- List of works by Friedrich Nietzsche
This is a list of writings and other compositions by
Friedrich Nietzsche .Works by Nietzsche
Writings and philosophy
*"Aus meinem Leben", 1858 (From My Life)
*"Über Musik", 1858 (On Music)
*"Napoleon III als Praesident", 1862 (Napoleon III as a President)
*"Fatum und Geschichte", 1862 (Fate and History)
*"Willensfreiheit und Fatum", 1862 (Free Will and Fate)
*"Kann der Neidische je wahrhaft glücklich sein?", 1863 (Can the Envious truthfully be happy?)
*"Über Stimmungen", 1864 (On Tendencies)
*"Mein Leben", 1864 (My Life)
*"Homer und die klassische Philologie", 1868 (Homer and the classic Philology)
*"Über die Zukunft unserer Bildungsanstalten" (On the Future of our Seminaries)
*"Fünf Vorreden zu fünf ungeschriebenen Büchern", 1872 (Five Prefaces on five unwritten Books) comprising::# "Über das Pathos der Wahrheit" (On the Pathos of Truth):# "Gedanken über die Zukunft unserer Bildungsanstalten" (Thoughts on the Future of Our Educational Institutions):# "Der griechische Staat" (The Greek State):# "Das Verhältnis der Schopenhauerischen Philosophie zu einer deutschen Cultur" (The Relation between a Schopenhauerian Philosophy and a German Culture):# "Homers Wettkampf" (Homer's Contest)
* "Die Geburt der Tragödie", 1872 ("The Birth of Tragedy ")
* "Über Wahrheit und Lüge im außermoralischen Sinn", 1873 (On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense )
* "Die Philosophie im tragischen Zeitalter der Griechen" (Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks)
* "Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen" ("The Untimely Meditations ") comprising::# "David Strauss: der Bekenner und der Schriftsteller", 1873 ("David Strauss: the Confessor and the Writer"):# "Vom Nutzen und Nachtheil der Historie für das Leben", 1874 ("On the Use and Abuse of History for Life"):# "Schopenhauer als Erzieher", 1874 ("Schopenhauer as Educator"):# "Richard Wagner in Bayreuth", 1876
* "Menschliches, Allzumenschliches", 1878 ("Human, All-Too-Human")
* "Vermischte Meinungen und Sprüche", 1879 ("Mixed Opinions and Maxims ")
* "Der Wanderer und sein Schatten", 1879 ("The Wanderer and His Shadow ")
* "Morgenröte", 1881 ("The Dawn")
* "Die fröhliche Wissenschaft", 1882, 1887 ("The Gay Science ")
* "Also sprach Zarathustra", 1883-5 ("Thus Spoke Zarathustra ")
* "Jenseits von Gut und Böse", 1886 ("Beyond Good and Evil ")
* "Zur Genealogie der Moral", 1887 ("On the Genealogy of Morality ")
* "Der Fall Wagner", 1888 ("The Case of Wagner ")
* "Götzen-Dämmerung", 1888 ("The Twilight of the Idols ")
* "Der Antichrist", 1888 ("The Antichrist")
* "Ecce Homo", 1888
* "Nietzsche contra Wagner ", 1888
* "Der Wille zur Macht", first published 1901 ("The Will to Power ", a posthumous and selective collection of notes arranged by his sister, which are not necessarily representative of Nietzsche)Major English translations
* "The Birth of Tragedy", 1872:* in: 'Basic Writings of Nietzsche', trans.
Walter Kaufmann , Modern Library, 2000, ISBN 0-679-78339-3:* in: 'The Birth of Tragedy and Other Writings', trans. Ronald Spiers, Cambridge University Press, 1999, ISBN 0-521-63987-5 (also contains: 'The Dionysiac World View' and 'On Truth and Lying in a Non-Moral Sense'):* in: 'The Birth of Tragedy and the Case of Wagner', trans.Walter Kaufmann , Vintage, 1967, ISBN 0-394-70369-3:* in: 'The Birth of Tragedy & the Genealogy of Morals', trans. Francis Golffing, Anchor Books, 1956, ISBN 0-385-09210-5:* trans. Shaun Whiteside, Penguin Classics, 1994, ISBN 0-14-043339-2
* "The Untimely Meditations", 1873-6:* trans.R. J. Hollingdale , Cambridge University Press, 1997, ISBN 0-521-58584-8:* as: 'Unfashionable Observations', trans. Richard T. Gray, Stanford University Press, 1998, ISBN 0-8047-3403-8
* "Human, All Too Human", 1878:* trans.R. J. Hollingdale , Cambridge University Press, 1996, ISBN 0-521-56704-1 (also contains: "Mixed Opinions and Maxims", 1879 and "The Wanderer and His Shadow", 1880):* trans. Gary Handwerk, Stanford University Press, 1997, ISBN 0-8047-2665-5
* "The Dawn", 1881:* as: 'Daybreak', trans.R. J. Hollingdale , Cambridge University Press, 1997, ISBN 0-521-59963-6
* "The Gay Science", 1882, 1887:* trans.Walter Kaufmann , Vintage, 1974, ISBN 0-394-71985-9:* ed. Bernard Williams, trans. Josefine Nauckhoff and Adrian Del Caro, Cambridge University Press, 2001, ISBN 0-521-63645-0
* "Thus Spoke Zarathustra", 1883-5:* trans.R. J. Hollingdale , Penguin, 1961, ISBN 0-14-044118-2:* in: 'The Portable Nietzsche', trans.Walter Kaufmann , Penguin, 1977, ISBN 0-14-015062-5:* trans. Adrian Del Caro, Cambridge University Press, 2006, ISBN 0-521-60261-0:* trans.Graham Parkes , Oxford University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-19-280583-5
* "Beyond Good and Evil", 1886:* in: 'Basic Writings of Nietzsche', trans.Walter Kaufmann , Modern Library, 2000, ISBN 0-679-78339-3:* trans. Judith Norman, Cambridge University Press, 2001, ISBN 0-521-77913-8:* trans.R. J. Hollingdale , Penguin Classics, 1973, ISBN 0-14-044267-7
* "On the Genealogy of Morals", 1887:* in: 'Basic Writings of Nietzsche', trans.Walter Kaufmann , Modern Library, 2000, ISBN 0-679-78339-3:* in: 'On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo', trans.Walter Kaufmann andR. J. Hollingdale , Vintage, 1989, ISBN 0-679-72462-1:* in: 'The Birth of Tragedy & the Genealogy of Morals', trans. Francis Golffing, Anchor Books, 1956, ISBN 0-385-09210-5:* as 'On the Genealogy of Morality', trans. Maudemarie Clark and Alan J. Swensen, Hackett Publishing Company, 1998, ISBN 0-87220-283-6:* in: 'On the Genealogy of Morality and Other Writings', trans. Carol Diethe, Cambridge University Press, 1994, ISBN 0-521-40610-2 (also contains: 'The Greek State', 1872 and 'Homer on Competition', 1872):* as 'On the Genealogy of Morals', trans. Douglas Smith, Oxford University Press, 1996, ISBN 0-19-283617-X (paperback)
* "The Case of Wagner", 1888:* in: 'Basic Writings of Nietzsche', trans.Walter Kaufmann , Modern Library, 2000, ISBN 0-679-78339-3:* in: 'The Birth of Tragedy and the Case of Wagner', trans.Walter Kaufmann , Vintage, 1967, ISBN 0-394-70369-3:* in: 'The Anti-Christ, Ecce Homo, Twilight of the Idols and Other Writings', trans. Judith Norman, Cambridge University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-521-01688-6 (also contains: 'The Case of Wagner', 1888 and 'Nietzsche contra Wagner', 1888)
* "Twilight of the Idols", 1888:* in: 'The Portable Nietzsche', trans.Walter Kaufmann , Penguin, 1977, ISBN 0-14-015062-5:* trans. Richard Polt, Hackett Publishing Company, 1997, ISBN 0-87220-354-9:* in: 'Twilight of the Idols and the Anti-Christ', trans.R. J. Hollingdale , Penguin Classics, 1990, ISBN 0-14-044514-5:* in: 'The Anti-Christ, Ecce Homo, Twilight of the Idols and Other Writings', trans. Judith Norman, Cambridge University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-521-01688-6 (also contains: 'The Case of Wagner', 1888 and 'Nietzsche contra Wagner', 1888)
* "The Antichrist", 1888:* in: 'Twilight of the Idols and the Anti-Christ', trans.R. J. Hollingdale , Penguin Classics, 1990, ISBN 0-14-044514-5:* in: 'The Portable Nietzsche', trans.Walter Kaufmann , Penguin, 1977, ISBN 0-14-015062-5:* in: 'The Anti-Christ, Ecce Homo, Twilight of the Idols and Other Writings', trans. Judith Norman, Cambridge University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-521-01688-6 (also contains: 'The Case of Wagner', 1888 and 'Nietzsche contra Wagner', 1888):* as 'The Anti-Christ', trans.H. L. Mencken , See Sharp Press, 1999, ISBN 1-884365-20-5:* trans.Anthony M. Ludovici , Prometheus Books, 2000, ISBN 1-57392-832-1
* "Ecce Homo", 1888:* in: 'Basic Writings of Nietzsche', trans.Walter Kaufmann , Modern Library, 2000, ISBN 0-679-78339-3:* in: 'The Anti-Christ, Ecce Homo, Twilight of the Idols and Other Writings', trans. Judith Norman, Cambridge University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-521-01688-6 (also contains: 'The Case of Wagner', 1888 and 'Nietzsche contra Wagner', 1888):* trans.R. J. Hollingdale , Penguin Books, 1993, ISBN 0-14-044515-3
* "Nietzsche contra Wagner", 1888:* in: 'The Portable Nietzsche', trans.Walter Kaufmann , Penguin, 1977, ISBN 0-14-015062-5:* in: 'The Anti-Christ, Ecce Homo, Twilight of the Idols and Other Writings', trans. Judith Norman, Cambridge University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-521-01688-6 (also contains: 'The Case of Wagner', 1888 and 'Nietzsche contra Wagner', 1888)
* "The Will to Power" and Other Posthumous Collections:* ed. and trans.Walter Kaufmann , Vintage, 1968, ISBN 0-394-70437-1:* 'Writings from the Late Notebooks', ed. Rüdiger Bittner, Cambridge University Press, 2003, ISBN 0-521-00887-5:* 'Philosophy and Truth: Selections from Nietzsche's Notebooks of the Early 1870s', ed. and trans. Daniel Breazeale, Prometheus Books, 1990, ISBN 1-57392-532-2:* "Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks", trans. Marianne Cowan, Regnery Publishing, 1996, ISBN 0-89526-710-1:* "The Pre-Platonic Philosophers", trans. Greg Whitlock, University of Illinois Press, 2001, ISBN 0-252-02559-8Philology
* "De fontibus Laertii Diogenii"
* "Über die alten hexametrischen Nomen"
* "Über die Apophthegmata und ihre Sammler"
* "Über die literarhistorischen Quellen des Suidas"
* "Über die Quellen der Lexikographen"Poetry
* "Idyllen aus Messina"
* "Dionysos-Dithyramben ", written 1888, published 1892 ("Dionysian-Dithyrambs")Music
:This is not a complete list. A title not dated was composed during the same year as the title preceding it. Further information for many of the works listed below may be found at [http://www.nietzsche.ru/english/music.php3 this site] annotated within the time of their composition and [http://www.virtusens.de/walther/n_komp_e.htm this site] (both depict Nietzsche's musical thought and development). Most pieces available for listening are excerpts.
*"Allegretto", forpiano , before 1858, [http://www.virtusens.de/walther/allegret.wma listen]
*"Hoch tut euch auf", chorus, December 1858
*"Einleitung" (trans: "Introduction"), pianoduet
*"Phantasie", piano duet, December 1859
*"Miserere", chorus for 5 voices, summer 1860
*"Einleitung" (or: "Entwürfe zu einem Weihnachtsoratorium"),oratorio on piano, December 1861
*"Huter, ist die Nacht bald hin?", chorus (in fragments)
*"Presto", piano duet
*"Overture for Strings" (?)
*"Aus der Tiefe rufe ich" (?)
*"String Quartet Piece" (?)
*"Schmerz ist der Grundton der Natur" (?)
*"Einleitung",orchestra loverture for piano
*"Mein Platz vor der Tur", NWV 1, solo voice and piano, autumn 1861, [http://www.virtusens.de/walther/groth1.wav listen]
*"Heldenklage", piano, 1862
*"Klavierstuck", piano
*"Ungarischer Marsch", piano
*"Zigeunertanz", piano
*"Edes titok" (or: "Still und ergeben"), piano
*"Aus der Jugendzeit", NWV 8, solo voice and piano, summer 1862, [http://www.nietzscheana.com.ar/musica/Nietzsche%20-%20%20Aus%20der%20Jugendzeit.mp3 listen]
*"So lach doch mal", piano, August 1862
*"Da geht ein Bach", NWV 10b, [http://www.virtusens.de/walther/groth2.wav listen]
*"Im Mondschein auf der Puszta", piano, September 1862
*"Ermanarich", piano, September 1862
*"Mazurka", piano, November 1862
*"Aus der Czarda", piano, November 1862, [http://www.virtusens.de/walther/Aus_der_Czarda.wma listen]
*"Das zerbrochene Ringlein", NWV 14, May 1863, [http://www.nietzscheana.com.ar/musica/Nietzsche%20-%20%20Das%20zerbrochene%20Ringlein.mp3 listen]
*"Albumblatt", piano, August 1863
*"Wie sich Rebenranken schwingen", NWV 16, summer 1863, voice and piano, [http://www.virtusens.de/walther/fallersl.wav listen]
*"Nachlang einer Sylvestenacht", duet forviolin and piano,January 2 1864, [http://www.nietzscheana.com.ar/musica/Nachklang%20einer%20Sylvesternacht.mp3 listen]
*"Beschwörung", NWV 20, [http://www.virtusens.de/walther/puschkin.wav listen]
*"Nachspiel", NWV 21, [http://www.virtusens.de/walther/petoefi1.wav listen]
*"Ständchen", NWV 22
*"Unendlich", NWV 23, [http://www.virtusens.de/walther/petoefi2.wav listen]
*"Verwelkt", NWV 24, [http://www.virtusens.de/walther/petoefi3.wav listen]
*"Ungewitter", NWV 25, 1864, [http://www.virtusens.de/walther/ungewitt.wma listen]
*"Gern und gerner", NWV 26, [http://www.virtusens.de/walther/gernundgerner.wma listen]
*"Das Kind an die erloschene Kerze", NWV 27, [http://www.virtusens.de/walther/Das_Kind.wma listen]
*"Es winkt und neigt sich", NWV 28, [http://www.virtusens.de/walther/fneswink.wav listen]
*"Die junge Fischerin", NWV 29, voice and piano, June 1865, [http://www.nietzscheana.com.ar/musica/Nietzsche%20-%20%20Junge%20Fischerin.mp3 listen]
*"O weint um sie", choir and piano, December 1865
*"Herbstlich sonnige Tage", piano and 4 voices, April 1867
*"Adel Ich muss nun gehen", 4 voices, August 1870
*"Das "Fragment an sich", piano, October 1871
*"Kirchengeschichtliches Responsorium", chorus and piano, November 1871
*"Manfred-Meditation", 1872, final ver. 1877, [http://www.nietzscheana.com.ar/musica/Manfred-Meditation.mp3 listen]
*"Monodie à deux" (or: "Lob der Barmherzigkeit"), piano, February 1873
*"Hymnus an die Freundschaft " (trans: "Hymn to Friendship "; also: "Festzug der Freunde zum Tempel der Freundschaft", trans: "Festival of Friends at the Temple of Friendship"), piano,December 29 1874, [http://www.virtusens.de/walther/hymnus.wav listen]
*"Gebet an das Leben" (trans: "Prayer to Life"), NWV 41, solo voice and piano, 1882, text byLou Andreas-Salome , [http://www.virtusens.de/walther/gebet.wav listen]
*"Hymnus an das Leben " (trans: "Hymn to Life "), chorus and orchestra, summer 1887Apocrypha
* "My Sister and I", allegedly translated by
Oscar Levy , considered by Walter Kaufmann andDenis Dutton to be a forgery [cite journal|url=http://denisdutton.com/nietzsche_review.htm|title=Nietzsche Dreams of Detroit|author=Denis Dutton |journal=Philosophy and Literature|issue=16|pages=244–49]Other
Thoughts out of Season , Part 1 is edited by Oscar Levy and translated by Anthony M. Ludovici. It was published in 1909 byT. N. Foulis 13 & 15 Frederick St., Edinburgh and London. It is available on the WWW at [http://www.ibiblio.org/HTMLTexts/Friedrich_Wilhelm_Nietzsche/Thoughts_Out_Of_Season_Part_One/ Thoughts Out of Season Part One] . It containsDavid Strauss, the Confessor and the Writer andRichard Wagner in Bayreuth .C.G. Jung cites this as his first introduction to Nietszche in his autobiography "Memories, Dreams, Reflections " page 102 ISBN 0-679-72395-1, and claims to have been 'carried away by its enthusiasm'.References
ee also
List of works about Friedrich Nietzsche
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