Veblen function

Veblen function

In mathematics, the Veblen functions are a hierarchy of functions from ordinals to ordinals, introduced by harvtxt|Veblen|1908. If &phi;0 is any continuous strictly increasing function from ordinals to ordinals, then for any non-zero ordinal α, &phi;α is the function enumerating the common fixed points of &phi;&beta; for &beta;<α. These functions are all continuous strictly increasing functions (i.e. normal functions) from ordinals to ordinals.

The Veblen hierarchy

In the special case when &phi;0(α)=&omega;αthis family of functions is known as the Veblen hierarchy. The function &phi;1 is the same as the &epsilon; function: &phi;1(α)= &epsilon;α.Ordering: varphi_alpha(eta) < varphi_gamma(delta) if and only if either (alpha = gamma and eta < delta) or (alpha < gamma and eta < varphi_gamma(delta)) or (alpha > gamma and varphi_alpha(eta) < delta).

Fundamental sequences for the Veblen hierarchy

The fundamental sequence of an ordinal with cofinality ω is a distinguished strictly increasing ω-sequence which has the ordinal as its limit. If one has fundamental sequences for α and all smaller limit ordinals, then one can create an explicit constructive bijection between ω and α, (i.e. one not using the axiom of choice). Here we will describe fundamental sequences for the Veblen hierarchy of ordinals.

A variation of Cantor normal form used in connection with the Veblen hierarchy is -- every ordinal number α can be uniquely written as varphi_{eta_1}(gamma_1) + varphi_{eta_2}(gamma_2) + cdots + varphi_{eta_k}(gamma_k), where "k" is a natural number and each term after the first is less than or equal to the previous term and each gamma_j is not a fixed point of varphi_{eta_j}. If a fundamental sequence can be provided for the last term, then that term can be replaced by such a sequence to get a fundamental sequence for α.

No such sequence can be provided for varphi_0(0) = ω0 = 1 because it does not have cofinality ω.

For varphi_0(gamma+1) = omega ^{gamma+1} = omega^ gamma cdot omega, we choose the function which maps the natural number m to omega^gamma cdot m.

If γ is a limit which is not a fixed point of varphi_0, then for varphi_0(gamma), we replace γ by its fundamental sequence inside varphi_0.

For varphi_{eta+1}(0), we use 0, varphi_{eta}(0), varphi_{eta}(varphi_{eta}(0)), varphi_{eta}(varphi_{eta}(varphi_{eta}(0))), etc..

For varphi_{eta+1}(gamma+1), we use varphi_{eta+1}(gamma)+1, varphi_{eta}(varphi_{eta+1}(gamma)+1), varphi_{eta}(varphi_{eta}(varphi_{eta+1}(gamma)+1)), etc..

If γ is a limit which is not a fixed point of varphi_{eta+1}, then for varphi_{eta+1}(gamma), we replace γ by its fundamental sequence inside varphi_{eta+1}.

Now suppose that β is a limit:If eta < varphi_{eta}(0), then for varphi_{eta}(0), we replace β by its fundamental sequence.

For varphi_{eta}(gamma+1), use varphi_{eta_m}(varphi_{eta}(gamma)+1) where eta_m is the fundamental sequence for β.

If γ is a limit which is not a fixed point of varphi_{eta}, then for varphi_{eta}(gamma), we replace γ by its fundamental sequence inside varphi_{eta}.

Otherwise, the ordinal cannot be described in terms of smaller ordinals using varphi and this scheme does not apply to it.

The &Gamma; function

The function &Gamma; enumerates the ordinals α such that &phi;α(0) = α. &Gamma;0 is the Feferman-Schutte ordinal, i.e. it is the smallest α such that &phi;α(0) = α.


In this section it is more convenient to think of &phi;α(&beta;) as a function &phi;(α,&beta;) of two variables. Veblen showed how to generalize the definition to produce a function &phi;(α"n", ...,α0) of several variables. More generally he showed that&phi; can be defined even for a transfinite sequence of ordinals α&beta;, provided that all but a finite number of them are zero.


* Hilbert Levitz, " [ Transfinite Ordinals and Their Notations: For The Uninitiated] ", expository article (8 pages, in PostScript)
*citation|last=Pohlers|first=Wolfram |title=Proof theory|id=MR|1026933
series= Lecture Notes in Mathematics|volume= 1407|publisher= Springer-Verlag|place= Berlin|year= 1989|ISBN= 3-540-51842-8

*citation|id=MR|0505313|last= Schütte|first= Kurt |title=Proof theory|series= Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften|volume= 225|publisher= Springer-Verlag|place= Berlin-New York|year= 1977|pages= xii+299 | ISBN= 3-540-07911-4
*citation|id=MR|0882549|last= Takeuti|first= Gaisi |title=Proof theory|edition= Second |series= Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics|volume= 81|publisher= North-Holland Publishing Co.|place= Amsterdam|year=1987| ISBN= 0-444-87943-9
*Smorynski, C. "The varieties of arboreal experience" Math. Intelligencer 4 (1982), no. 4, 182-189; contains an informal description of the Veblen hierarchy.
*citation|title= Continuous Increasing Functions of Finite and Transfinite Ordinals
first= Oswald |last=Veblen
journal= Transactions of the American Mathematical Society|volume= 9|issue= 3|year= 1908|pages=280-292

* Larry W. Miller, [ "Normal Functions and Constructive Ordinal Notations"] ,"The Journal of Symbolic Logic",volume 41,number 2,June 1976,pages 439 to 459.

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