Richard H. Schwartz

Richard H. Schwartz

Richard H. Schwartz, Ph.D, (April 10, 1934— ) is Professor Emeritus, Mathematics, College of Staten Island; President of the [ Jewish Vegetarians of North America] (JVNA); and co-founder and coordinator of the [ Society of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians] (SERV). He is best known as a vegetarian activist and advocate for animal welfare in the United States and Israel. His writings inspired the 2007 documentary film, "A Sacred Duty: Applying Jewish Values to Heal the World", directed by Lionel Friedberg.

Schwartz was born in Arverne, New York. As a youth, he was not a vegetarian. He describes his upbringing as being a "meat and potatoes person" whose favorite dish was pot roast. In 1975 he began teaching a course called "Mathematics and the Environment" at the College of Staten Island. The course used basic mathematical concepts and problems to explore current critical issues, such as pollution, resource scarcities, hunger, energy, and the arms race. He writes::While reviewing material related to world hunger, I became aware of the tremendous waste of grain associated with the production of beef... In spite of my own eating habits, I often led class discussions on the possibility of reducing meat consumption as a way of helping hungry people. After several semesters of this, I took my own advice and gave up eating red meat, while continuing to eat chicken and fish... I then began to read about the many health benefits of vegetarianism and about the horrible conditions for animals raised on factory farms. I was increasingly attracted to vegetarianism, and on January 1 1978, I decided to join the International Jewish Vegetarian Society... I decided to become a full practicing vegetarian, and since then have avoided eating any meat, fowl, or fish. []

As an Orthodox Jew, Schwartz began to explore what Judaism had to say about diet, ecology, and the proper treatment of animals. The result was his best-known book, "Judaism and Vegetarianism," the first work published in English on this topic. It explores vegetarianism from the standpoint of biblical, Talmudic, and rabbinical references, and concludes that vegetarianism is the highest form of kosher and the best diet for Jews in the modern world. The second edition, revised and much expanded, was a B'nai Brith Book Club Selection that same year.

Since then, Schwartz has been active in a variety of vegetarian and animal welfare organizations. His unique contribution has been to increase public awareness about Jewish teachings concerning vegetarianism and the ethical treatment of animals. On July 3, 2005, Schwartz was inducted into the Vegetarian Hall of Fame by the [ North American Vegetarian Society] (NAVS). The ceremony was held at the 31st Annual NAVS Summerfest on the University of Pittsburgh campus. Dr. Schwartz also spoke at the Summerfest on "Judaism and Vegetarianism" and "Ten Approaches to Obtain a Vegetarian-Consciousness by 2010."

Schwartz also reaches out to vegetarians from other religions, and his writings helped inspire the formation of the Christian Vegetarian Association, and their original campaign and literature, namely "What Would Jesus Eat...Today?" This campaign has more recently evolved into the broader "Honoring God's Creation" campaign and has strongly influenced the Christian vegetarian movement.

Personal life

Schwartz married Loretta Susskind in 1960. He is a Modern Orthodox Jew and belongs to the Young Israel Congregation of Staten Island, New York.


*"Judaism and Vegetarianism," 3rd edition by Lantern Books, New York, New York, 2001.
*"Judaism and Global Survival," first published in 1984, 2nd edition by Lantern Books, New York, New York, 2002.
*"Mathematics and Global Survival: Scarcity, hunger, population growth, pollution, waste," 3rd edition by Ginn Press, 1993.

Dr. Schwartz also has over 100 articles online at [ JVNA's website] . He frequently speaks and contributes articles to print periodicals on environmental, health, and other current issues. He is currently co-authoring a book on Judaism and the environment with Rabbi Yonassan Gershom.

ee also

*Jews for Animal Rights

External links

* [ An Introductory Interview] with Dr. Schwartz, discussing his biography as it relates to Orthodox Judaism, his shift to vegetarianism, his deep concern with social justice, etc.
* [ Why I am a Vegetarian] By Dr. Richard H. Schwartz. Biographical essay about how he evolved from a "meat and potatoes person" to a vegetarian.
* [ The Schwartz Collection] , a direct link to a complete index of all Richard H. Schwartz's articles and interviews online.
* [ "A Sacred Duty: Applying Jewish Values to Heal the World"] , homepage for the film. You can also [ view the entire film] on YouTube. Includes interview footage with Dr. Schwartz.

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