Getse Mahapandita

Getse Mahapandita

Getse Mahapandita (1761-1829) [Lingpa, Jigme (author); Rinpoche, Patrul (author); Mahapandita, Getse (author); Dharmachakra Translation Committee (translators) (2006). "Deity, Mantra, and Wisdom: Development Stage Meditation in Tibetan Buddhist Tantra" (Hardcover). Ithaca, NY, USA: Snow Lion Publications. ISBN-13 978-1-55939-300-3 p.13] was an important Nyingma scholar affiliated with Kathok Monastery. [Rigpa Shedra (February 3, 2007). 'Getse Mahapandita'. Source: [] (accessed: August 2, 2008)] Getse Mahapandita was instrumental in arranging the block printing of the 'Collection of Nyingma Tantras' (Tibetan: "Nyingma Gyübum") gathered by Jigme Lingpa and for which Getse Mahapandita wrote the catalogue. [Rigpa Shedra (July 22, 2008). 'Gyurme Tsewang Chokdrup'. Source: [] (accessed: August 2, 2008)] Getse Mahapandita solicited the carving of the blocks for the block printing of the "Nyingma Gyübum" through the patronage of the Derge Royal Family who favoured and honoured Jigme Lingpa. [Rigpa Shedra (July 22, 2008). 'Gyurme Tsewang Chokdrup'. Source: [] (accessed: August 2, 2008)] Getse Mahapandita also arranged for the printing of texts by Jigme Lingpa and Longchenpa. Getse Mahapandita proof read all of these works. [Rigpa Shedra (July 22, 2008). 'Gyurme Tsewang Chokdrup'. Source: [] (accessed: August 2, 2008)]


*Dodrupchen Kunzang Shenpen
*Ngor Khenchen Palden Chökyong
*Changkya Rolpé Dorje
*Dzogchenpa Ati Tenpé Gyaltsen


Other names

* Gyurme Tsewang Chokdrup (Wylie: "'gyur med tshe dbang mchog grub")
* Katok Getse Mahapandita




*Lingpa, Jigme (author); Rinpoche, Patrul (author); Mahapandita, Getse (author); Dharmachakra Translation Committee (translators) (2006). "Deity, Mantra, and Wisdom: Development Stage Meditation in Tibetan Buddhist Tantra" (Hardcover). Ithaca, NY, USA: Snow Lion Publications. ISBN-13 978-1-55939-300-3
*Dudjom Rinpoche and Jikdrel Yeshe Dorje. "The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism: its Fundamentals and History". Two Volumes. 1991. Translated and edited by Gyurme Dorje with Matthew Kapstein. Wisdom Publications, Boston. ISBN 0-86171-087-8
*Dargyay, Eva M. (author) & Wayman, Alex (editor)(1998). "The Rise of Esoteric Buddhism in Tibet". Second revised edition, reprint.Delhi, India: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt Ltd. Buddhist Tradition Series Vol.32. ISBN 81-208-1579-3 (paper)


* Dharma Dictionary (February 3, 2007). 'Getse Mahapandita'. Source: [] (accessed: August 2, 2008)
* Rigpa Shedra (July 22, 2008). 'Gyurme Tsewang Chokdrup'. Source: [] (accessed: August 2, 2008)

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