- List of compositions by Richard Wagner
Here is a list of compositions by Richard Wagner. They are listed as WWV (Wagner-Werke-Verzeichnis)
*WWV 1 "
Leubald "
*WWV 2 Sonata in D minor
*WWV 3 Aria
*WWV 4String Quartet in D major
*WWV 5 Sonata in F minor
*WWV 6 "Schäferoper"
*WWV 7 Lieder
*WWV 8 Aria for soprano and orchestra
*WWV 9 Piano reduction ofLudwig van Beethoven 's Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Opus 125
*WWV 10 Overture in B flat major ("Paukenschlag-Ouvertüre")
*WWV 11 Polish Overture
*WWV 12 Overture toSchiller 's "Dies Braut von Messina"
*WWV 13 Fragment of an orchestral work in E minor
*WWV 14 Overture in C major
*WWV 15 Seven Compositions onGoethe 's "Faust "
*WWV 16 Sonata in B flat major for four hands
*WWV 17 Overture in E flat major
*WWV 18 Piano reduction of Haydn's Symphony No. 103 in E flat major
*WWV 19A Study fugue "Dein ist das Reich"
*WWV 19B Double Fugue
*WWV 20 Concert Overture No. 1 in D minor
*WWV 21 Sonata in B flat Major, Opus 1
*WWV 22 Fantasie in F sharp minor
*WWV 23A Polonaise for Piano
*WWV 23B Polonaise for Piano Four-hand
*WWV 24 Overture in E minor and Theater Music toRaupach 's "König Enzio"
*WWV 25 "Entreacte tragique" No. 1 in D major (Fragment)
*WWV 26 Grand Sonata in A major
*WWV 27 Concert Overture No. 2 in C major
*WWV 28 Scene and Aria for Soprano and Orchestra
*WWV 29 Symphony in C major
*WWV 30 "Glockentöne" ("Abendglocken")
*WWV 31 "Die Hochzeit "
*WWV 32 "Die Feen "
*WWV 33 Aria No. 15 (Aubry) "Wie ein schöner Frühlingsmorgen" from the opera "Der Vampyr" by Heinrich with a new Allegro "Doch jetzt, wohin ich blicke, umgibt mich Schreckensnacht"
*WWV 34 Instrumentation of a cavatina fromBellini 's "Il pirata '"
*WWV 35 Symphony in E major
*WWV 36 Music to the "Festspiel" "Beim Antritt des neuen Jahres 1835"
*WWV 37 Overture to Guido Theodor Apel's historic drama "Columbus"
*WWV 38 "Das Liebesverbot oder Die Novize von Palermo"
*WWV 39 Polonia. Overture in C major
*WWV 40 "Die hohe Braut"
*WWV 41 Theatermusik zum Schauspiel "Die letzte Heidenverschwörung in Preußen oder Der Deutsche Ritterorden in Königsberg" von J. Singer, Skizze
*WWV 42 Rule Britannia. Overture in D major
*WWV 43 "Sanfte Wehmut will sich regen". Aria for bass and orchestra. Excerpt from the opera "Mary, Max und Michel" byCarl Blum
*WWV 44 Folk hymn "Nicolay"
*WWV 45 Bass aria from "Die Schweizerfamilie"
*WWV 46BGiacomo Meyerbeer : ""Robert der Teufel"" Nr. 18 (C) Cavatina and Reorchestration
*WWV 46CCarl Maria von Weber : "Euryanthe " Nr. 18 Hunting Chorus and Reorchestration
*WWV 46D Fromental Halévy: "Le Guitarrero" für verschiedene Instrumente
*WWV 46E Arrangements of Halévys "La Reine de Chypre"
*WWV 46FDaniel-François-Esprit Auber : "Zanetta ou Jouer avec le feu", Arrangement for Flute and String trio Suite Nr. 1 und 2
*WWV 47Gioachino Rossini : "Les Soirées musicales", Nr. 12 Duet "Li Marinari", Instrumentation
*WWV 48 "Männerlist grösser als Frauenlist , oder Die glückliche Bärenfamilie"
*WWV 49 "Rienzi , der Letzte der Tribunen"
*WWV 50 "Der Tannenbaum"
*WWV 51 Gesang am Grabe Julies von Holtei
*WWV 52 "Norma il predisse, o Druidi", Aria for Bass, Male Chorus, and Orchestra from the opera "Norma " byVincenzo Bellini
*WWV 53 "Dors mont enfant"
*WWV 54 "Extase" [Fragment]
*WWV 55 "Attente"
*WWV 56 "La tombe dit à rose" [Fragment]
*WWV 57 "Mignonne"
*WWV 58 "Tout n'est qu'images fugitives" [Soupir]
*WWV 59 "Faustsymphonie", first movement (Eine Faust-Ouvertüre, first version)
*WWV 59 Faust Overture (second version)
*WWV 60 "Les deux grenadiers"
*WWV 61 "Adieux de Marie Stuart"
*WWV 62B Arrangements fromGaetano Donizetti 's opera in four acts "La Favorite"
*WWV 62C Henri Herz: "Grande Fantaisie sur La Romanesca fameux air de danse du XVI siècle" op. 111. Arrangement for Piano Four-hands
*WWV 62E Arrangements of Fromental Halévys opera in five acts "La Reine de Chypre"
*WWV 63 "Der fliegende Holländer"
*WWV 64 Albumblatt für Ernst Benedikt Kietz: "Lied ohne Worte"
*WWV 65 "Descendons gaiement la courtille". Einlage in die Vaudeville-Ballet-Pantomime "La descente de la courtille" von Th. Marion Dumersan und Ch.-Désiré Dupeuty für Chor und Orchester
*WWV 66 "Die Sarazenin"
*WWV 67 "Die Bergwerke zu Falun"
*WWV 68 Festgesang "Der Tag erscheint"
*WWV 68A/B Festgesang zur Enthüllung des Friedrich August-Monuments
*WWV 69 "Das Liebesmahl der Apostel "
*WWV 70 "Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg"
*WWV 70 Piano reduction of the composer
*WWV 71 "Gruß seiner Treuen an Friedrich August (II. von Sachsen)"
*WWV 72 "An Webers Grabe"
*WWV 73 Funeral music
*WWV 74 Orchestration ofSpontini 's "La vestale "
*WWV 75 "Lohengrin"
*WWV 76 Friedrich I.
*WWV 77 Arrangement ofChristoph Willibald Gluck 's tragic opera in three acts "Iphigénie en Aulide "
*WWV 78 Symphonies
*WWV 79Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina : "Stabat mater". Arrangement
*WWV 80 Jesus of Nazareth
*WWV 81 "Achilleus"
*WWV 82 "Wieland der Schmied"
*WWV 83 Arrangement ofMozart 's "Don Giovanni "
*WWV 84 Polka
*WWV 85 A Sonata for the Album of Frau M. W.
*WWV 86A "Das Rheingold "
*WWV 86B "Die Walküre "
*WWV 86C ""Siegfried"
*WWV 86D "Götterdämmerung "
*WWV 87 "Konzertschluß" to the Overture of Gluck's "Iphigenie in Aulis"
*WWV 88 "Züricher Vielliebchen-Walzer"
*WWV 89 "Die Sieger"
*WWV 90 "Tristan und Isolde "
*WWV 91 "Fünf Gedichte für eine Frauenstimme mit Pianoforte- Begleitung (Wesendonck-Lieder)"
*WWV 91B "Träume". Version for violin and orchestra
*WWV 92 "Es ist bestimmt in Gottes Rat"
*WWV 93 "Sogenannte Themen"
*WWV 94 In the album of Fürstin M
*WWV 95 "Ankunft bei den schwarzen Schwänen"
*WWV 96 "Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg "
*WWV 97 "Huldigungsmarsch". Arrangement for military music
*WWV 98 "Sogenannte Themen"
*WWV 99 Luther's Wedding
*WWV 100 "Ein Lustspiel in einem Akt"
*WWV 101 "Wahlspruch für die Deutsche Feuerwehr"
*WWV 102 A Capitulation
*WWV 103Siegfried Idyll
*WWV 104 Kaiser march
*WWV 105 kleinere Liedkompositionen
*WWV 106 "Kinder-Katechismus zu Kosel’s Geburtstag"
*WWV 107 "Sogenannte Themen"
*WWV 108 "Albumblatt für Frau Betty Schott"
*WWV 109 Arrangement of the Walz "Wein, Weib und Gesang" vonJohann Strauß
*WWV 110 Grand Festive March for the Opening of the Centennial Celebration of the Signing of theDeclaration of Independence of theUnited States of America
*WWV 111 "Parsifal "
*WWV 112 kleinere Liedkompositionen
*WWV 113 kleinere Liedkompositionen
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