- AMBA specification
The Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture was introduced in
1996 and is widely used as the on-chip bus for ARM processors. The first AMBA buses were Advanced System Bus (ASB) and Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB). In its 2nd version, ARM introduced AHB that is a single clock-edge protocol. This protocol is today a de-facto standard for 32-bit embedded processors because it is well documented and can be used without royalties. In2003 , ARM introduced the 3rd generation of AMBA including AXI high-performance interconnect. Some manufacturers utilize AMBA buses for non-ARM designs. As an example Infineon uses an AMBA bus for the ADM5120 SoC based on theMIPS architecture .AMBA is designed for use in
System-on-a-chip (SoC) designs. The important aspect of a SoC is not only which components or blocks it houses, but also how they are interconnected. AMBA is a solution for the blocks to interface with each other.The [http://www.arm.com/products/solutions/AMBA_Spec.html AMBA 2.0 specification] and [http://www.arm.com/products/solutions/axi_spec.html AMBA 3 AXI specification] define four buses/interfaces:
*Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI)
*Advanced High-performance Bus (AHB)
*Advanced System Bus (ASB)
*Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB)The timing aspects and the
voltage levels on the bus are not dictated by the specifications.The objective of the AMBA specification is to
*be technology independent,
*enhance design reusability using IP cores,
*encourage modular system design to improve processor independence,
*minimalize silicon infrastructure.PrimeCell
The [http://www.arm.com/products/solutions/PrimeCellPeripherals.html PrimeCell Peripherals] are AMBA bus-compliant, synthesizable intellectual property (IP) cores developed by ARM for SoC integration. The PrimeCell Peripherals family includes UARTs (PL010, PL011),
SDRAM and FLASH memory controllers (PL172), DMA engines etc.Competitors
Opencores Wishbone bus - Free and open bus architecture (formerly from Silica)
* [http://www.sonicsinc.com/ Sonics] Silicon Backplane
*IBM CoreConnect bus technology, used in Power systems, but also in many other SoCs like systems with theXilinx MicroBlaze or similar cores
*Altera Avalon - proprietary bus system for AlterasNios II -SoC sSee also
Functional specification
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