- Gilbert-Varshamov bound
The Gilbert-Varshamov bound is a bound on the parameters of a (not necessarily linear)
code . It is occasionally known as the "Gilbert-Shannon-Varshamov bound" (or the "GSV bound"), but the "Gilbert-Varshamov bound" is by far the most popular name.tatement of the bound
denote the maximum possible size of a q-ary code C with length n and minimum Hamming weight d (a q-ary code is a code over the field mathbb{F}_q of q elements).
:A_q(n,d) geq frac{q^n}{sum_{j=0}^{d-1} inom{n}{j}(q-1)^j}
For the q a prime power, one can improve the bound to A_q(n,d)ge q^k where k is the greatest integer for which A_q(n,d) geq frac{q^n}{sum_{j=0}^{d-2} inom{n-1}{j}(q-1)^j}
Let C be a code of length n and minimum Hamming distance d having maximal size:
Then for all xinmathbb{F}_q^n there exists at least one codeword c_x in C such that the Hamming distance d(x,c_x) between x and c_x satisfies
:d(x,c_x)leq d-1
since otherwise we could add x to the code whilst maintaining the code's minimum Hamming distance d - a contradiction on the maximality of C|.
Hence the whole of mathbb{F}_q^n is contained in the union of all balls of radius d-1 having their centre at some c in C :
:mathbb{F}_q^n =cup_{c in C} B(c,d-1) .
Now each ball has size
:egin{matrix}sum_{j=0}^{d-1} inom{n}{j}(q-1)^j \end{matrix}
since we may allow (or choose) up to d-1 of the n components of a codeword to deviate (from the value of the corresponding component of the ball's centre) to one of q-1) possible other values (recall: the code is q-ary: it takes values in mathbb{F}_q^n). Hence we deduce
mathbb{F}_q^n| & =& |cup_{c in C} B(c,d-1)| \\& leq& cup_{c in C} |B(c,d-1)| \\& = & |C|sum_{j=0}^{d-1} inom{n}{j}(q-1)^j \\end{matrix}That is:
:egin{matrix}A_q(n,d) & geq & frac{q^n}{sum_{j=0}^{d-1} inom{n}{j}(q-1)^j} \end{matrix}
(using the fact: mathbb{F}_q^n|=q^n).
ee also
Singleton bound
*Hamming bound
*Johnson bound
*Plotkin bound
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.