Restoration style

Restoration style

Belton House, an example of Carolean architecture.] Restoration style, also known as Carolean style (from the Latin "Carolus" (Charles), refers to the decorative arts popular in England from the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 to the late 1680s after Charles II (reigned 16601685).

The return of the king and his court from exile on the Continent led to the replacement of the Puritan severity of the Cromwellian style with a taste for magnificence and opulence and to the introduction of Dutch and French artistic influences. These are evident in furniture in the use of floral marquetry, walnut instead of oak, twisted turned supports and legs, exotic veneers, cane seats and backs on chairs, sumptuous tapestry and velvet upholstery and ornate carved and gilded scrolling bases for cabinets.

Restoration silver is characterized by embossed motifs for tulips and naturalistic fruit and leaves. New types of furniture introduced in this period include cabinets on stands, chests of drawers, armchairs and wing chairs and day beds.

The growing power of British East India Company resulted in increased imports of exotic commodities from China and Japan, including tea, porcelain and lacquer, and chintzes from India. This led to a craze for chinoiserie, reflected on the development of imitation lacquer (Japanning), blue and white decoration on ceramics, flat-chased scenes of Chinese-style figures and landscapes on silver and new forms of silver as teapots, as well as colourful Indian-style crewelwork bed-hangings and curtains.

Other developments in the Restoration period were the emergence of the English glass industry, following the invention of lead glass by George Ravenscroft around 1676, and the manufacture of slipware by Thomas Toft.

After the accession of William III and Mary II in 1689, Restoration style was superseded by William and Mary style.

ee also

*English Restoration
*Restoration comedy

External links

* cite web |publisher= Victoria and Albert Museum
title= Restoration Style Guide
work=British Galleries
accessdate= 2007-07-16

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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