of Super-heroes - Includes Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl, Timber Wolf, Young Superman, Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, Ultra Boy, Shrinking Violet, and two 3D objects (Com Dish & Newsbot), along with a full-size two-sided map and updated rules.
  • Fantastic Four - Includes Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, The Thing, Human Torch, Doctor Doom, Doombot 3095, Doombot 5953, a new Power and Abilities Card with revised powers and team abilities, as well as a new rule book with changes to TK, Flight, Perplex, and the Giants rules, as well as changes to some of the "Team Powers".
  • Blackest Night - Includes Flash, Atom, Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, Scarecrow, Hal Jordan, and Mera as members of the various "emotion spectrum" Lantern Corps. Includes a new map (Science Cells), new rulebook, and up to date PAC. Released by NECA / Wizkids on June 9, 2010.
  • Street Fighter - Includes Ken, Ryu, Chun-Li, Blanka, Dhalsim, and Guile as well as a new Power and Abilities Card with revised powers and descriptions of the combat abilities, as well as terrain modifiers and colors as well as a new rule book. Unlike previous sets, this starter did not contain any cardboard elements, other than character cards, or markers. It also had two smaller, double-sided maps to play on as well as special rules for 1vs1 battles based on the Street Fighter franchise.

Action packs

WizKids is releasing action packs, themed sets of figures, as well as maps and cards, which are available via retail outlets.

  • Marvel HeroClix: Days Of Future Past-Figures include: 1 Advanced Sentinel (150/300/400 pts.), Hound [Phoenix] (130 pts.) and Colonel Logan [Wolverine] (70 pts.). The set also includes a (24 x 36) map that can be linked to the Danger Room map. (Released November 2006)
  • DC Heroclix: Anti-Monitor- (released April 2008) It includes a Sentinel-sized Anti-Monitor, a Qwardian Thunderer, and a "Shadow Demon" as well as a Pariah Event Dial.
  • DC Heroclix: Jonah Hex- (released July 2010) A 3 figure pack featuring Jonah Hex and other characters from the Jonah Hex film.
  • DC Heroclix: Brightest Day - Includes Aquaman, Deadman, Captain Boomerang, Martian Manhunter, Osiris, Hawkgirl, and Firestorm. The versions of these characters represent the characters as they appeared in the Brightest Day comic series. Also includes a new double-sided map, The Monument and The Crater. Released by NECA / Wizkids on October 27, 2010.
  • Green Lantern Fast Forces: A set designed for quick team building, contains Green Lantern, Kilowog, Sinestro, Ganthet,Abin Sur, and Tomar Re. In addition, it includes a Quick-Start guide, a 2-sided map, and 2 dice.

HorrorClix crossover products

The WizKids HorrorClix game was designed in a similar way to HeroClix, however, it had only a limited compatibility with HeroClix. WizKids produced products that are compatible with both gaming systems but HorrorClix figures are not tournament-legal for HeroClix.

Limited edition figures

Marvel Zombie figures

Four Ultra-rare chase figures are available in 1 out of every 100 Marvel HeroClix Supernova boosters: Colonel America, Wolverine, Spider-Man, and Hulk. These are technically the first dual-branded figures as they appear in a HeroClix set yet come packed with HorrorClix monster cards, making them fully compatible. Although further Zombies appeared in the 2007 set Mutations and Monsters, the original four figures were not reprinted. These 4 figures may be used in both HeroClix and Horrorclix games.

Action packs

Indy HeroClix


This action pack has seven figures, which may be used in both HeroClix and HorrorClix. The Figures include Hellboy, Abe Sapien, Liz Sherman, Hellbaby, Johann Kraus, Roger the Homunculus, and Captain Ben Daimio. It should be noted that a production error resulted in Johan Kraus being misrepresented as a flyer, and with some numbers missing from both his and Liz Sherman's dials. There was a replacement policy in place for the former.


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Horrorclix — ist ein neues Tabletop Spiel und Ableger der erfolgreichen Superhelden Tabletop Spiele Marvel , DC und INDY Heroclix, die ebenfalls von der Firma WizKids herausgebracht wurden. Die erste Horrorclix Serie (Basis Set) erschien am 30. August 2006.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • HorrorClix — ist ein neues Tabletop Spiel und Ableger der erfolgreichen Superhelden Tabletop Spiele Marvel , DC und INDY Heroclix, die ebenfalls von der Firma WizKids herausgebracht wurden. Die erste Horrorclix Serie (Basis Set) erschien am 30. August 2006.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • HorrorClix — is a collectible miniatures game by WizKids Inc., and was released August 30, 2006. The game s tagline is wicked fun. Similar to HeroClix, HorrorClix offers players the ability to construct teams of monsters that cross horror genres, allowing… …   Wikipedia

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