- George Oros
name = George Oros
imagesize = 333px
caption = L-R: State AssemblymenMike Spano , Greg Ball, County Legislators George Oros and Sue Swanson at a press conference onApril 4 ,2007 discussing how the Westchester Sex Offender Watch Task Force will be helping local communities to develop and implement laws to protect against sex offenders.
birth_date = 1954
birth_place = Trenton,New Jersey
residence = Cortlandt Manor,New York
death_date =
death_place =
office = Westchester County Legislator
1st District
salary =
term_start = 1995
term_end = Incumbent
predecessor =
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constituency =
office2 =
salary2 =
term_start2 =
term_end2 =
predecessor2 =
successor2 =
constituency2 =
office3 =
salary3 =
term_start3 =
term_end3 =
predecessor3 =
successor3 =
constituency3 =
party = Republican
religion =
occupation = Lawyer
majority =
spouse = Marianne Baggini
children = 2
website =
footnotes =George Oros (born 1954) is an American
lawyer and Republicanpolitician from Cortlandt Manor,New York . He is the current Minority Leader of theWestchester County Board of Legislators and represents the 1st district which includes the city of Peekskill, the village of Buchanan, and portions of Cortlandt Manor, and Yorktown.Political career and background
Oros was born in
Trenton, New Jersey and moved to Westchester and to attend college. Oros earned both aB.B.A. andJ.D. fromPace University . Along with practicing law as Assistant Town Attorney of Cortlandt Manor, Oros served for eight years, as the Assistant to the Director of Pace’s Michaelian Institute of Suburban Governance. He is currently a partner in the firm of Brotman, Oros & Brusca, inWhite Plains, New York .Oros began his career in politics on Cortlandt's Zoning Board of appeals before being elected to the Town Board. In 1995, he ran for an open seat on the County Board of Legislators and he quickly ascended to the board's top position as its Chairman after only 9 months in office. [Greene, Donna. " [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9407E6D71039F937A25752C0A960958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=1 New Board Chairman Faces a Juggling Act] ". "
New York Times ".January 14 ,1996 .] When the Republicans lost their majority in 1999, Oros became the board minority leader. He sits on the Board of Directors of the Hudson Valley Hospital Center, and also served on the Hudson Valley Gateway Chamber of Commerce’s Executive Board.In February 2008, he announced that he was a candidate for Congress against incumbent freshman Democrat John Hall in the traditionally Republican-leaning 19th congressional district.
Cite news
publisher=The Journal News
title=Kaplowitz set to move up – perhaps to Albany?
date= November 27, 2007] He entered a race that saw several candidates jump in and drop out including Iraq Veteran
Kieran Lalor , MTA Vice-ChairmanAndrew Saul , and ex-CongressmanJoseph DioGuardi . [" [http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080212/NEWS01/80212048 Oros announces run for Congress] ". "Poughkeepsie Journal ".February 12 ,2008 .] OnMay 22 ,2008 , Republican delegates from each of the five counties represented in the 19th district met inMahopac, New York to endorse a candidate, and chose Lalor, with 347 votes going to the Iraq veteran, 311 going to Oros, and 102 going to DioGuardi." [http://www.midhudsonnews.com/News/May08/23/Lalor-endr-23May08.html It’s Lalor against Hall in the 19th Congressional District] ". " [http://midhudsonnews.com Mid-Hudson News] ".May 23 ,2008 .] Oros immediately vowed to stay in the race and mount a primary challenge to Lalor. [Blain, Glenn. " [http://polhudson.lohudblogs.com/2008/05/23/lalor-gets-convention-vote-but-primary-looms/ Lalor gets convention vote but primary looms] ". "The Journal News ".May 23 ,2008 .] But Oros subsequently suspended his campaign. [http://www.midhudsonnews.com/News/June08/03/Oros-out-03Jun08.html]Oros had touted his history of winning in a traditionally Democratic-leaning district. When asked about his chances for winning the nomination and the general election, Oros responded that "I think I have electability. I've been out there. I've been proven." [Blain, Glenn. " [http://www.lohud.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080212/NEWS05/802120347/1021 Westchester Legislator George Oros announces run for Congress] ". "
The Journal News ".February 12 ,2008 .] The 19th District includes parts of Orange, Rockland, Putnam, Dutchess and Westchester counties, and theNational Republican Congressional Committee has targeted Hall's seat as a key spot to recapture in November.James, Alexa. " [http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080213/NEWS/802130329/-1/NEWS Oros joins race to unseat Hall] ". "Times Herald-Record ".February 13 ,2008 .]Electoral history
Election box begin | title=Westchester County Legislator - District 1, 2007
Cite news
] Election box candidate with party link
url= http://www.westchestergov.com/pdfs/BOE_2007GeneralCanvassBook.pdf
publisher=Westchester County Board of Elections
title=2007 General Canvass Election Results
party = Republican Party (US)
candidate = George Oros (I)
votes = 5123
percentage = 51.5%
change = Republican holdElection box candidate with party link
party = Democratic Party (US)
candidate = Domenic Volpe Jr.
votes = 4828
percentage = 48.5%
change = Election box begin | title=Westchester County Legislator - District 1, 2005Cite news
] Election box candidate with party link
url= http://www.westchestergov.com/boe/images/2005%20Gen%20Canvass%20Bk.pdf
publisher=Westchester County Board of Elections
title=2005 General Canvass Election Results
party = Republican Party (US)
candidate = George Oros (I)
votes = 6225
percentage = 54.5%
change = Republican holdElection box candidate with party link
party = Democratic Party (US)
candidate = Domenic Volpe Jr.
votes = 5204
percentage = 45.5%
change =Election box begin | title=Westchester County Legislator - District 1, 2003
Cite news
] Election box candidate with party link
url= http://www.westchestergov.com/boe/images/2003%20Gen%20Canvass%20Bk.pdf
publisher=Westchester County Board of Elections
title=2003 General Canvass Election Results
party = Republican Party (US)
candidate = George Oros (I)
votes = 5529
percentage = 100.0%
change = Republican holdElection box begin | title=Westchester County Legislator - District 1, 2001
Cite news
] Election box candidate with party link
url= http://www.westchestergov.com/boe/images/2001%20Gen%20Canvass%20Bk.pdf
publisher=Westchester County Board of Elections
title=2001 General Canvass Election Results
party = Republican Party (US)
candidate = George Oros (I)
votes = 6397
percentage = 86.8%
change = Republican holdElection box candidate with party link
party = Green Party (US)
candidate = Marilyn Ellie
votes = 620
percentage = 8.4%
change = Election box candidate with party link
party = New York State Right to Life Party
candidate = James J. Hamilton
votes = 353
percentage = 4.8%
change =Election box begin | title=Westchester County Legislator - District 1, 1999
Cite news
] Election box candidate with party link
url= http://www.westchestergov.com/boe/images/1999%20Gen%20Canvass%20Bk.pdf
publisher=Westchester County Board of Elections
title=1999 General Canvass Election Results
party = Republican Party (US)
candidate = George Oros (I)
votes = 5536
percentage = 84.3%
change = Republican holdElection box candidate
party = Independent
candidate = Charles G. DiGiacomo
votes = 767
percentage = 11.7%
change = Election box candidate with party link
party = New York State Right to Life Party
candidate = James J. Hamilton
votes = 262
percentage = 4.0%
change =See also
Westchester County, NY Notes
External links
* [http://www.westchesterlegislators.com/Legislators/D1/Bio/index.htm George Oros Legislative Website]
* [http://www.orosforcongress.com George Oros for Congress Official Website]Persondata
NAME = Oros, George
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