- Cathedral of All Saints
The Cathedral of All Saints is a major historic
cathedral inAlbany, New York and theEpiscopal See of theEpiscopal Diocese of Albany and the EpiscopalBishop of Albany. It was the firstCathedral church in theEpiscopal Church in the United States of America built expressly as a such, rather than a localparish serving as the church of a bishop, and for that reason, is also called the Pioneer Cathedral. It is a historic building, in the Gothic style of architecture, dedicated in 1888, and still unfinished. It is on several registers of historic properties, and is in the Downtown Albany historic district.History
Past clergy
William Croswell Doane founded the Cathedral, and was its first chiefclergy man. There followed a number of notable bishops and deans of the Cathedral, including some who became national figures.Current clergy
William Love is the current Episcopal bishop of Albany, and has served at the Cathedral of All Saints as a Dean's Vicar in the 1980s, and since 2007, as its Bishop. [ [http://www.albanyepiscopaldiocese.org/news/episcopalian/061107.html "Albany Episcopalian" newsletter web site, Bishop Love's biography web page] . Accessed February 13, 2008.]
The current dean of the Cathedral is The Very Rev. Marshall Vang, who also serves with retired bishop The Right Rev.
David Standish Ball . [ [http://www.albanyepiscopaldiocese.org/churches/albany.html Albany Episcopal Disopcese official web page of chruches in Albany] . Accessed February 13, 2008.]Architecture
19th Century architectH. H. Richardson submitted aRomanesque Revival design for the Cathedral, [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=gBDXfLHsnc4C&pg=RA2-PA292&lpg=RA2-PA292&dq=%22cathedral+of+all+saints%22&source=web&ots=eeCx7DGIDp&sig=HGPrIQ5rlYWmN9XH6a5Guhcp3W0 reference in a book to HH Richardson's design bid] . Accessed February 13, 2008.] but he lost out to then-unknown Gibson'sGothic Revival plan.Fact|date=February 2008The construction for the Cathedral began in 1888, and it remains unfinished, although its slate roof was recently replaced. [ [http://www.jgwaarchitects.com/portfolio/religious-buildings/cathedral-of-all-saints/cathedral-of-all-saints.htm John G. Waite Associates web site] . Accessed February 13, 2008.]
The Cathedral is noted as a tourist destination for its Gothic architecture, and especially for its multi-colored
stained glass window s, stone carvings, and17th Century Belgian Choir stalls. [ [http://www.planetware.com/albany/cathedral-of-all-saints-us-ny-cas.htm Palentware web site page on Cathedral of All Saints] . Accessed February 13, 2008.] It is richly furnished. [ [http://www.rgeissler.com/customer_list.php R Geissler web site] . Accessed February 13, 2008.] "Frank Leslie's Weekly " issued a whole booklet on the Cathedral for tourists of the late 1800s. [Frank Leslie, "The New Albany Cathedral (Cathedral of All Saints-Albany New York)", Frank Leslie's Magazine (1888), found at [http://www.alibris.com/booksearch.detail?S=R&bid=8963212853&cm_mmc=shopcompare-_-base-_-nonisbn-_-na ALisbirs Book web site] . Accessed February 13, 2008.] In 2008, the "Ship of Fools" website gave its highest rating, a "10", for its architecture, preaching, and Anglo-Catholic worship. [ [http://www.shipoffools.com/mystery/2008/1553.html "Ship of Fools" website] . Accessed August 12, 2008.]Music
The Cathedral is famous for its music program, and is affiliated with the
American Guild of Organists and theRoyal School of Church Music in America. [ [http://www.rscmamerica.org/affiliated_choirs.php RSCM American affiliated choirs] . Accessed February 13, 2008.] As anAnglo-catholic orHigh Church house of worship, the music, choir, and "bells and smells" are an important part of the liturgy. In the late 19th century, Bishop Doane created a boy'schoir school (now defunct) and the Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys, and penned the words to the hymn, "Albany". [ [http://anglicanhistory.org/usa/wcdoane/ Anglican Hisotry site page on Bishop Doane] . Accessed February 13, 2008.]The Cathedral is also a concert venue for both secular and religious music. [ [http://www.marta5.com/performances.htm Marta's web site with sample venues] . Accessed February 13, 2008.] This is due in no small part to its architecture, and has been cited as one of the "Great Acoustic Spaces for
Choral Music (in the) U.S. andCanada ." [ [http://choralnet.org/resources/viewResource.phtml?id=1287&category=3 Choral Net web site] . Accessed February 13, 2008.]One of the practices revived in the Cathedral, from time to time, has been the election of a
boy bishop in conjunction with its Medieval Faire. [ [http://fullhomelydivinity.org/boybishopfullpageview.htm History of the Boy Bishop web page citing the Cathedral of All Saints] . Accessed February 13, 2008.] [ [http://www.stnicholascenter.org/Brix?pageID=575 St. Nicholas Center web site, Boy Bishop web page citing the Cathedral of All Saints] . Accessed February 13, 2008.]References
External links
* [http://www.cathedralofallsaints.org Cathedral of All Saints official web site]
* [http://www.jgwaarchitects.com/portfolio/religious-buildings/cathedral-of-all-saints/cathedral-of-all-saints.htm Photographs of the Cathedral from an architect's web site]
* [http://www.pbase.com/paraporcus/albany_architecture Photographs of the Cathedral and other Albany sites from an artist's web site]ee also
David Standish Ball
*Derby Cathedral - also called the "Cathedral of All Saints"
*William Croswell Doane
*Former All Saints Cathedral, Chicago
*Lark Street
*List of cathedrals in the United States
*William Love (bishop)
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