- Zoran Alimpić
Infobox Mayor
name=Zoran Alimpić
Зоран Алимпић
order=ActingMayor of Belgrade
term_start=27 September ,2007
term_end= July 2008
predecessor=Nenad Bogdanović
successor=Branislav Belić
birth_date=October 20 ,1965
birth_place=Pančevo , Yugoslavia
spouse=Ljiljana Alimpić
alma_mater=University of Belgrade
religion=Serbian Orthodox
party=DSZoran Alimpić ( _sr. Зоран Алимпић) is the former Chairman of the Assembly of the
City of Belgrade . He was born inPančevo onOctober 20 ,1965 . He has lived in Belgrade since 1968, where he finished primary school, secondary architectural-engineering school, and Faculty of Forestry at theUniversity of Belgrade .After
Mayor of Belgrade Nenad Bogdanović passed away, Zoran Alimpić had served as the acting mayor.He was a councilor of the Municipal Assembly of
Čukarica in three terms, from 1992 to 2004 and has been a councilor of the City of Belgrade Assembly since 1996. He was the Chairman of the Municipal Assembly of Čukarica in two terms – from 1997 to November 2004. As of July 2004. He has been the Member of theNational Assembly of Serbia . He is currently a councilor of the Assembly of the City of Belgrade.He is currently the Deputy Chairman of the City Board of the Democratic Party.
External links
* [http://www.beograd.org.yu/cms/view.php?id=203275 Chairman of the Assembly]
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