- Fund derivative
A fund derivative is a financial structured product related to a fund, normally using the underlying fund to determine the payoff. This may be a
mutual fund or ahedge fund . Purchasers might want exposure to a fund to get exposure to a star fund manager or management style as well as the asset class.Typical fund derivatives might be a
call option on a fund, aCPPI on a fund, or a leveraged note on a fund. More complicated structures might be a guarantee sold to a fund that ensures it cannot fall in value by more than a certain amount. Maturities might range from three to ten years. The big players in this field areBNP Paribas ,Societe Generale ,Barclays ,Deutsche Bank ,Citigroup ,Credit Suisse , etc.Fund derivatives have had explosive growth over the past 10 years but are still a major growth area. New structures are constantly being developed to suit market and client opportunities.
External link
* [http://www.kbcfp.com/ourproducts/fundderivatives.html KBC Financial Products: Fund derivatives]
* [http://www.barcap.com/sites/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=ab8c15cd3f4f8010VgnVCM1000002581c50aRCRD Fund-linked Derivatives]
* [http://www.altrus.com/ Nomura wins Silver Award for Best Hedge-Fund Linked Certificate]
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