- Delaware College of Art & Design
Infobox University
name=Delaware College of Art & Design
type=PrivateArt School
president = James P. Lecky
600 N. Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
|Delaware College of Art and Design (DCAD), was founded in 1997 through a partnership between
Pratt Institute and theCorcoran College of Art and Design . DCAD’s mission is to educate talented and committed students to become art makers, idea generators, problem solvers, and visual communicators who can redefine the way we perceive and experience the world around us. DCAD’s associate of fine arts (AFA) degree program is offered in six disciplines:Animation , Fine Arts,Graphic Design ,Illustration ,Interior Design , andPhotography . Apart from the traditional disciplines of the fine artist, these include opportunities inpublishing ,marketing ,computer graphics ,advertising , packaging, display design, and photography.DCAD offers apartment style
dormitory in the Saville Apartments directly across 6th Street from studio and academic facilities at 600 North Market Street. The Copeland Student Center, located in the Market Street side of the Saville Apartment building, is scheduled to open in December, 2008. It provides astudent lounge ,gym , bookstore and art supply area. [ cite web | last = Serio | first = Christine | url = http://wilmingtoncitylife.com/Default.aspx?DN=1072,1057,1053,862,8,10,6,Documents | title = Getting Comfy | accessdate = 2008-09-26 | publisher = Wilmington City Life ]The Office of Student Services is responsible for overseeing the general welfare of students, offering support services and for planning both recreational and educational activities. Support services offered are
career counseling , health and safety education and personal counseling. AStudent Council facilitates participation and input from the student body.Location
DCAD is located in downtown Wilmington in the former Delmarva Power headquarters building at 600 N. Market Street. The building has been converted for use as
studio and classroom space, as well as administrative offices for DCAD faculty. The building was built in theArt Deco style with anAztec motif.Located across 6th Street is the Saville Apartments which serves as the on-campus dormitory and student center. [ cite web | last = Kipp | first = Rachel | url = http://www.delawareonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070426/NEWS/704260349/1006/NEWS | title = The little (arts) college that could | accessdate = 2008-10-11 | publisher =
The News Journal ] This building was the former Mullins clothing store, which was converted to apartments in the mid-1980's. The Mullins faded advertising can still be seen on the brick south side of the building.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.