

Böszörmény, also Izmaleita "(Hysmaelita)" or Szerecsen "(Saracenus)", is the denomination for the Muslims who lived in the Kingdom of Hungary in the 10-13th centuries. Some of the "böszörmény"s probably joined the federation of the seven Magyar tribes during the 9th century, and later smaller groups of Muslims arrived to the Carphatian Basin. They were engaged in trading but some of them were employed as mercenaries by the kings of Hungary. Their rights were gradually restricted from the 11th century and they were persuaded to be baptized, following the establishment of the Christian Kingdom of Hungary. They disappeared (probably became Christian) by the end of the 13th century.

Their origins

Modern authors claim that several groups of Moslims arrived to the Carpathian Basin in the course of the 10th-12th centuries; therefore, the Moslims living in the Kingdom of Hungary were composed of different ethnic groups. Most of them must have arrived from Volga Bulgaria, but toponyms suggest that Muslim "(káliz)" people arrived also from Khwarezm; the latter (or part of them) may have formed one of the three tribes of the Kabars who joined the federation of the Magyar tribes in the 9th century.

The Arab historian and geographer, al-Mas'ūdī recorded in the 10th century that the heads of the tribal confederation had welcomed Muslim merchants and the merchants could even convert some of the Magyars into Islam.cite book | last = Kristó | first = Gyula | title = Nem magyar népek a középkori Magyarországon "(Non-Hungarian Peoples in the Medieval Hungary)" | publisher = Lucidus Kiadó | date = 2003 | location = Budapest | page = 42 | isbn = 963 9465 151] Al-Bakrī also mentioned that the Magyars ransomed the Muslims who had been captured in the neighboring countries.cite book | page = 42] In the 10th century, Ibrahim ibn Yaqub described the Muslim merchants who arrived to Prague from the territories of the Magyars and traded with slaves and tin.cite book | page = 42] The "Gesta Hungarorum" recorded that lots of Muslims arrived to the Carpathian Basin from Volga Bulgaria during the reign of Taksony, Grand Prince of the Magyars (c. 955 - before 972) and they settled down there.cite book | pages = 41-42]

The work of the Muslim traveler, Abu Hamid al-Garnati, who spent three years in the kingdom (1150-1153), proves that the Muslims living in the Kingdom of Hungary were composed of two groups: the Khwarezmians and the "Maghrebians" (who were probably Oghuz Turks).cite book | page = 47] He was entrusted by King Géza II of Hungary to recruit soldiers among the Maghrebians living east of the Carpathian Basin.cite book | page = 47] The Byzantine historian, John Kinnamos mentioned that "káliz" warriors were captured during the war between the kingdom and the Byzantine Empire in 1165 and the Emperor Manuel I Komnenos removed some of them to Byzantine territories.cite book | page = 45]

Muslim territories in the Kingdom of Hungary

The Muslims settled down in several groups in the Carpathian Basin. Their largest communities lived in the southern parts of the Kingdom of Hungary in Syrmia and in region where the Drava joines the Danube. Other significant groups of Muslims lived in and around Pest, in the Nyírség (around Hajdúböszörmény) and around Nyitra (today "Nitra" in Slovakia).cite book | pages = 51-53]

The Arab geographer, Yaqut al-Hamawi mentioned that Muslims from the Kingdom of Hungary were studying in Aleppo in the beginning of the 13th century. The students arrived to Aleppo from a frontier region of the kingdom where the Moslims lived in 30 settlements.cite book | page = 50]

The Muslims' life in the kingdom

Most of the Muslims in the Kingdom of Hungary were engaged in trading and they were rich enough to lease royal revenues in the 13th century. Other Muslims were employed in the kings' army and took part in the wars against the Byzantine Empire. Yaqut al-Hamawi's work proves that the Muslims population spoke the Hungarian language by the beginning of the 13th century.cite book | page = 50]

Royal decrees issued in the second half of the 11th century demonstrates that the kings of Hungary started to persuade the Muslims to convert into Christianity. King Ladislaus I of Hungary prescribed that converted Muslims who continued to follow their former costums were to be removed from their original settlements. King Coloman of Hungary ordened that each Muslim settlements had to build a church and he prohibited the marriage between Muslims. Probably in the next century, the kings also prohibited the building of walls around Muslim settlements.

By the period of King Géza II (1141-1162), the "káliz" people could practise their faith only in secrecy. The "Maghrebian" soldiers followed oppenly the Islam, but it was Abu Hamid al-Garnati who taught them several Islamic traditions. Upon his request, the king even permitted to the "Magrhrebians" to have concubines.cite book | page = 50]

Muslims in the 13th century

The Golden Bull of King Andrew II prohibited the employment of Muslims as minters and tax collectors.cite book | last = Benda | first = Kálmán (editor) | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = Magyarország történeti kronológiája "("The Historical Chronology of Hungary")"| publisher = Akadémiai Kiadó | date = 1981 | location = Budapest | page = 136| url = | doi = | id = | isbn = 963 05 2661 1] The king, however, continued to employ them in his administration. On 3 March 1231, Pope Gregory IX requested the prelates of the kingdom to protest against this practise and also authorized them to use ecclesiastical penalties for this reason.cite book | pages = 141] In the same year, King Andrew had to confirm the provisions of the Golden Bull but he still employed Muslims. Therefore, on 25 February 1232, Archbishop Robert of Esztergom placed the Kingdom of Hungary under an interdict and excommunicated some high dignitaries of the king.cite book | page = 142] Pope Gregory IX sent a legate to the kingdom who reached an agreement with King Andrew on 20 August 1233 in Bereg.cite book | page = 44]

Under the agreement, the Muslims and the Jews could not hold royal offices and they were obliged to wear distinctive cloths. However, the king did not fulfil all the provisions of the agreement and therefore he was excommunicated but he was absolved soon. On 10 December 1239, Pope Gregory IX even authorized King Béla IV of Hungary to lease his revenues to non-Christians.cite book | page = 146]

Nevertheless, following the Mongol invasion of the kingdom (1241-1242) references to the Muslims in the kingdom became scarce. In 1290, King Ladislaus IV of Hungary appointed a former Muslim, Mizse to the office of the Palatine.

The "böszörmény" denomination is preserved as a family name and in toponyms, such as Hajdúböszörmény‎. [ [http://epa.niif.hu/00000/00021/00036/mksz2003_1_05.htm "History of Hungary"] hu icon]

ee also

*Islam in Hungary



*Benda, Kálmán (editor): Magyarország történeti kronológiája "(The Historical Chronology of Hungary)"; Akadémiai Kiadó, 1981, Budapest; ISBN 963 05 2661 1.
*Kristó, Gyula: Nem magyar népek a középkori Magyarországon "(Non-Hungarian Peoples in the Medieval Hungary)"; Lucidus Kiadó, 2003, Budapest; ISBN 963 9465 151.
* Kristó, Gyula (editor): Korai Magyar Történeti Lexikon - 9-14. század "(Encyclopedia of the Early Hungarian History - 9-14th centuries)"; Akadémiai Kiadó, 1994, Budapest; ISBN 963 05 6722 9.

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