- Franz Hummel
Franz Hummel (born
2 January 1939 ) is a Germancomposer andpianist .From his youth, Hummel was interested in
music and, in particular, the works ofRichard Strauss ,Eugen Papst andHans Knappertsbusch . InMunich andSalzburg he studied both composition and piano. He became avirtuoso pianist and travelled acrossEurope performing, and making 60 recordings of, much of the standard repertoire of classical, romantic and contemporary piano music before. In the 1970s he ceased to publicly perform as a pianist choosing, instead, to concentrate on composition. Since then hisopera s, symphonies,ballet s, concerti and chamber works have been performed, many times, in even the most renownedconcert hall s andopera house s of Europe.His
musical "Ludwig II. - Sehnsucht nach dem Paradies " (Ludwig II. - Longing for Paradise) waspremiere d at theFestspielhaus Neuschwanstein inFüssen , and released on CD in 2000. Then, in 2001, he began to perform again as a pianist and gave a concert with theRussia nviolinist Liane Issakadse and the world-famousclarinetist Giora Feidman atCarnegie Hall in New York. After this he began work on a follow-up piece to "Ludwig II." aboutRichard Wagner ; this is planned to be premiered in 2009 inDresden . He has also written a third musical, more popular in style, first performed in spring of 2008.At present he is working, together with his wife Sandra, on a work about
Anton Bruckner . A new opera, titled "Der Richter und sein Henker" (The Judge and His Hangman) and based on the novel of the same name, is also planned to be completed in November 2008. This work will be premiered at the opera house inErfurt . To promoteLinz as the EuropeanEuropean capital of culture for 2009 he has been commissioned to write an opera aboutJoseph Fouché who was exiled in Linz.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.