

Shedra is a Tibetan word meaning "place of learning" but specifically refers to the educational program in Tibetan Buddhist monasteries. It is usually attended by monks between their early teen years and early twenties. Not all young monks enter a shedra; some study ritual practices instead. [Yust (2006) p.181] [Brown and Whitecross (2007) p. 73] Shedra is variously described as a university, monastic college, or philosophy school. The age range, however, corresponds to both secondary school and college. After completing a shedra, some monks continue with further scholastic training toward a Khenpo or Geshe degree, and other monks instead pursue training in ritual practices.


The curriculum varies with the lineage and monastery [Steward (2004) p.134] but most cover the main foundational texts in the Tibetan Buddhist canon such as the "Mūlamadhyamakakārikā (The Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way)" by Nagarjuna and the "Madhyamakavatara (Entering the Middle Way)" by Candrakīrti. [Gyamtso (2003) p.168] Some non-Buddhist courses like grammar, poetry, history, and arts may be included. [Lobel, Adam (2007) Mipham Academy Talk, June 11th, 2007] The initial years focus on the Buddhist sutras and the remaining years on tantras. Care is taken to introduce foundational topics first, building key concepts and vocabulary for later study. [Ray (2002) p.368]

Compared to western educational systems, the shedra places much greater emphasis on memorization. Some traditions require monks memorize complete texts before studying them. They may be required to recite in class the new sections they've memorized each day. [Dreyfus (2003) pp.79-97] In some lineages, debate becomes a major focus and practice for refining one's understanding. In those lineages students may spend a major portion of the day in debate with each other. [Gyatso (1998) pp. 70-72] [Dreyfus (2003) pp.195, 229]

There are also differing views on the importance of shedra. Geluk and Shakya lineages consider the shedra training essential, whereas in the Nyingma and Kagyu lineages this is less the case. [Steward (2004) p.134]

Five Topics

Tsongkhapa standardized the Buddhist sutra curriculum into five major topics, and this was later adopted by many other schools. [Ray (2002) p. 195]
# Paramitas - study of mahayana
# Madhyamaka - philosophy
# Pramana - logic and epistemology
# Abhidharma - psychology
# Vinaya - monastic rules

Geluk Lineage

The shedra system at Sera Monastery, now relocated to southern India from Tibet, has a twelve to twenty year curriculum organized in the five topics. The first five years are foundational and cover logic, epistemology, vinaya, and the terms and distinctions built upon in later philosophic study. The next four years then study specific texts including Chandrakirti's "Madhyamakavatara", Maitreya's "Abhisamayalankara", and Dharmakirti's "Pramanavarttika". The remaining four to eight years then continues with Vasubandu's "Treasury of Manifest Knowledge" and Gunaprabha's "Vinayamula Sutra", and for some students study of Guhyasamaja tantra. [cite web |url= |title=Shedra Education |accessdate=2008-03-22 |author=Jules Levinson]

Nyingma Lineage

The shedra at Namdroling Monastery includes specific phases of study with particular texts used within each phase. Commentaries by Ju Mipham or Khenpo Shenga (Shenpen Chökyi Nangwa) [cite web |url= |title=Shedra Education |accessdate=2008-03-22 |author=Jules Levinson] may be used with each text. The phases and texts include: [Lobel, Adam (2007) Mipham Academy Talk, June 11th, 2007] [Nitartha Institute school catalogue published 2007]
* First year
** Training on the Pratimoksha, Bodhisattva, and Samaya vows using "Treatise Ascertaining the Three Vows" by Pema Wangyal
** Bodhicharyavatara by Shantideva
** Grammar, Poetry, and History
* Second through fifth years
** Psychology using "Abhidharmakosha" by Vasubandu, "Abhidharmasamuccaya" by Asanga, and "Pramanavarttika" by Dharmakirti
** Madhyamaka philosophy texts including "Mūlamadhyamakakārikā", "Chatuhshataka-shastrakarika" (The Four Hundred Verses on the Middle Way) of Aryadeva, "Madhyamakavatara", and "Madhyamakalankara"
* Upper phase
** Yogacara philosophy using the five treatises of Maitreya via Asanga, including "Gyulama" ("Mahayanottaratantrashastra" or "Ratnagotravibhaga"), "Abhisamayalankara", "Mahayanasutralankara", "Madhyantavibhanga" (Distinguishing the Middle from the Extremes), and "Dharmadharmatavibhaga" (Distinguishing Phenomena and Pure Being)
** Additional study on the vows and monastic discipline
* Tantra phase for two or three years
** Specific tantras like the Guhyagarbha tantra
** Dzogchen commentaries like Yuntenzu by Jigme Lingpa, Rangdrul Korsum ("Trilogy of Self Liberation"), and Nolsum Korsum ("Trilogy of Resting")
** Additional study on the eight precepts of practice and related topics

Kagyu Lineage

The following texts were recommended by the 16th Karmapa as the basis for study in the shedra at Rumtek Monastery: [Nitartha Institute school catalogue published 2007]
* Vinaya, Abhidharma and Epistemology
** "Vinayamula Sutra" by Gunaprabha with a commentary by Mikyö Dorje (8th Karmapa)
** "Abhidharmakosha" by Vasubandhu with a commentary by Mikyö Dorje
** "Pramanavarttika" by Dharmakirti with a commentary by Chödrak Gyatso (7th Karmapa)
* Madhyamaka
** "Madhyamakavatara" by Chandrakirti with a commentary by Mikyö Dorje and another by Wangchuk Dorje (9th Karmapa)
** "Abhisamayalankara" by Maitreya-Asanga with a commentary by Mikyö Dorje which includes commentary by Indian scholar Haribhadra.
* Tantra
** "Uttaratantra Shastra" by Maitreya-Asanga with commentaries by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye and another by Gölo Shönu Pal as a basis for studying buddha nature
** "Zabmo Nangdön" by Rangjung Dorje (3rd Karmapa) with commentaries by Rangjung Dorje and Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye as a basis for tantra
** "Hevajra Tantra" with commentaries by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye and Dakpo Tashi Namgyal


Monastic education and a tradition of scholarship was not unique to Tibet, but was imported when Buddhism was brought from India initially by Shantarakshita. Major Buddhist universities such as Nalanda University existed as places for advanced studies in India up until the twelfth century.

See also

* Bhiksu
* Buddhist monasticism
* Greco-Buddhist monasticism
* Tibetan Buddhist canon


* Brown, L., Armington, S., and Whitecross, R. W. (2007) "Bhutan" ISBN 1-74059-529-7
* Chodron, Thubten (2000) Blossoms of the Dharma: Living As a Buddhist Nun ISBN 1-55643-325-5
* Dreyfus, Georges J.B. (2003) "The Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist Monk" Berkeley: University of California Press ISBN 0-52023-260-7 [ online excerpts]
* Gyamtso, Khenpo Tsultrim (2003) "The Sun of Wisdom: Teachings on the Noble Nagarjuna's Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way" ISBN 1-57062-999-4
* Gyatso, Lobsang (1998) "Memoirs of a Tibetan Lama" ISBN 1-55939-097-2
* Mukpo, Diana J & Gimian, Carolyn (2006) "Dragon Thunder: My Life with Chögyam Trungpa" ISBN 1590302567
* Ray, Reginald (2002) "Indestructible Truth: The Living Spirituality of Tibetan Buddhism" ISBN 1-57062-910-2
* Stewart, Jampa Mackenzie (2004) "The Life of Gampopa" ISBN 1-55939-214-2
* Yust , Karen-Marie (2006) "Nurturing Child and Adolescent Spirituality: Perspectives from the World's Religious Traditions" ISBN 0-74254-463-X

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