Retrospective 2

Retrospective 2

Infobox Album
Name = Retrospective 2
Type = Compilation
Artist = Sevendust

Released = December 11, 2007
Genre = Heavy metal, hard rock
Label = Asylum
Last album = "Alpha"
This album = "Retrospective 2"
Next album = ""

"Retrospective 2" is a compilation album by hard rock band Sevendust. It's a follow up to the Retrospect DVD released in 2001. Although this album covers "Next" and "Alpha", it does not contain any material from "Animosity" or "Seasons". It also comes with a DVD which has the makings of the albums, "Next" and "Alpha", as well as music videos and live performances.

Track listing

# "Losing You"
# "The Rim" (Previously on the Target/International versions of "Alpha")
# "Sleeper"
# "Hero" (Live)
# "Silence" (Live)
# "Deathstar" (Live)
# "Clueless" (Live)
# "Beg to Differ" (Live)
# "Alpha" (Live)


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