- Jamie Kovac
birthdate=birth date and age|1977|9|25
occupation=Television actress Jamie Reed Kovac (born
September 25 ,1977 ) is an Americanactress ,body builder andcivil engineer . She is best known for playing 'Fury' on "American Gladiators". [ [http://www.ew.com/ew/gallery/0,,20165924_11,00.html Meet the New Gladiators]Entertainment Weekly accessed 02-16-2008] Born Jamie Reed, she holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering and a Masters in Engineering Management from Cornell's College of Engineering, and played varsitysoftball and competed inpole vault on the track and field team. [ [http://www.americangladiatorsblog.com/biographies/jamie-reed-biography Jamie (Reed) Kovac] bio on American Gladiators Official Blog; accessed 02-16-2008 ] She has also competed inNational Physique Committee Figure events, and in 2007 she placed 4th at the NPC National Figure Championships in New York and 3rd at the NPC USA Figure Championships in Las Vegas. Jamie is a member of Team FigureRX, a competitive figure team and media company based in Chicago. [ [http://www.figurerx.com/backstage_reed.php Jamie's Back Stage at FigureRX] accessed 05-02-2008] She is married to formerCornell Big Red hockey player Frank Kovac.References
External links
*imdb name|2875360|Jamie Kovac
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