Réseau Breton

Réseau Breton

. The metre gauge lines were built with the capacity to be easily converted to standard gauge if necessary.


In 1880, the concession to build an "Intérêt Générale" system in Brittany was given to the "Compagnie des Chemins de Fer de l'Ouest". It was agreed that the lines would be built to metre gauge, but provision would be made for conversion to standard gauge should the need arise. Morlaix would be the administrative headquarters, but Carhaix would be the main station, with engineering workshops, locomotive depôt and carriage workshops. The first line opened in 1891 and further extensions until 1925 gave the network a total length of convert|428|km|mi of metre gauge line. The lines closed to passengers in 1939, but with the replacement buses being requisitioned at the outbreak of the Second World War the passenger service was resumed, with a couple of trips daily on each line. The RB saw an increase in freight traffic, being used to transport materials for the Atlantic Wall. After the war, passenger services were gradually withdrawn, and all metre gauge lines closed on 9 April 1967 with the section between Carhaix - Guingamp having been converted to dual gauge in 1924 and converted to standard gauge in 1953, and Carhaix - Paimpol, closed in February 1967 for conversion to standard gauge in 1967, remaining open.cite book | first = John| last = Organ| authorlink = | coauthors = | year = 2002| month = | title = Northern France Narrow Gauge| chapter = | editor = | others = | edition = | pages = | publisher = Middleton Press| location = Midhurst| id = ISBN 1 901706 75 3| url = ]


Metre gauge

The metre gauge lines of the RB were:-

Carhaix - Morlaix

The convert|49|km|mi line from Carhaix to Morlaix opened on 28 September 1891.cite web | url = http://pagesperso-orange.fr/roland.arzul/rb/index.htm| first = | last = | origyear = | origmonth = | publisher = Roland Arzul| work = | title = Le Réseau Breton| accessdate = 2008-03-02.fr] At Morlaix there was a dual gauge line on the viaduct across the harbour. This was built by the CF de l'Ouest as part of their Paris - Brest line. The viaduct crossed the Chemins de Fer Armoricains (CFA) Morlaix - Plestin-les-Grèves line. A branch was opened on 12 February 1906 to serve the port at Morlaix. Freight traffic beyond Plougonver ceased from 25 September 1962. The line closed between Carhaix and Guingamp on 14 February 1967 to enable conversion to standard gauge to take place.

Carhaix - Paimpol

line. Paimpol had a connection with the CdN Paimpol - Tréguier and Paimpol - Plouha lines.

Carhaix - Rosporden

The convert|50|km|mi line from Carhaix to Rosporden opened on 2 August 1896, connecting with the CdN. Gourin station had a connection with the Chemins de Fer du Morbihan Gourin - Meslan line. Châteauneuf-du-Faou and Rosporden stations had a connection with the Chemin de Fer de Paris à Orléans (CF PO) Savernay - Landerneau line and the CFA Rosporden - Landivisiau line.

Carhaix - La Brohinière

The convert|130|km|mi line from Carhaix to La Brohinière opened in sections between 1898 and 1904. Carhaix - Rostrenen opened on 15 May 1898. Rostrenen - St. Lubin-le-Vaublanc opened on 17 August 1904. St. Lubin-le-Vaublanc - Loudéac opened on 1 October 1904. Loudéac - La Brohinière opened on 12 August 1907. A branch was opened on 1 June 1912 serving the port at Gouarec. Rostrenen station had a connection with the CdN Rotstrenen - Quintin line. Loudéac station had a connection with the CF de l'Ouest St. Brieuc - Pontivy line and also with the CdN Loudéac - Plémy line. La Brohinière station had a connection with the CF de l'Ouest Paris - Brest line. The line between Loudéac and La Brohinière closed to passengers in October 1953. Some convert|5|km|mi of trackbed at Caurel was used for the Réseau Guerlédan in the late 1970s.

Carhaix - Cameret

line. The line between Perros St. Fiacre and Le Fret closed to passengers in May 1946.

tandard gauge

Pont l'Abbe - St. Guénolé

The line between Pont l'Abbe and St. Guénole, built to metre gauge, had been opened by the Chemin de Fer du Finistère, and closed before the Second World War. In 1947, it reopened as a standard gauge line for freight traffic, and closed in 1963.

Carhaix - Paimpol

The line between Guingamp and Paimpol was converted to dual gauge in 1924. With the removal of the metre gauge third rail in 1953, the line became standard gauge only between Guingamp and Paimpol. The conversion of the metre gauge line to standard gauge between Carhaix and Guingamp was completed on 3 July 1967.


The RB was not much affected by the First World War, although some equipment was requisitioned.

During the Second World War, the line was sabotaged by the Resistance. These incidents are recorded:-
* 28 January 1944 - a train derailed at Pontrieux.
* 16 February 1944 - a locomotive and eight wagons derailed at Plouisy.
* 1 March 1944 - a locomotive and seven wagons derailed at Plouisy.
* 5 April 1944 - eight wagons derailed at Moustéru.
* During 1944, six locomotives and the bridge over the Aulne were damaged.


The RB had no major accidents. The majority of accidents being collisions with road vehicles at level crossings.

Rolling stock

Metre gauge steam locomotives

. Works number 4259, Weight 21 tonnes, boiler pressure 11 Atmospheres.cite web | url = http://orion.math.iastate.edu/jdhsmith/term/slfrrb.htm| first = | last = | origyear = | origmonth = | publisher = JDH Smith| work = | title = Réseau Breton steam locomotives| accessdate = 2008-03-02]
* E202 2-4-0T SACM, Belfort Works number 4260 / 1892
* E203 2-4-0T SACM, Belfort Works number 4261 / 1892
* E204 2-4-0T SACM, Belfort Works number 4462 / 1893
* E205 2-4-0T SACM, Belfort Works number 4463 / 1893
* E206 2-4-0T SACM, Belfort Works number 4464 / 1893
* E207 2-4-0T SACM, Belfort Works number 4465 / 1893
* E208 2-4-0T SACM, Belfort Works number 4466 / 1893
* E209 2-4-0T SACM, Belfort Works number 4467 / 1893
* E210 2-4-0T built in 1897 by Société Franco-Belge de Materiel de Chemins de Fer (Franco-Belge), Raismes, Works number 1068 / 1896
* E211 2-4-0T Franco-Belge, Raismes Works number 1069 / 1896
* E212 2-4-0T Franco-Belge, Raismes Works number 1070 / 1896
* E213 2-4-0T Franco-Belge, Raismes Works number 1071 / 1896
* E214 2-4-0T Franco-Belge, Raismes Works number 1072 / 1896
* E215 2-4-0T Franco-Belge, Raismes Works number 1073 / 1896
* E216 2-4-0T Franco-Belge, Raismes Works number 1074 / 1896
* E217 2-4-0T built in 1897 by ?Franco-Belge, Raismes.? ( not in factory catalogue )
* E301 0-6-2T built in 1892 by SACM, Belfort. ( not in factory catalogue ) Weight 21 tonnes, boiler pressure 11 Atmospheres.
* E302 0-6-2T built in 1892 by ?SACM, Belfort?. ( not in factory catalogue )
* E303 0-6-2T built in 1892 by ?SACM, Belfort?. ( not in factory catalogue )
* E321 4-6-0T built in 1902 by Franco-Belge, Raismes Works number 1443 / 1902 Weight 45 tonnes, boiler pressure 12 Atmospheres.
* E322 4-6-0T Franco-Belge, Raismes Works number 1444 / 1902
* E323 4-6-0T Franco-Belge, Raismes Works number 1445 / 1902
* E324 4-6-0T Franco-Belge, Raismes Works number 1446 / 1902
* E325 4-6-0T Franco-Belge, Raismes Works number 1447 / 1902
* E326 4-6-0T Fives-Lille Works number 3581 / 1910
* E327 4-6-0T Fives-Lille Works number 3582 / 1910 Preserved at Chemins de Fer de Provence.
* E328 4-6-0T Fives-Lille Works number 3583 / 1910
* E329 4-6-0T Fives-Lille Works number 3584 / 1910
* E330 4-6-0T Fives-Lille Works number 3585 / 1910
* E331 4-6-0T Fives-Lille Works number 3586 / 1910
* E332 "La Bretonne" 4-6-0T Fives-Lille, Works number 3587/1904. Weight 44.5 tonnes, boiler pressure 12 Atmospheres.cite web | url = http://www.blonay-chamby.ch/etat332/etat332carang.html| first = | last = | origyear = | origmonth = | publisher = CF Blonay-Chamby| work = | title = ETAT G 3/5 No E 332| accessdate = 2008-03-02] Sold to CF Blonay-Chamby, Switzerland in 1968, now preserved on the Chemin de Fer de la Baie de Somme (CFBS) and under restoration.cite web | url = http://www.chemin-fer-baie-somme.asso.fr/nouvelles/novembre%202003(bis).htm| first = | last = | origyear = | origmonth = | publisher = CFBS| work = | title = Elle est arrivée!!| accessdate = 2008-03-02fr]
* E401 0-4-4-0T Mallet, built in 1895 by SACM, Belfort Works number 4654. Weight 36 tonnes, boiler pressure 13 Atmospheres.
* E402 0-4-4-0T Mallet, SACM, Belfort Works number 4655 / 1895
* E403 0-4-4-0T Mallet, SACM, Belfort Works number 4656 / 1895
* E404 0-4-4-0T Mallet, SACM, Belfort Works number 4457 / 1895
* E405 0-4-4-0T Mallet, SACM, Belfort Works number 4458 / 1895
* E406 0-4-4-0T Mallet, SACM, Belfort Works number 4459 / 1895
* E407 0-4-4-0T Mallet, SACM, Belfort Works number 4460 / 1895
* E410 0-6-6-0T Mallet, built in 1913 by Piguet, Lyon. Works number 111 / 1913 Weight 54 tonnes, boiler pressure 12 Atmospheres.
* E411 0-6-6-0T Mallet, Piguet Works number 112 / 1913
* E412 0-6-6-0T Mallet, Piguet Works number 113 / 1913
* E413 0-6-6-0T Mallet, Piguet Works number 114 / 1913
* E414 0-6-6-0T Mallet, Piguet Works number 115 / 1913
* E415 0-6-6-0T Mallet, Piguet Works number 116 / 1913 Preserved at Carhaix. Appeal launched in 2008 to restore locomotive to working order.cite journal |year=2008 |title=Help save a Mallet |journal=Steam Railway |volume= |issue=Issue No. 353, August 22 2008 - September 18 2008 |pages= p87 ]
* E416 0-6-6-0T Mallet, Piguet Works number 117 / 1913
* E417 0-6-6-0T Mallet, Piguet Works number 118 / 1913 Preserved at Valence, carries number "E413".
* 2504 "St. Priest" 2-4-0T built by SACM, Belfort. Works number 4265 / 1891. Ex CF de Cher, acquired in 1944.
* 107 0-6-0T, built by Corpet-Louvet, Works number 951 / 1903, ex Chemin de Fer du Finistère Number 17.
* E41 0-6-6-0T Mallet, built in 1913 by Corpet-Louvet. Works number 1411 / 1913. Ex CF du Centre, Tramways de l'Ain, CF du Blanc-Argent and PO Corrèze. Weight 52 tonnes, boiler pressure 13 Atmospheres. ( four others of CF du Centre Nos 101, 102, 104, 105, were resold to Ivory Coast, French West Africa to work on C.F. Abidjan - Niger).

In 1951, a 2-8-4 ( number 284-03 ) built for Gelsa at the Schneider workshops in Creusot was tested on the RB, as was a 4-8-4 built by Batignolles-Châtillon, Nantes.

Metre gauge diesel locomotives

A British Thomson-Houston diesel locomotive was trialled on the RB, having previously been tested on the CF du Vivarais. Despite being given a more powerful engine, it was not a success.

Metre gauge railcars

NR series, built 1936. Capacity 42 passengers. Originally fitted with a convert|150|hp|kW CLM engine, later replaced by a convert|180|hp|kW Willème engine. To CFBS in 1940.
* M1 De Dion-Bouton NJ series with convert|85|hp|kW Unic engine. Capacity 32 passengers. Ex SE Valmondois-Marines.
* M2 De Dion-Bouton NJ series with convert|85|hp|kW Unic engine. Capacity 32 passengers. Ex SE Valmondois-Marines.
* M3 De Dion-Bouton NJ series with convert|85|hp|kW Unic engine. Capacity 32 passengers. Ex SE Valmondois-Marines.
* R3 Billard A-150-D series with engine removed, used as a trailer. Built 1937, capacity 34 passengers.
* R4 Billard A-150-D series with engine removed, used as a trailer. Built 1937, capacity 34 passengers.
* R5 Billard A-150-D series with engine removed, used as a trailer. Built 1947, capacity 34 passengers. Preserved by VF du Velay.
* R6 Billard A-150-D series with engine removed, used as a trailer. Built 1947, capacity 34 passengers. Preserved by CFBS.
* R7 Billard A-150-D series with engine removed, used as a trailer. Built 1947, capacity 34 passengers.
* R8 Billard A-150-D series with engine removed, used as a trailer. Built 1947, capacity 34 passengers.
* R9 Billard A-150-D series with engine removed, used as a trailer. Built 1947, capacity 34 passengers.
* X151 Billard A-150-D series. One of R3-R9 with engine replaced.
* X152 Billard A-150-D series. One of R3-R9 with engine replaced. Preserved by VF du Velay.
* X153 Billard A-150-D series. One of R3-R9 with engine replaced. Preserved by VF du Velay.
* X157 De Dion-Bouton OC1 series. Ex CdN. Capacity 50 passengers. Preserved at CFBS.
* X158 De Dion-Bouton OC1 series. Ex CdN. Capacity 50 passengers. To CFBS, then Chemins de fer de Corse, preserved by ACFCdN, Langueux.
* X201 De Dion-Bouton OC2 series with convert|180|hp|kW Willème engine. Delivered 1946. Capacity 59 passengers. Transferred to CF Blanc-Argent in 1967.
* X202 De Dion-Bouton OC2 series with convert|180|hp|kW Willème engine. Delivered 1946. Capacity 59 passengers. Transferred to CF Blanc-Argent in 1967. Preserved by the "Association des Chemins de Fer de Côtes du Nord" at Langueux.
* X203 De Dion-Bouton OC2 series with convert|180|hp|kW Willème engine. Delivered 1946. Capacity 59 passengers. Transferred to CF Blanc-Argent in 1967.
* X204 De Dion-Bouton OC2 series with convert|180|hp|kW Willème engine. Delivered 1946. Capacity 59 passengers. Transferred to CF Blanc-Argent in 1967.
* X205 De Dion-Bouton OC2 series with convert|180|hp|kW Willème engine. Delivered 1946. Capacity 59 passengers. Transferred to CF Blanc-Argent in 1967.Preserved by the "train touristique de Bas-Berry".
* X206 De Dion-Bouton OC2 series with convert|180|hp|kW Willème engine. Delivered 1946. Capacity 59 passengers. Transferred to CF Blanc-Argent in 1967. Preserved by the "train touristique de Bas-Berry".
* X231 Decauville LJK series with two convert|150|hp|kW Saurer engines. Capacity 52 passengers. Built 1940, intended for export to French Indo-China but not delivered owing to the war, to RB in 1951.
* X232 Decauville LJK series with two convert|150|hp|kW Saurer engines. Capacity 52 passengers. Built 1940, intended for export to French Indo-China but not delivered owing to the war, to RB in 1951. Preserved by "Musée des Tramways à Vapeur et des Chemins de Fer Secondaires France" (MTVS), Butry-sur-Oise.
* X233 Decauville LJK series with two convert|150|hp|kW Saurer engines. Capacity 52 passengers. Built 1940, intended for export to French Indo-China but not delivered owing to the war, to RB in 1951. In store at Tence for future use on Voies Ferrées du Velay.

In 1948, a Renault railcar with a convert|600|hp|kW engine that had been destined for French Indo-China was tested on the RB for six months before being exported to Cameroon. In 1951, two Floirat railcars were tested on the RB before being exported.

Metre gauge passenger stock

The RB had the following passenger stock:- in 1891, numbered ABCDf1-5. Capacity 5 first, 9 second and 22 third class passengers.
* Six composite carriages built by De Dietrich in 1892, numbered ABCDf6-11. Capacity 5 first, 9 second and 22 third class passengers.
* Four composite carriages built by De Dietrich in 1893, numbered ABCDf12-15. Capacity 5 first, 9 second and 22 third class passengers.
* Four composite carriages built by De Dietrich in 1895, numbered ABDf51-54. Capacity 7 first and 19 second class passengers.
* Four composite carriages built by Carel, Fouché et Compagnie, Le Mans in 1903, numbered ABDf55-60. Capacity 7 first and 19 second class passengers.
* Five composite carriages built by Carel, Fouché et Compagnie, Le Mans in 1909, numbered ABDf61-65. Capacity 7 first and 19 second class passengers.
* Four composite carriages built by De Dietrich in 1897, numbered ABf81-84. Capacity 15 first and 21 second class passengers.
* Two composite carriages built by De Dietrich in 1899, numbered ABf85-86. Capacity 15 first and 21 second class passengers.
* One composite carriage built by Carel, Fouché et Compagnie, Le Mans in 1903, numbered ABf87. Capacity 18 first and 24 second class passengers.
* Four composite carriages built by Carel, Fouché et Compagnie, Le Mans in 1909, numbered ABDfy88-91. Capacity 14 first and 21 second class passengers.
* Five third class carriages built by De Dietrich in 1891, numbered Cf101-105. Capacity 58 passengers. Cf101 preserved by MTVS.
* Six third class carriages built by De Dietrich in 1892, numbered Cf106-111. Capacity 58 passengers.
* Four third class carriages built by De Dietrich in 1895, numbered Cf112-115. Capacity 58 passengers.
* Four third class carriages built by De Dietrich in 1899, numbered Cf116-119. Capacity 58 passengers.
* Ten third class carriages built by Carel, Fouché et Compagnie, Le Mans in 1903, numbered Cf120-129. Capacity 58 passengers.
* Ten third class carriages built by Carel, Fouché et Compagnie, Le Mansin 1905, numbered Cf130-139. Capacity 58 passengers.
* One composite carriage built by De Dietrich in 1899, numbered ABfy1000.

;PreservationSome twenty vehicles survive, including twelve on the CF du Vivaris and four on the CF du Velay.

Metre gauge freight stock

* 35 "Fourgons" numbered Df201-235.
* 296 vans, numbered K301-596. K539 preserved by MTVS.cite web | url = http://www.lafrancevuedurail.fr/mtvs/amateurs.htm| publisher = La France vue du Rail| title = Musée des Tramways à Vapeur et des chemins de fer Secondaire français| accessdate = 2008-03-19fr] ]
* 147 vans, numbered Kf1451-1598. Three vans preserved by MTVS, numbered KF1374, Kf1457 and Kf1467.
* 168 open wagons, numbered UL501-668.
* 85 open wagons, numbered ULf1651-1736
* 51 bolster flats, numbered QMo951-952.
* 105 "Plats à bord rabattant", numbered HM701-805
* 42 "Plats à bord rabattant", numbered HMf1851-1893.
* 1 tank wagon, ex Df220, numbered SC10.
* 15 "Plats à bogies", numbered HMy2001-2016.

Vehicles with a "f" in their numbers were equipped with a vacuum brake. Non braked vehicles were through piped.

;PreservationSome twenty vehicles have been preserved, mostly vans. They can be found on the CF Blanc-Argent, CFBS, ACFCdN and MTVS.

Metre gauge departmental stock

* 1 rail mounted crane, numbered S3001.
* 1 crane runner, ex HM713, numbered S3002.
* 1 crew carriage, ex ABDf8, numbered S3003.
* 1 tool van, ex Kf 1460, numbered S3004.
* 1 flat wagon, ex HMf1856, numbered S3005.
* 1 workshop van, ex K464, numbered S3006.
* 1 van for calibrating scales, ex Kf1588, numbered S3007.
* 2 weedkiller tanks, ex QMo949, numbered S3008 and ex ABCDf13, numbered S3012.
* 1 tank agon, ex K530, numbered S3009.
* 1 Dormitory carriage, ex ABf86, numbered S3011.
* 2 bogie flats, numbered HMfy2021-2022.
* 2 carriages leased out, ex ABf87, numbered S3013 and ex Cf115, numbered S3014.
* 16 inspection cars built by Billard, numbered 1-16. No. 1 was converted to standard gauge and renumbered 101.
* 1 inspection car ex Réseau d'Anjou. Acquired in 1947 and converted to standard gauge, numbered 102.
* 2 inspection cars, ex Réseau d'Anjou and CF Valmondois-Marines. Numbered 17-18.

;PreservationSix of the inspection cars have been preserved, including No.3 on the CF Blonay-Camay and No. 6 on the CF Touristique d'Ardèche.

tandard gauge steam locomotives

The first RB standard gauge locomotive was an 0-6-0 built in the 1860s for the CF de l'Ouest. Several were in use until the end of the Second World War. There were also five 0-10-0T locomotives ex Saxony Railways class XI, built by Hartman between 1913 and 1918. In 1939, some 2-6-2T locomotives were acquired. They were in service until 1953. After the war, some 2-8-0 locomotives by Baldwin and Alco were acquired. In 1956, some 4-6-0 locomotive are acquired from the CF PO, and in 1958, some 2-8-2 locomotives by Fives-Lille are leased. These are used until the end of steam in 1971.

tandard gauge railcars

* Two Renault TE series railcars acquired in 1954.
* Two Renault AEK series railcars acquired in 1959.
* XAB4051 Renault VH series railcar built in 1960, acquired in 1967.
* Two Renault U150 series railcars acquired in 1970.
* Two Renault U300 series railcars acquired in 1972.
* X233 Decauville U600 series railcar acquired in 1982.
* One ANF 2100 series railcar acquired in 1987.
* X97151 Soulé A2E railcar built 1990, with convert|280|hp|kW engines, seating 50 passengers.
* X97152 Soulé A2E railcar built 1990, with convert|280|hp|kW engines, seating 50 passengers.
* X97153 Soulé A2E railcar built 1990, with convert|280|hp|kW engines, seating 50 passengers.

tandard gauge diesel locomotives

* "BB4817"
* Moyse diesel locomotive.

tandard gauge departmental stock

* 101 Billard inspection car.
* 102 Billard inspection car.

External links

* [http://rail86.free.fr/TT/rb/rb.htm Photos] of current RB rolling stock
* [http://www.rail-bretagne.com/acceuil.html Rail Bretagne] A site for all railways in Brittany, forums have photos of old postcards of the line. fr


This article has been compiled with information translated from the French article on the RB.


*cite book | first = Gordon| last = Gravett| authorlink = | coauthors = | year = 2005| month = | title = Réseau Breton| chapter = | editor = | others = | edition = 2nd edition| pages = | publisher = Oakwood Press| location = Monmouth| id = ISBN 0 85361 536 5| url =
*cite book | first = Reun| last = an Hir| authorlink = | coauthors = | year = 1990| month = | title = By Road, Rails and Waves-Brittany's Transport system through the Centuries| chapter = | editor = | others = | edition = | pages = | publisher = Mouladurioù Hor Yezh| location = Lesneven,| id = ISBN | url =
*cite book | first = | last = | authorlink = | coauthors = Bernard Rozé, Pierre Laederich, André Jacquot| year = 1990| month = | title = Le Réseau Breton| chapter = | editor = | others = | edition = | pages = | publisher = l'Ormet| location = Valignat| id = ISBN 2-906575-05-4 | url = fr
*cite book | first = Henri | last = Domengie| authorlink = | coauthors = | year = 1990| month = | title = Les petits trains de jadis-Ouest de la France| chapter = | editor = | others = | edition = | pages = | publisher = Cabri| location = Breil-sur-Roya| id = ISBN 2903310874 | url = fr
*cite book | first = Marc | last = Dahlström| authorlink = | coauthors = | year = 1989| month = | title = La France à voie étroite| chapter = | editor = | others = | edition = | pages = | publisher = Self published| location = | id = ISBN 2-9502499-2-2| url = fr
*cite book | first = Madeleine | last = de Sinety| authorlink = | coauthors = | year = 1997| month = | title = Guingamp-Paimpol, Deux Minutes d'arrêt| chapter = | editor = | others = | edition = | pages = | publisher = Rue des Scribes | location = | id = ISBN 2-906064-45-9| url = fr
*cite book | first = Jean-Charles| last = Huitorel| authorlink = | coauthors = | year = | month = | title = Cheminots, Gestes & Paroles| chapter = | editor = | others = | edition = | pages = | publisher = Le Télégramme| location = | id = ISBN 284833035X| url = fr
*cite book | first = Alain| last = de Dieuleveult| authorlink = | coauthors = | year = 1998| month = | title = Finistère en Petits Trains| chapter = | editor = | others = | edition = | pages = | publisher = Cénomane| location = | id = ISBN 2-905596-60-0| url = fr

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